Spain, Germany to boost financing for small firms
April 30th
Spain and Germany on Monday announced joint plans to boost private investment to small and medium-sized Spanish businesses to help drive economic recovery and create jobs in the recession-hit country. For full story see: Expatica
14% saving on Xàbia Folk Festival
April 30th
The 13th Xàbia Folk festival will have a budget of €24,000 as compared to €28,000 last year, a reduction of 14%. This has been achieved through holding the event in front of the church instead of the Plaza de la Constitución, saving on the cost of the marquee. This year the festival will be for three days instead of five (10th - 12th May) and held as a festival in its own right, i.e. apart from the Jesús Nazareno fiestas. From Las Provincias: Xàbia ahorra...... For programme and detailed report on this event see: Javeamigos
Conference on Co-working and networking
April 29th
Jávea Women Entrepreneurs (MEJ) has organized a conference for Saturday May 11 on the working world after the crisis. The idea is that in the future hierarchical organizations will be obsolete and instead people will work in networks. Understanding this trend will allow people to be better prepared. The seminar, organized by Guiomar Ramírez-Montesinos, with the collaboration of Javea Hemeroscopea will be held from 9:30 pm to 14pm at the Hemeroscopea training centre. Attendance at this event is free but reservation needed: tel 96 579 2396 or se.aepocsoremeh|ofni#se.aepocsoremeh|ofni From XAD: MEJ prepara...
Canary Islands join Andalusia in expropriation plan for empty homes
April 23rd
The regional government of the Canary Islands has announced that it will adopt similar measures to those taken by Andalusia to stem the tide of evictions sweeping the country. Canaries' housing laws would be altered as a matter of urgency in order to put the skids on 9,400 eviction orders currently in the pipeline in the archipelago. The regional government will expropriate empty properties in the hands of banks and companies for a period of three years. Catalonia this week also moved to impose a tax on banks and realtors in the region that fail to place empty properties on the market. Lenders own some 450,000 houses in the region, many resulting from repossession orders. There have been an estimated 86,000 evictions in Andalusia since 2007 and 4,100 families lost their home last year in the Canaries. Full story in El Pais in English: Canary Islands...
Xàbia initiates move to defend expats rights in the face of asset declaration law
April 27th
At Thursday's plenary session the town council adopted a motion put forward by Oscar Anton, (councillor for Xàbia's foreign residents), in defense of foreign residents (55% of the census ) facing the new law that requires them to inform the State of property and assets located abroad when they exceed €50,000. This document that will go to other municipalities which have a sizeable foreign population in order to develop a common front in defence of the rights of its residents. From XAD: Xàbia dará..... (Eds notes: legal opinions about Modelo 720 in Spanish on-line sources indicate that the law may be in breach, not only of EU law, but also the Spanish constitution) For English version of the text of the motion see: Xàbia Motion on Asset Declaration
Jávea to withold €576,000 of ECISA's construction guarantee for the Underground Car parks
April 26th
The Town Council has agreed to pay back only €82,000 of the construction guarantee deposited by ECISA for building the underground car parks, the Portal del Clot building and ring roads. A total of €576,000 has therefore being witheld being 250,000 for the Portal del Clot car park, which has "moisture and other defects", is completely empty and which will require a huge investment to make it useful and 326,000 with regard to the car park under the Plaza de la Constitución which has "leaks, bad finishes and other defects" which the town hall will have to rectify. ECISA had been asked to repair these defects, but has not done so. From Las Provincias: Xàbia se queda.... A later article in XAD said that the town hall had given ECISA one month to fix the faults - or else the money would be witheld. Xàbia dará un mes..
Town hall tests cleaning machines for the Arenal
April 23rd
According to Las Provincias, Xàbia Town Hall has tested a number of cleaning machines from different companies and have had positive results both for cleaning the new promenade at the Arenal, and the much discredited "Chinese granite" paving in the old town. The idea is to purchase one of these machines which would incur an outlay of between €50,000 and €60,000. The machine goes beyond simple cleaning and sweeps, scours, washes and dries, which resolves the porblems of residuial water when washing with water only. With it, they would be able to clean the Arenal promenade daily. From Las Provincias: Xàbia prueba....
Heritage under lock and key
April 24th
The Marina Alta wants to make culture a tourist attraction comparable to the sun and beach - but many of its heritage sites are kept under lock and key. There is an on-going debate about extending the visiting hours of Denia Castle (which closes at noon even in the summer) and this has highlighted the situation at other heritage sites in the region. Forna Castle is open on Sundays and Fiestas between 11 and 1.00pm and people who want to visit churches only get a look in during mass. Not even the churches of Jávea and Murla (both designated buildings of cultural interest) have fixed visiting hours. Nor are archaeological remains (such as the Roman remains at the Punta de l'Arenal ) exploited. From Diarioinformación
Valencia Business Association optimistic about new jobs
April 24th
The Valencian Business Association (AVE) is optimistic economic forecasts but upset about the current political situation. After conducting a survey of lobbyists, claiming to represent 39% of GDP in the Region, the expectations for the future are encouraging. 60% of AVE companies will increase their workforces. 48% expected increase employees by 1% and 10% while 12% expected to increase their workforce by more than 10%. These data are significantly better than those of 2012, when only 40% of AVE members intended to create jobs. Despite this, 20,000 people were hired in 2012 creating a work force of staff of 142,000 among all lobbyists. According to sources at the association, downsizing will particularly affect smaller businesses while large companies are more optimistic. From Las Provincias: Ave ya
Comunidad population down, and empty houses up
April 24th
Las provincias reports that the population of the Comunidad Valenciana has fallen for the first time in 17 years. Most of the leavers 23.809 were foreigners. The majority being people from Ecuador, Romania and Columbia, while the trend is being bucked by an increase in the number of Chinese immigrants. La Comunitat..... In another article, statistics show that there were 505,029 emply dwellings in the Comunidad on November 1st 2011, representing some 14.7% of the total number of empty houses in Spain La Comunitat cuenta...
Early retirees elegible for free health care in Spain
April 24th
This was one ot the clarifications made a a team from the UK NHS and Valencia Health authority on Tuesday evening at Xàbia's Casa de Cultura. The meeting was one of their series of 18 public talks in the Valencia Autonomous Community during the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) campaign. A well attended audience of Brits listened to a short presentation, then fielded their questions and concerns. As regards people who have retired here before pensionable age, they no longer need to subscribe to the €90 a month scheme set up by Valencia, but can apply for free health care through the (INSS) Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social. Other topics touched on were refunds for expensive medication, the status of people who spend six months here and six in UK, and use of the European Health card (EHIC). It was interesting to note that one third of the registered population of Javea is British at around 9000 people (you can probably double that for non-registered Brits); that the British Government pays Spain €4267 for each British pensioner registered here to cover their health care (2011-2012), amounting to a sum of over 200 million Euros. Anyone with questions about healthcare in Spain should visit - a website run by the UK Department of Health and Valencia Government with EU funding. An on-line questionnaire there should be able to address most questions. (Ed's report)
Campaign to collect food for the needy - Saturday 27th
April 23rd
The Cofradía de Jesús Nazareno and Red Cross will be collecting food donations for the neediest people in the municipality. Collections made outside the main supermarkets in Xàbia will be distributed by the Red Cross and Caritas. From XAD: Recogida....
Why is Spain Pushing Back on Shale?
April 23rd
Spain pushed back against European shale with a local vote in the northern region of Cantabria mounted a vote against the practice of hydraulic fracking amid mounting concerns about its environmental impact. Further, the vote was proposed the local branch of the center-right Partido Popular (PP). They did so with the full backing of the local government. The vote was unanimous.The vote marks the first time Spain has offered an organized resistance to shale efforts in Europe. For full story see: Forbes
First Fería de Coques draws the crowds
April 22nd
There was plenty of interest in the first ever "Feria de les Coques de Xàbia" which took place over the weekend of April 20th / 21st and, whilst offering some of the best local cuisine, allowed a rare chance to take a closer look at the restored Riurau d'Arnauda located amongst the pine trees of the Parque Montaner on the edge of the historic centre.Accompanying the eating and drinking was a full programme of entertainment, including traditional music and dancing, as well as complementary activities such as superb display of lace-making and a special competition for local wines. For full report see: Javeamigos
Javea singled out as a low cost tourist destination
April 22nd
A rather small sample of price comparisons in 20 tourist resorts reports that despite the fall in sterling, Mediterranean resort prices were falling. In comparing a basket of 10 items, Jávea came third cheapest behind the Algrave and Torremolinos. For story see: The Telegraph - Algarve and Spain have the lowest holiday prices. It was also reported in Las Provincias
Spanish press reports expat concerns about offshore asset declaration
April 22nd
An article in El País on April 19th looks at the concerns of expats about the new requirement to report offshore assets as well as the petition and the complaint filed with the European Commission. It also quotes lawyer Alejandro del Campo who said that the procedure is incompatible with European Law and violates the free movement of capital and people; that the decree was barbaric in posing exorbitant sanctions, especially if there are errors or omissions. The report also mentions Xàbia lawyer Gloria Diego, who remarks that the excessive information required has generated insecurity and Councillor Oscar Anton who notes that many people are coming off the Padrón in an attempt to dodge the rule. From El Pais. (Ed's notes: Coming off the padrón won't help! Ironically Calpe is currently trying to encourage people to sign up on their Padrón. PS If your advisor is asking for the "Tax Code" of a UK bank, its apparently the "FSA Registration number" - something which got lost in translation - Goodness knows what the Tax Code of a Dutch or Chinese bank is …)
Spain cracks down on home rentals to tourists
April 22nd
Thousands of homeowners in Spain will no longer be able to rent out their properties to tourists on a short term basis if Spain's Senate approves a new law that would make the practice illegal. Spain's Senate are set to vote in the coming week's on a law that would make it illegal for homeowners to rent out their properties to tourists on a short term basis. Authorities believe around 20,000 properties will be affected. The law is aimed at cracking down on the thousands of people who currently rent out their homes independently to holiday makers over the internet, a practice which hotel owners have long criticised for undermining the country's tourist trade. From Eye on Spain
Javea bucks the trend with the highest debt reduction of all municipalities during 2012.
April 22nd
Figures published on Thursday showed that the average debt owed by municipalities throughout Spain during 2012 has increased by 27.8%. In Jávea the debt was reduced by 11.3%. Through excellent financial management, and implementing tough cost-cutting measures, Jávea is achieving what other Spanish Towns can only aspire to in producing the highest debt reduction of any municipality in Spain. The Councillor for Finance in Jávea, Oscar Anton, has managed to turn an inherited debt of 43 million euros into a very stable situation. XD Councillor Anton said, “All parties in Jávea have been working together to put things straight, that has been very important”. “We can go on from here” continued Anton, “now we have established a sound financial base without having to reduce services by too much, we are in a strong position to move forward. The balance sheet still shows a debt but we have reduced outstanding debts by over 11 million euros since I took over the Finance department.” Anton concluded “the aim of the coalition is to have reduced the debt by half at the end of our four years and to have a sound economy in the town.” Most towns in Alicante province are struggling with debt and some owe service providers hundreds of thousands of euros. To put the achievement of Javea council in context, during the same period the debt of Altea increased by 298.2% and that of Denia by 37%. XD Ptress Release
New fears for Spain’s shoreline
April 19th
Three of the men responsible for the so-called Coast Law, legislation introduced in 1988 to protect Spain's beaches, say that the amendments the Popular Party government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is drawing up will open the door to building on the few kilometers of Spanish coastline that is still undeveloped. The authors of the current law, created during the Socialist Party administration of Felipe González, warn that an 80-meter strip - equivalent to the length of soccer pitch - will be left unprotected, allowing for the possibility of rezoning large tracts of land close to beaches and shoreline for residential use. For full story see: El Pais in English
Xàbia Works department reinforces windmill
April 19th
Three years ago the "Xàbia Viva" Association began to renovate one of the emblematic windmills on la Plana, a project which lasted five months. Now the town hall has decided to take further measures to reinforce the exterior wall and finish off the top of the dome, and further protect it from the rains. From Las Provincias: La Brigada...
Marijuana greenhouse discovered in Tosalet
April 19th
Two Dutchmen and a Russian were arrested after the Guardia Civil dismantled a marijuana greenhouse in the basement of a rented house in Tosalet, Xàbia. They had over 600 plants with a street value of some €30,000. They had modified the electricity supply, so that the high consumption of the greenhouse lights would not be detected. From Diarioinformación and print edition of Las Provincias
Jesús Nazareno festivities start on Friday 26th April
April 19th
With the arrival of the warmer weather, Jávea is beginning to prepare for the festivities dedicated to Jesús Nazareno, the official patron saint of the town who has long been considered the protector of the village and for whom the population devotes great devotion and fervour. For full story see: Javeamigos
Calle Niza drainage works awarded to Mayte
April 19th
Excavacuiones Mayte has won the contract to build storm drains in Calle Niza - from near the Costa Blanca Supermarket, seaward to the Avenue de Paris Roundabout, near the clothes section of the Chinese Bazaar. The tender price was €55400, but it was finally awarded for €39,800. Work will start within a couple of weeks and is expected to take 2 months From XAD: Xàbia adjucida...
Registration for Summer English Youth camp open
April 19th
Xàbia Town Hall Youth Department has opened registraion for summer English Youth Camp to be held between 15th - 24th July in Teulada. There will be 60 places for students aged 12-17 at 186 Euros each including full board and lodging and English teachers. Language training is for 5 hours a day and during free time students can enjoy the pool, fun outdoor activities, games and theme nights. From XAD: Monjove abre...
Petition to the EU about Spain's Asset Reporting requirement now on-line
April 13th
The petition to the European Parliament concerning the Asset Reporting requirement is now officially logged in Brussels under ref. 393/13. It is available on-line for signature. Here is the preamble: "A request for an urgent review of Spain's new requirement for the reporting of assets held outside Spain and the compatibilty of that requirement (as set out in Law 7/2012 and Decreto Real 1558/2012) with EU Treaties and Laws, particularly those relating to non-discrimination, privacy and free movement of persons and capital." To sign go to: For more details and background. Asset Reporting in Spain.] Ed's note: Recently I heard of two families (one German, and one Brit) who did not even know about this requirement. There must be many others.. Deadline April 30th
Bike and Ride in Valencia
April 13th
The railways of the Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) has developed a guide to "BIKE + METRO" Metrovalencia itineraries with two objectives: to promote the combined use of bicycle and public transport, and promote knowledge of cultural heritage and landscape. The Guide contains a total of 18 routes developed by a team of cycling experts following a detailed study of the landscape, history, traditions, monuments and socioeconomic characteristics of the different communities served by Metrovalencia lines.
See: BiciValencia
Ex-mayor Eduardo Monfort to resign as Councillor
April 13th
The previous Xàbia Mayor, Eduardo Monfort (Bloc-Centristes) who was defeated at the last municipal elections, and has since been serving as an opposition councillor willresign from the Town Council at the next plenary meeting. His place will be taken by Toni Torres (ex councillor for works). From Las Provincias...
Petition for Council support for MeteoXàbia
April 13th
Amateur Xàbia meterologist Toni Bolufer collects local weather data and runs a highly informative and popular website Meteoxabia. As such he has become something of an ambassador of the municipality and his supporters are requesting sponsorship for the acquisition and maintenance of hi tech weather equipment. To this end an On-Line petition has been organised which has thus far raised 1300 signatures. From [* Las Provincias...
Push to make the Marina Alta a Denomination of Origin (DO) for wines
April 13th
Several regional bodies including the Institute d'Estudis Comarcals, the Association of Friends of Teulada, defenders of the moscatel and Teulada winemaker Joan C. Martin are pushing for the creation of a DO for the Marina Alta. Since ex-Teulada Mayor, José Ciscar is now head of the regional Department of Agriculture, they hope their proposals will find favour. From Diarioinformación...
HelpDesk deals with 26,902 enquiries over the past year
April 13th
Xàbia's Citizens Advice Bureau (Oficina de Atención al Ciudadano) received a total of 26,902 enquiries last year, of which 16,038 took place after implementation of the automatic distribution of numbers and specialist tables. 3,972 were related to general records, 3789 to the Padrón, and 2535 related to refund for the Catastrazo.
Language breakdown, after the ticketing system was installed, was as follows: 11,906 asked in Castilian, 2080 English, 817 Valenciano, 524 German, 194 in Dutch and 168 in French. From XAD: La OAC....
According to estimates by the Department of Participation, the shift has been used 15,689 times and that means an average of 150 shifts for each day worked. It also amounts to 18 people attended each of the 8 tables that are personalized Office.
Table of Contents
School student reps asked to provide ideas on dealing with the dog poo problem
April 13th
Members of the children's Citizens participation forum (Consell de Xiquets) recently met with Mayor Chulvi to discuss issues they had been working on with other councillors. The Councillor of Services has also asked for their help to find a more effective formula to sensitize pet-owners to respect public spaces and collect their animal droppings. From XAD: Servicios busca...
Xàbia Women entrepreneurs on TV
April 12th
The TV channel "Calan 9" has been to Xàbia to interview members of the "Mujeres Emprendedoras de Jávea" (women entrepreneurs of Xàbia) to find out what the assocaition has been able to achieve. Among those interviewed are the web designer Fatima Cortell, director of Semanal Jávea, Amparo Botella; the director of the Hemeroscopea Training Centre, Ana Catalá; and Guiomar Ramírez Montesinos - Editor of Xàbia al Día and director of Centro Terapéutico Mezquida. The interviews are scheduled for transmission at 2.00pm on Monday April 15th From XAD - Canal 9 ...
Meeting for Brits on Health matters in Spain
April 14th
As part of the initiatives to support foreign residents in Jávea, the Oficina de Atención al Residente Extranjero (Help Desk) has organised a special meeting with representatives from the British Consulate who will make a presentation on health matters concerning British citizens living in Spain. The meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday 23rd April at 12.00 noon at the Casa de Cultura and as with the past meetings provided by this initiative, attendance is free. From Javeamigos. and Xàbia al Dia
"Cocas" Fair in Xàbia Ruirau
April 13th
Xàbia Idea, together with local commercial and cultural organisations have organised a traditional fair which will take place on 20 and 21 April in the riurau d'Arnauda, Xàbia. The focus of the fair is the cooking of Cocas, small pizzas cooked in an outside wood burning oven; the idea behind the celebration is to share this ancient tradition of families and groups of friends gathering together to prepare and cook these delicacies. This tradition captures the essence of “slow life”, spending time preparing and eating local food, and socialising in public spaces. A traditional bread oven has been specially built for the event which will take place among the stone arches of the riurau d'Arnauda, the traditonal place for drying grapes to make pasas (raisins), which has been restored in the centre of Xàbia, above the plaza de la Constitución Española.
During the two days many local restaurants will be selling tapas, cakes and local wines. Visitors will be able to watch exhibitions of traditional local skills – as well as demonstrations of Coca making, local lace making organisations will be showing off their expertise. There will be of music and activities for children and also a photographic exhibition. From press release.
Underground car parks continue to be monetary bottomless pits
April 9th
The 2012 figures for Xàbia's two underground car parks show a deficit of 138,657.88 Euros. Expenditure had been €303921 while income was €165263 - and these figures do not include loan re-payments for the €12million "rescue" package. Staff expenditure was 188,000 annually - paid on a monthly basis - and notable because the contract was not offered on a tender basis. Electricity bills amounted to €50,781, machinery maintenance €18,764 and cleaning €13,367. All kinds of ideas have been put forward to try to make money out of the mostly empty Portal del Clot car park, but none have so far been agreed and acted on. From Las Provincias: Los aparcamentos...
LIFE+ AgriClimateChange joins the “BIOMoscatell al Poble Nou de Benitatxell” initiative to assess energy consumption and carbon emissions in Moscatel vineyards
April 8th
The Town Hall of Benitatxell (Alicante) has launched a programme called “BIOMoscatell al Poble Nou de Benitatxell” to promote Moscatel, a grape variety much appreciated for eating, raisin production raisins and making wine. The aim of this campaign is to generate a product of excellence, to preserve one of the most characteristic landscapes in the Valencia Region and to involve young farmers in their cultivation. The strategy is focused on the conversion of the vineyards to organic farming and cooperation with different entities, such as the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia and Fundación Global Nature. Technicians from the Town Hall and Fundación Global Nature are assessing 4 Moscatel vineyards to better understand the benefits, in terms of energy and GHG reduction, which farmers could have through converting their crops to organic methods. From AgriclimateChange
400 professionals attend round table on offshore asset declaration
April 8th
Last Thursday the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors (AEDAF) held their national conference in Madrid. Among their considerations was the new law requiring tax payers to report their offshore assets. The President of the Association, Antonio Durán-Sindreu described the law as "disproportionate" and that it generated "huge legal uncertainty" Such was the interest in this regulation, 400 professionals attended a round table dedicated to this topic. From LibreMercado: Lo priorito es... The Spanish Property News Bulletin, Spanish Property insight highlights the negative effect this is having on the views of expatriates who were thinking of retiring or investing here. Basically, people are considering going elsewhere. "There has always been talk of Spain becoming the “California of Europe”, attracting millions of pensioners from Northern Europe to buy homes in Spain, and spend their savings here, creating wealth, jobs, and revenues for Government coffers. Already under threat from various scandals involving corruption and illegal building in popular places like Marbella, that model will be doomed if Spain becomes a fiscal danger zone for expats. It stands to reason this new law will discourage expats from retiring to Spain, or at least doing so legally and declaring their residency. Everyone knows the Spanish state is struggling to fund high deficits. How many expats will now move to Spain and put their life’s savings within the grasp of the Spanish tax authorities?"
Pescanova to call in receivers as board fails to approve 2012 results
April 8th
Debt-laden Spanish food processor Pescanova has decided to seek protection from its creditors and is preparing a suit against BDO, the company that has audited its books for the past 10 years…documentation estimates its debt at 2.7 billion euros, when as of the end of September of last year, it stated in its accounts that it stood at 1.522 billion. For full story see: El Pais in English
Amjasa launches economic aid plan to boost outdoor water meters.
April 8th
About 2000 water meters (around 7.5% of the total, are installed within peoples' premises, making it difficult for AMJASA to read meters and manage the water supply in case of leaks. AMJASA will therefor offer a grant of €120, the cost of installing a battery of meters for an entire building or urbanisation. They will also facilitate moving the meters in coordination with property associations - offering two proposals from which the associations can choose the most economical. Expenses incurred will subsequently be billed in chunks of 5% added to water bills over a maximum of 18 corresponding to 3 years. In the case of individuals, agreements will be made with the property owners. Where it's necessary to make a new connection to the water mains, AMJASA will bear the cost. From press release and XAD: Amjasa....
David Ferrer opens Arenal promenade named in his honour
April 8th
Despite the onset of stormy weather, the renovated Arenal promenade was officially inaugurated as the "Passeig Tenista David Ferrer" in the presence of the locally-born tennis player - currently number 4 in the world - who has become one of Jávea's favourite sons. The long-awaited renovation project, financed by the Plan Confianza de la Generalitat, has vastly improved the tourist centre of the town with a new promenade surface, improved lighting and landscaped areas for shade. And Alberto Fabra, president of the Generalitat Valenciana, made his first official visit to the town along with Isabel Bonig, the regional minister in charge of Infrastructure, to join with mayor José Chulvi and members of the town council at the opening ceremony. For full srory and pictures see: Javeamigos
Regional municipalities ask Madrid to re-think offshore asset declaration law
April 5th
This from Round Town News: " Beseiged expats fighting Spain’s draconian new asset declaration law have found allies in Costa Blanca town halls. Local politicians fear their expat residents will be driven away by the controversial legislation and new immigrants choose other countries for a new home in the sun – hitting the fragile economies along the coast. Enter a White Knight. Oscar Anton is Deputy Mayor of Javea and its councillor for Finance. Supported by other town halls he is calling on Madrid to rethink its new law" . For full story see Round Town News
Scrap metal thieves target hydrant covers
April 5th
Scrap metal theives have targeted covers bolted onto the tops of fire hydrants and have cleaned up all the hydrants along Xàbia's Via Augusta. Although the hydrants remain in full working order, the cover holders are beginning to look like waste bins, with bags cans and papers dumped in them. The Civil defence volunteers will now take an inventory of the missing covers and check the hydrants are working OK. From Diarioinformació
AMJASA to look into ways of cutting electricity bills
April 5th
Xàbia Town Hall has an annual electricity bill of just over one million Euros per year. They have tried to cut consumption by reducing the brightness of street lights, and turning off alternate ones, but now they are looking for more radical solutions. Having noted that private companies can offer discount deals on electricity provision and still make a profit, the municipal water company AMJASA has been charged to find out if it, too can enter this market. A sub-committee has been set up to look into this possibility, though some scepticism has been expressed by opposition members. From Las Provincias: Amjasa ...
Easter week judged a tourism success
April 5th
Businesses in Xàbia old town were boosted by the Artesan'a fair over Easter, and the business association expressed satisfaction with their trade over that period. Hotel, hostal and camping occupancy reached 82.7% thanks to last minute bookings with 95% occupancy in larger hotels near the beach. 2158 groups of people asked for information at tourism offices. Information on the degree of occupancy of second homes and flats will not be available until water consumption and rubbish collection data have been analysed, but on the whole, Easter was better than had been forecast. From Las Provincias: La ocupación....
Guided tour of Windmills, monastery and lighthouse in English
April 3rd
A new guided tour of the La Plana Windmills in English launches this Saturday April 6th. Participants need to book a place at a Tourist Office (965 794 356 or 965 790 736). Departure is at 9.00am from the Santuario de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles (Monastery on La Plana) . The tour includes the windmills, monastery and lighthouse and will take about 3 and a half hours. Price is €6 for adults and €3 for children. (From Press Release)
Xàbia Viva organises trip to Moixent Iberian ruins and wine tasting
April 3rd
Xàbia Viva has organised a special day out for Sunday 14th April which combines a visit to the ruins of the Iberian settlement at Moixent with a trip to a vineyard where there will be a chance to try a bit of wine-tasting. Non-members welcome. For full details see: Jávea Amigos...
"Friends of the Museum" (AMUX) organises trip to MARQ museum in Alicante
April 3rd
"Art & Death on the Montgó”, an exhibition of the important archaeological discoveries from the Cova del Barranc del Migdia – the cave high on the slopes of the Montgó above Xàbia - is on display in MARQ (the Archaeological Museum of Alicante) until the end of April. To enable members to learn about what is a very tangible part of Xàbia’s history, the AMUX has arranged a special guided tour by Jorge Soler, the Conservador of Pre-History at MARQ. The excursion is on Saturday 20 April. It includes transport from Jávea and specially priced entrance tickets. There will be time for people to visit the rest of the museum, or nearby sites such as the Castle of Santa Barbara, if they wish. Or even go shopping! The cost of the excursion will depend on the number of people wishing to go, but should about 15 euros each for non-members or 10.00 euros for AMUX members.. To reserve a place, send an email to moc.liamg|aibaxuma#moc.liamg|aibaxuma. For full details see: AMUX website
Tosalet Saladar Roundabout gets the go-ahead
April 3rd
The Tosalet Roundabout has finally got the go-ahead and funding of €250,000 from the Alicante Government (the tender process may well reduce this cost). Mayor Chulvi has been pushing for this development since his election (it was in his manifesto) and he has used his position as an Alicante MP to try to persuade the Public Works department to include the project for 2013 - not hesitating to garner support from various illustrious people who have holiday homes in Tosalet in the process. The roundabout will use part of Tosalet's garden as well as the area which lies between the Saladar supermarket and the hotel of the same name. It had to be shifted a little towards the supermarket to avoid problems with a land owner and the little caseta on the supermarket's land will have to be demolished. At the same time AMJASA will take the opportunity to renew some of its mains pipes. The roundabout construction at the Cami Cabanes junction has recently been accelerated. This is part of a commercial development near the Carrasco Restaurant. From Las Provincias: La Dipitación...
Tourists to be charged a token amount for brochures
April 3rd
Xàbia Town hall has agreed to charge a token amount for some of the more sophisticated tourism brochures, such as those for hiking trails and "GastroXabia" - the price will be between 50cents and €2 Euros, though the publications can be downloaded in PDF format for the municipal website. Maps and basic information would still be available free of charge. By this move, Xàbia lines up with outer municipalities which charge for brochires, such as Calpe. From Las Provincias: Turismo cobrora....
Restaurant "Corrals" in parking bays to be gone by May 1st
April 3rd.
There have been several stays of execution for the bye law banning the "corrals" of tables planted in parking bays outside bars and restaurants. However, this time it's the end of the line. So on April 30th all terraces in parking bays must disappear, and only 50% of the pavement outside a bar can be given over to tables. Also a 1.8 metre corridor must be left between the facade of a building and tables in pedestrian areas and plazas. From Las Provincias - "El Punto Final...."
Town Hall repeals outdated regulations
April 2nd
Until April 1st, Xàbia's Municipal regulations governing honours and distinctions, ceremonial and protocol were those passed in 1981. They stated that a crucifix must be hung in the plenary chamber, described the clothes councilmen should wear and that two "maceros" should be used in solemn acts. The 1981 rule also forbids activities involving fireworks, bonfires and forbidden dances without the mayor's express permission (which is ironic since the San Juan "Nit de Focs" is now an official Valencian tourist event). Evidently no-one has taken any notice of these outmoded regulations, at least in recent years, and at the last plenary session the rules were repealed and replaced with something more modern and democratic. e.g. in the case of honouring an individual, the nomination is open to a period of public information, during which residents and associations can submit "escritos de adhesión" (statements of support). Tennis player, David Ferrer , has already received the honour of being "favourite son" of Xàbia. (He will officially open the Arenal promenade whcih bears his name on Friday April 5th at 5.30pm.) From Diarioinformación. and Press release.
The Agrupacíon Fotogràfica launches exhibition on Xàbia traditional architecture
April 1st
The 'Agrupación Fotogràfica de Xàbia (AFX)' launched a new photographic exhibition about the traditional architecture of the town on Thursday 28th March at the 'Museu Soler Blasco de Xàbia'. This exhibition, which constitutes 32 black and white images of windmills, ruiraus, wells, etc. by AFX members, complements the Easter activities such as the 'Feria de Artesanía de Pascua' and will be open to the public on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 1pm and then 5pm to 8pm in one of the rooms of the municipal museum. It is recommended for those who appreciate both photography and the heritage of Jávea. From press release.