Amjasa - wipes campaign

Amjasa has signed this declaration regarding the disposal of wipes.
Nov 2016

  • The only things to go down the toilet should be urine, feces and toilet paper (3Ps English: Pee, Poo and (Toilet)- Paper).
  • Currently, all wipes and personal hygiene products should be clearly labeled "Do not dispose in the toilet "and they should be thrown in the garbage.
  • Wipes and products currently labeled as "Apt for toilet disposal" based on a recommendation by associations of manufacturers must be labeled "Do not dispose in the toilet" until a technical standard has been agreed with the water sector.
  • Manufacturers of wipes and personal hygiene products should provide consumers with clear and concise information about disposal methods .
  • Looking ahead, new innovations in materials may make it possible for some products to be labeled as "Apt for toilet disposal" once a technical standard that has been developed and agreed with the water sector. This standard should preferably be developed within the framework of the International Standardization Organization (ISO).
  • The key requirements for any future standard includes that the product is: rapidly fragmenting; does not float; contains no plastic or products similar in behavior and only be composed of materials that are easily degraded in a variety of natural environments.
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