August 2011 News Headlines

AMJASA to be reorganised

August 31st
The new management board of AMJASA is to take steps to reorganise the 46 staff of the company, taking into account an audit carried out a few years ago. The board has set up three working committees: one to deal with modernisation and customer support; a second on improving infrastructure and energy savings, and the third on personnel management and economic resources. They hope to convert AMJASA into a complete water service, including sanitation and water re-use and re-cycling. The desalination plant is seen as a major asset, and they are prepared to talk with the Ministerio to offer the desalination plant as a water solution for the local Marina Alta region, while maintaining control of it, and thus make a profit on Jávea's initial investment. For more see: Amjasa meeting August 2011

Keep Xàbia's plots tidy


August 30th
The town hall continually receives complaints about the state of abandoned plots of land and has therefore decided to actively encourage land owners and developers to tidy up their unused plots as required by law. As a first step they have cleared several municipal areas to set an example: Two plots in Avenida Augusta, another next to the Arenal school and a fourth in Calle Mauritania. This is a prelude to residents and developers receiving notifications from the Town Hall urging them to comply with the law and clean up their land. Land owners also have a duty to fence, or otherwise enclose their plots to ensure safety and prevent them from becoming dumping grounds. From Press Release. For more see: Cleanup vacant plots

Debt mountains

August 30th
Xàbia's debt is €42 million, quite a lot for a town of only 33,000 inhabitants - but it's not a patch on that of Moia (near Barcelona), which owes €25 million and has a population of only 5,800. The town has an unused €6 million medical centre and a three storey underground car park. Indeed, the Federation for Municipalities and Provinces estimates that 40 per cent of Spain's local governments are in serious economic trouble. For full story in the Telegraph see: The hilltop Spanish town overshadowed by a debt mountain

Children benefit from two special needs tutors at summer school

August 30th
Last year an autistic girl called Sol was excluded from Summer school because there was no-one qualified to look after her. See June story. This year, things are different, and two special needs teachers, Noelia and Claudia were employed by the Town Hall's Social Services to enable Sol and four other children to share the classroom with their peers during summer school. This development was much appreciated by Sol's parents who have fought a long campaign on behalf of their daughter and set up an Association: "Sol y Nubes" to support special needs children. From XAD: La asociación...

Bad buoys denounced

August 25th
Jávea's "Civic Platform in Defense of the Land and Coast" has denounced the poor quality of the buoys both demarcating the Marine reserve of the Cabo de San Antonio (which are supposed to be anchored a special way to protect the sea-floor) and those that mark the swimming areas off the beaches. These tend to be dragged ashore in choppy weather. The buoys seem to be old and in disrepair. The Town Hall is aware of the problems and explains that the contract was awarded late, prioritising costs, and the new company responsible had not had time to acquire new materials. The company is cooperating and gradually replacing old buoys. From XAD: La plataforma en defensa.....

Forest Fire at Portitxol

August 27th
A small fire burned out 1500 square metres of pine forest in a green zone of Portitxol near the Mirador de la Falzia. The fire began at 4.00pm, was quenched within an hour and by 7.00pm it had been extinguished competely thanks to the prompt response of the volunteer firefighters of Balcon al Mar, local police, civil protection and regional fire service who helped out with a helicopter. No-one needed to be evacuated.from XAD: Un pequeño incendio.... and Las Provincias: Arden 1500 m...

Spanish doctors told to prescribe cheaper generic drugs

Zapatero government expects £2bn yearly saving in law change limiting use of costly branded medicines

August 23rd
In a move designed to save €2.4bn (£2.1bn) a year, Spain's socialist government has passed a law forcing doctors and pharmacies to prescribe generic drugs rather than the more expensive brand names sold by pharmaceutical companies. Spanish doctors will now have to complete prescriptions giving only the details of the active ingredients of the medicine that their patients must take, as well as the dose and format. For complete story see: The Guardian...

More Plana Windmills are falling down

Town Hall orders repairs to three more privately-owned windmills

August 29th
The recent report on the precarious state of Windmill No 10 on La Plana (see below) prompted Xábia Town Hall inspectors to take a look at the other privately owned windmills there. They found that Windmills numbers 1, 2 and 6 were also in danger of collapse and have ordered the owners to carry out urgent remedial works. Otherwise the Town will execute the works itself and bill the owners. Only two of the eleven mills (Nos 7 and 8) are municipally owned, both of which have been rehabilitated. This group of windmills is considered to be one of the most important in the Comunidad Valenciana. (Note: The owner of Windmill No 10 has undertaken to complete works to consolidate the walls as instructed). From Press Release: Windmills falling down

Bull running and the draw of the "Killer bull" called "Ratón"

August 24th
The Spanish and international press were full of stories about the bull called "Ratón" (Mouse - so named because he was very small when born) after he killed an inebriated young man at a bull running festival in Xàtiva last week. There was a move at regional Government level to class these events formally as dangerous sports (with all the attendant legal requirements). Here's a background piece from El Pais in English: The curious draw of the killer bull

Reserving a Parking Space in the Muncipal CarParks now Possible on the Town Hall Website.

August 24th.
The Ayuntamiento de Javea website ( has added a new option to their online catalogue of administrative procedures, permitting users to reserve parking spaces in either of the two Municipal Car Parks managed by the Services Department. In the procedures section (trámites) of the virtual office, users can download the pre-application form to reserve the spaces available, both in the Plaza de la Constitucon and the Portal del Clot. After downloading and filling out the forms, they must be stamped by your bank to domicile the monthly payments. On the website, next to the tramitación (administrative procedure) you can click on a link to see the different types of rates available. From Press release. For more details and a table of Parking fees see: Parking - on-line

Berth control - Coastal law in a tangle in Girona

Ministry softens Coast Law impact on Empuriabrava luxury marina

August 24th
"I want to leave Empuriabrava and Spain. I'm sure that in a few years they're going to take my house away from me," says Karin Aubin, 64. This German woman's life has been filled with anguish ever since the Environment Ministry fixed the new boundaries of the areas that fall under the public domain in the residential community of Empuriabrava, in Girona province. Empuriabrava is the world's largest residential marina, a 24-kilometer labyrinth of canals where residents have boats, not cars, parked outside their doors. Now, people like Aubin are afraid they might lose their homes and their berths following the implementation of the Coast Law, a piece of legislation that seeks to win back coastline ravaged by unbridled real estate development in past decades. For more see El Pais in English: Berth Control...

Juan Bautista Codina Bas and Ramona Fernández de Palencia, Recipients of the 9 d’Octubre Villa de Javea Awards

August 26th
Town Hall Council unanimously decided on the recipients of the 2011 "9 d'Octubre Villa de Javea" awards. In the Civic Values category, the award goes to Juan Bautista Codina Bas, writer, researcher, Doctor of Philosophy and Education and who has taught at all levels of education. The award recognizes Codina Bas' “work researching information on events related to Javea" He continues to work in the Alicante archives reviewing all references about the town, and has written several books e.g. “Desde Jávea” (From Jávea), “Hombres de Jávea” (Men from Jávea) “Jaime González Castellano, el médico que soñó Fontilles” (Jaime González Castellano, the Doctor who Dreamt of Fontilles). As for the 9 d'Octubre Solidarity Prize, the Town Hall has awarded it to Ramona Fernandez de Palencia, an altruistic woman "who has dedicated her life to her great family and to the underprivileged members of society." Known in the town as "Doña Ramona", she has been a "tireless fighter, promoting learning and values among the youth of Javea”, and has played a fundamental role in the opening of the Day Centre in Javea.

Updated land Registry expected to yield €1.8 million

August 25th
The Town Hall has hired a company to register all those constructions that have not been declared by their owners. After making an aerial mapping, this company will start to conduct inspections and update the land registry to include barbecues, swimming pools or building extensions that have not been declared. Consequently, from next year everyone will be required to pay up all due taxes, both for the current year as well as for the previous four years, as required by law. "With this update, we estimate that we will raise an additional 1.8 million euros from the IBI" said the Councillor, who has pledged to reserve this extra revenue to lower the IBI tax rate at the end of next year and help cushion the continuous rise that the taxpayer has been bearing since 2005. Frpm Press Release see: Land Registry and Catastrazo

IBI Payment period extended

August 25th
The period of voluntary payment for IBI begins on 25th August and would have lasted until November 7th. However, the
payment period has now been extended another month to December 7th. Taxpayers will also be able to make payments by instalments over a five-month period. If tax bills are paid by automatic bank transfer there will be a 2.5% discount. In this way the Town Hall will reward early payment.
From Press Release:IBI Payment period

Huertos del Montgó to remain as it is…for now

August 24th
The only undeveloped land on the Javea / Jesus Pobre road will remain as it is for now. The Town Hall plenary meeting will tomorrow reject the proposed urban development plan presented five years ago by the company Huertos del Montgó because it does not conform to current regulations.
For more see: Huertos del Montgó plan rejected. A plan for development on the Pla (Pla2) was also rejected while a new tender invitation to develop and execute by indirect management the Integrated Action Programme of the Media Luna 6 Sector, in Portitxol will be opened. (From Press Release)

The Public Attention Office is Open for Business

August 23rd
The municipal offices above the Portal del Clot car park (number 2 Avenida Amanecer) are now home to the Javea Town Hall Public Attention Office. after this reorganization, people will have seven multi-purpose service desks at their disposal, all within a single office, where they may initiate any administrative procedures with the exception of tax matters. The Economic Office at number 5 Calle Mayor will continue to carry out all tax related procedures. The Registry, Environment, Services, Water Utility, Census (padrón), Agriculture and Beaches departments will now be located in the Public Attention Office. A table has also been reserved for staff of the new Foreign Residents Office, who will be able to help foreigners who have language difficulties to communicate their needs to the service desks. From Press Release: Public Attention Office

Summer madness

August 23rd

Policeman run over by irate motorist

A motorist in a 4x4 which was parked on the pavement in Avda Amanacer, Jávea, was seen to argue heatedly with a police officer who was in the process of fining him. The police officer was standing in front of the vehicle asking for documentation, and according to witnesses the driver started his vehicle and drove at the policeman, carrying him on the bonnet of the car for some 20 metres. The police inspector was taken away by ambulance with a suspected broken foot, while the driver was carted off to the Guardia Civil barracks. From Levante: Detenido en Xàbia....

Arsonist suspected of starting bush fire near Lliber

The Guardia Civil is looking for a man on a motorcycle, or in a 4 wheel drive who was in the area of el Racó del Gorgos near Font d'Aixa some 20 minutes before a bush fire started. The fire eventually consumed around 53 hectares of pine forest and scrub. From Las Provincias: La guardia civil...

Lots of tourists this summer, but less spending in restaurants

August 22nd
The president of the Marina Alta Assocaition of hoteliers and tourism has reported occupancy rates of 95% over the first two weeks in August, reaching almost 100% during the long weekend. However, spending in restaurants was so so, since second home tourists tended to eat mostly at home. There had been a sharp rise in the number of French vistors to Denia, who comprised over 50% of foreign tourists, followed by Brits and Germans. From Las Provincias: La ocupación...

We're going to complete the Avenida Augusta

August 22nd
"It's not only possible, but we're going to do it," is the response of Town Planning Councillor, Pere Sapena, referring to the intention of the government team to finalise, once and for all, the urbanization of Avenida Augusta and its connection to Montañar and the Arenal. The plans include swapping or auctioning municipal land in exchange for plots which currently impede public throughfares, moving the urban allotments, using the Avenida Augusta as a relief for Montañar I traffic and parking and improving both areas for public enjoyment. They hope to get the works done before next summer. For details of this ambitious plan see: Finishing Avenida Augusta

Fast track procedure for opening new bars and restaurants

August 19th
The Town Hall has adopted a measure already introduced elsewhere in the region - i.e. The granting of a provisional license to open a new bar or restaurant no later than one month after application. Basic documentation about compliance with regulations will be required, and if this is all OK, the entrepreneur will, after signing a sworn statement, and paying a processing fee, be able to open their premises pending final certification. From Press Release For deatils see: Fast Track business Permits.

Free Archery Classes

August 19th
The Town Hall has organised free archery classes for adults and children every Tuesday and Thursday in September from 7.00pm until 8.30 in the Sports Centre in the Port. All necessary equipment for this sport will be provided and the classes given by Jesús Aragón. If there is sufficient interest in this Olympic sport, the Town Hall may include it in School activities. From Press Release See: Archery Classes //(Eds note: Years ago, I suggested Archery as the kind of sport which could be carried out at the Saladar. It seems to be very popular in the Balearics See: )

Sea swimming race in September

August 19th
The Town Hall is collaborating with the Jávea Club Nautico to hold the second edition of a 4.5km sea swimming race, which was first held in 2005. The race will be held (hopefully) on Sunday 11th September, starting at 8.30am at La Caleta, following a line of buoys to La Grava beach in the Port. Those interested in participating can sign up via the Conchip website. Fee is €10 for members of the swimming federation and €12 for non-members. The fee includes insurance,sustenance, a bathing cap from Gunitec and a souvenir T shirt. There is a shorter, 400m race in the Port for those with less stamina. From Press Release.See: Sea Swimming competition

Table of Contents

Town Hall launches a municipal sports school

August 19th
Registration has opened for municipal sports schools aimed at children 6 to 14 years old. This course offers the chance of doing skating, badminton, fútbol-crack (7 a side soccer?), rhythmic gymnastics, handball, soccer, multisport, chess, swimming, table tennis and motor skills. The Councillor for Sports, Juan Luis Cardona, has made progress with other projects still under development and plans to hold a triathlon next spring. (From press release)

Town Hall takes advantage of Freginal works to improve a municipal area

August 17th
The Town hall has taken advantage of the on-going works in the Frechinal barranco to provide services for municipal land between the Molí de la Safranera and Malta streets. The new project includes cobbled paving, creating pavements, installation of street lighting and trees, creation of a parking area and a bicycle lane. The project also involves fencing in the perimeters of all municipal sports facilities. The Town Hall has managed to reduce the cost of the project by 39% from the initial estimated cost of 469,995 euros by including it within the Frechinal plan. This means that the same company (the Joint Venture Company formed by the firms Asfaltos Guerola SA and Estructuras Gavir SL) will execute both projects at a total cost of 286,932 euros, plus VAT and other taxes. From Press Release.

Javea joint host of Spanish Sea Kayaking Championship

August 16th
On Sunday 21st August the Spanish Sea Kayaking Championship will start from the Grava Beach in Javea. This open sea competition for veterans is a very attractive event which is being organised by the Club Nautico of Denia in cooperation with the Town Hall of Javea. The rowers will start from Javea, but much of the race will take place in Denia. Juan Luis Cardona, the Javea Councillor for Sports explained that this is a very good opportunity to see the best athletes in the country in this category. The race is scheduled to begin between 1.00 and 3.00 pm, depending on the wind. From press release.

New Board of Directors takes control of AMJASA

August 12th
A new Board of Directors has been appointed for the municipal water supply company, AMJASA. This board, composed of representatives from all the political parties in the Council, will exert more clout than before, making all the major decisions about the pattern of work flow in the company over the course of the current Town Hall administration. For more see: Amjasa Board 2011

Tosalet residents press for Saladar Roundabout

August 11th
Each summer, traffic jams at the entrance to Tosalet highlight the need for a roundabout at the Saladar supermarket. Previous approaches to the town hall about this have nor been successful. The Tosalet residents have approached the new administraion with their request, offering to cede some garden land to make space for a roundabout, even a plastic one if need be, and to accompany Town Hall representatives to make representations to Alicante, since the Diputación de Alicante is the responsible authority. They have also discussed other Tosalet issues such as the need to regularise the situation in Tosalet Phase 3a, so that cédulas (habitation licenses) can ge granted, and to require owners of the old Tosalet Casino Club to tidy up its grounds and reduce fire risk. From XAD:Vecinos del Tosalet...

Proposals for Courses for the Over 30's

August 10th.
The Department of Culture of Javea is now collecting proposals for activities to help design their catalogue of courses and workshops aimed at people over 30 that The Town Hall will offer during the 2011-2012 academic year. The department is looking for professionals willing to teach the classes and subjects that may be of interest to citizens. If anyone would like to offer their services as a Course leader or Teacher, they should contact Culture Dept. Note the courses are not free, since the teachers are not unpaid volunteers. For more details see Over 30s courses 2011

Shoddy refurbishment puts protected Windmill in danger of collapse

August 9th
The windmills on La Plana are considered to be of great importance to the cultural heritage of the Comunidad Valencia and have been designated as "BICs" (Bienes de Relevencia Local = assets of local relevance ). The Cultural action group "Xàbia Viva" which has been voluntarily involved in renovating some of the publicy owned windmills was horrified to note that Windmill No 10 (which is privately owned) has had one of its walls reduced in thickness from 1 m down to a dangerously thin 40 cm. The Town Hall has quickly responded to this complaint and has inspected the works (being carried out under a license issued by the previous administration) and ordered the owners to rectify the fault immediately (the walls used to be 140cm thick), or the Town Hall will seal the mill on safety grounds, arrange that the works are carried out properly, and then bill the owner all the costs. From XAD: Xàbia Viva den... and Press Release.

Spain's economic woes force a change in traditional holiday habits

Debt crisis gripping Spain prompts August opening on the high street, interrupting usual summer exodus from city to beach

August 9th
In Spain's major cities, shops, bars, market stalls and newspaper kiosks that used to shut for August have stayed open. Cities continue to bustle with busy workers; traffic jams that traditionally disappeared in August continue to frustrate drivers. Seville's city government last week announced it would be "open and fully active" all month. The annual August exodus is said to be on the wane, like that other great Spanish cultural tradition, the siesta, which is disappearing as companies cut lunch breaks from two or three hours down to one. "With the economic crisis, small businesses these days cannot afford to shut up, we need to keep our clients. We are spreading holidays across the summer, which means we can stay open in August." Said one Barcelona deli owner. For full story see The Guardian : Spain's Economic woes.....

Classical music concerts in the Old Town

August 8th
The Xàbia Classical music festival starts on Wednesday in the square next to the Conservatory, organised by the Vivace Music Agency in collaboration with the Town Hall.
The event will feature international artists such as the Buscarest Quartet from the "Lubomir Pipkov School” in Sofia, who will perform pieces Wednesday 10th night by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Tchaikovsky and Johann Strauss with string arrangements. On Thursday 11th the quartet "Il Concerto Accademico" will perform with Margherita Marseglia as concertmaster, with a repertoire ranging from Baroque to contemporary music. On Saturday Gabriel Bianco will take the stage with his classical guitar, performing works by Telemann, Scarlatti, Bach, Barrios, Villa Lobos or Regondi. The last of the concerts will be on Sunday by the cellist Boris Andrianov, with works by Bach, Shchedrin and Sollima. All the concerts will be at 10.00 pm in the square next to the Conservatory. Tickets can be purchased at the Tourist Offices and at the box office the day of the concert. The price of the tickets for the concerts is 20 euros standard admission, 16 euros for seniors and 10 euros for the students of the Conservatory of Javea.

Xàbia Jazz entertains 6000

August 8th
The singer Deborah J. Carter had the audience on its feet in the last concert of XabiaJazz 2011, which closed with an estimated attendance of some 6,000 people over four nights. The American radiated voice and charm, winning over the audience with a spectacular performance as well as explanations in both Spanish and English for each of the songs. Many fans stood in line after the concert to have Carter autograph their copies of CDs. Councillor for culture, Empar Bolufer, assessed the festival positively. "Every night has been very good and there have been no slack days. The quality of the artists filled the venue every night and more tickets were sold than in previous years,” The Councillor added that there had been a good atmosphere in the Plaza de la Constitución and the special bar area throughout the festival. (From Press release)

Trade Fairs in the Port

9th August
The Port Shopkeeper's Association is to hold weekend trade fairs over the next couple of months (11 to 15 August and 16 to 18th September). The fairs, which will be held on and Avenida Jaime I will consist of several tents with a sample of Jávea shops and restaurants. There will also be an ice cream parlour, a mobile chiringuito (beach bar) and music. There will also be street entertainments. The project is supported by local businesses and a €5000 grant whioch has recently been granted to the Port Shopkeeper's association ( Asociación de Comerciantes de Aduanas) From Press Release.

Mayor foregoes his salary and grants for attending meetings

August 5th
Mayor José Chulvi has formally renounced his salary as mayor, and also the allowances he is entitled to for attending council and committee meetings. He will also not claim for attending Amjasa board meetings. Instead he will receive only the salary due him as member of parliament for Alicante. Chulvi made the assurance that his work in Alicante will be an additional part of his work for Xàbia, that he'll know all the issues first hand which will be of benefit to the town. The Town hall will save another €50,000 per year, making the total savings on government salaries to €200,000 per year. Chulvi plans to direct the money towards scholarships and support for talented students and athletes as well as projects that create jobs. He'll be contacting people involved in education, sport and business to determine the best way to invest this money. (For official Press Release see: Mayor Salary Press Release

"One Stop Shop" above Portal del Clot car Park

Town Planning and Public Works to be located together in the Technical Office

August 5th
The Town Hall has started to re-organise it departments, starting with rationalising the related departments of Town Planning and Public Works. These will be housed together on the Technical Office (Carrer d'Avall), and staff will be organised by sector: topography, architecture, engineering, including associated councillors. This will improve management of the two departments and ensure the pattern of work is not disrupted during the holidays. The current Services and Environment department will remain in the building above the Portal del Clot underground car park, (the car park down the hill from the Old town, which is topped by a magnolia tree), and will be joined by a "One Stop Shop" for Citizen's services. This will consist of seven desks, dealing with procedures such as registering on the Padrón, building permits, and representations related to drinking water. The office dedicated to enquiries by foreign residents (currently in the Casa de Tena) will also be transferred there. The reorganision will take about two weeks (from Press Release)

European Under 19's goalie feted by the town

August 5th
Jávea born Adrian Ortolá, who is goalkeeper for the Spain Under 19's football team has been feted by the Town Hall after his team won the European Under 19's tournament, beating the Czech Republic 3-2 after extra time in Romania on August 1st. For more about the match and the team (in English) see the UEFA website

Xàbia expects to collect €20 million in IBI this year

August 4th
This year's takings through IBI is expected to top €20.35 million, representing 53.55% of the Town's total income, and an increase over last year's €19.08 million. Part of this increase is due to higher IBI rates (which pending a judicial resolution, have for the past 5 years increased at a rate of about 10%). Some, however is due to 992 more houses paying IBI. Payment is between August 13th and November 5th. People who have not paid by the closing date will suffer severe penalities, though the Town Hall will arrange facilities to pay by instalments. The income from basura tax is 2.5 million, while State grants amount to 5 million. From Las Provincias: Xàbia estima....

Marketing Xàbia Jazz

August 4th
This year a special stand has been opened in the indoor municipal market offering music from various groups which have played at the festival over the last ten years, information about the concerts which begin on Thursday August 4th, as well as event merchandise such as T-shirts, fridge magnets, badges, stickers and bag hangers. In addition, the market is filled with jazz background music and decorations such as musical notes and a piano keyboard on the counter of the Festival information point. The office is manned by two volunteers, both experts in jazz, during the morning and the afternoon opening hours of the market. For more, and details of tickets and the festival programme see : Xàbia Jazz at the Indoor municipal market

Bus route now a one ticket circle line

August 3rd
The Town Hall has negotiated a simple measure to improve the town's bus service, i.e. the conversion of the route from a "there and back" to a circular route, so that passengers need only to buy one ticket to go round. This will especially benefit people who are travelling from the beach who want to connect with buses for Valencia and Alicante. Previously they had to buy two tickets, since the "bus terminus" was on the Ronda Norte. The new ticketing will start on August 1st (For more see: Improved Urban Transport System)

New Council building to remain unused for now

August 3rd
The new Portal del Clot council building which was part of the underground car park project, and which cost Xàbia tax payers €6 million will remain closed for now. The Town Council has other priorities, and the cost of providing services and furnishing this shell of a building would cost around €3 million…the entire budget for capital investment in 2011. Mayor Chulvi said they are studying ways of reducing the costs, and they could have a public tender to enable various companies to bid for the works. Any ideas about using the building for other purposes, such as offices or flats, would have to have the agreement of all parties. From Las Provincias: Xàbia aplaza...

Iron sculpture of Victory graces Barclays Bank Roundabout

August 2nd
Renowned sculptor Toni Mari has provided an iron statue of the Greek Goddess Niké (Victory) for the Barclays Bank roundabout. (From Press Release) . For more about Niké see: Wikipedia

Town Hall re-tenders IT contract

August 1st
The Javea Town Board has agreed to terminate the contract with the company that won the tender to implement a computer application to improve the tax administration and collection systems. The contract was made possible by a 130,000 euros grant from the second State Investment Fund (Plan E), but due to the breach of contract, the executive has expedited the procedure to declare the contract void and reopen the submission of tenders before these important funds are lost. Many companies are willing and able to get the job done before December 31, the date of the grant deadline. The new tool will streamline the tax collection system such as property tax (IBI) or capital gains (plusvalía), and will be compatible with e-government. (From Press Release Town Board Meeting August 1st 2011)

Town Hall to lease new police cars

August 1st
The Town Board has approved the leasing of two new police vehicles. The long-term lease includes full servicing, repairs and insurance. According to the Mayor, the advantage of the leasing system is that it will reduce costs without diminishing the resources needed by the local police. (From Press Release Town Board Meeting August 1st 2011).

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