Beach services 2014
Results of the tendering exercise for beach services in Xàbia , summer, 2014
All tender prices in Euros.
Beach bars (5) Chiringuitos:
MQ5: 70,119 euros / year - near the Parador
MQ3: 48,200 euros / year
MQ2: 38,666 euros / year
MQ4: 37,711 euros / year
MQ1: 36,000 euros / year - near La Siesta
sunbeds: 180,000
pedaloes: 23,260

La Grava beach (Port):
Sunbeds and umbrellas: 3,112
Aquatic games zone: 51,700
Sunbeds and umbrellas: 7,167
Canoes: 7,167
Sunbeds and umbrellas: 27,750
Canoes: 7,069
Surfing: 4,500
Flyboard: 16,350