Amjasa Board 2011

Amjasa appoints New Board of Directors

12th August2011

As is mandatory at the beginning of each new Council Administration, the municipal water company, AMJASA, held its first general meeting to approve the composition of the Board of Directors, which will now be in charge much more prominently than before.

The AMJASA president will be the mayor of Javea, José Chulvi and as according to the bylaws of the public company, the other representatives are:

-Socialist Party, the councillor for Water Paco Torres and José Luis Henarejos.

-PP: Councillor Teresa Ern and José Cholbi.

- Xàbia Democrática: José Javier Mata.

- Bloc: José Vicente Soler.

- CPJ: Salvador Ferrer

- Nueva Jávea: Simón Montilla.


Also, the board appointed two council members to audit of the minutes: Cesc Camprubi (PSPV) and Teresa Ern (PP). While the supplementary councillors are Óscar Antón (XD) and Eduardo Monfort (Bloc).

The schedule of board meetings will be fixed once these appointments are confirmed at the next plenary Council Meeting. However, as the mayor has suggested, next week there will be a first contact between board members in the AMJASA facilities in the Camí Cabanes.

At this meeting, the new Board of Directors will reveal the work pattern for the next four years in which the impact of this governing body will be much higher than before. As is the case with the Governing Board of the Town Hall, AMJASA's Board of Directors will make the major decisions.

As explained by the mayor, the intention is to change the workflow of the company in order to correspond to the level it deserves. Water can be a differentiating factor for Xàbia because it has a desalination plant which is an example in many areas. This situation must be taken advantage of: "acting without complexes and leading the topic of water at a regional level. "

From XAD: Amjasa renueva....

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