Catastrazo - Request to revert to 1995 values


The Javea Town Hall will ask the Land Registry to recalculate the IBI with the 1995 valuations

The executive requests an urgent meeting with Directorial General to discuss a new ruling on the "catastrazo"

Javea. Thursday, 25th April 2012.

The Javea Town Hall will ask General Directorate of Land Registry to accept the annulment of the report of cadastral values adopted in 2005 and go back the previous one, dated 1995, to assess the property of the municipality. This was affirmed by the mayor, José Chulvi, and the Councillor of Finance, Oscar Anton, after meeting with the lawyer in charge of the legal defense of the Town Hall in the judicial process that began seven years ago to annul the cadastral review that (in their opinion) overestimates the value of many properties, including 354 properties owned by the Town Hall.

The local government officials, accompanied by the PP Councillors, met with the lawyer Juan Martin Queralt in his offices this morning to analyse the latest ruling of this lengthy litigation, of which the Town Hall received notification at the end of last week. The ruling by the Supreme Court settles once and for all the legal dispute, since there is already a final verdict issued by of the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community revoking the report of cadastral values for Javea.

In this regard, the local executive will use this endorsement by the Supreme Court to ask the Directorate General of the Land Registry to accept and implement the ruling that revokes the 2005 valuation report, and provide them with new figures based on the 1995 valuations in order to collect the Property Tax (IBI) as soon as possible. The Town Hall has requested an urgent meeting with the new general manager of the cadastre, Rosana Navarro, to discuss how best to confront this complex situation in this fiscal year.
For now, the Finance Departments has paralyzed IBI collection (the voluntary period was scheduled to begin in May) until the consequences of the ruling are clarified and the State Attorney is able to interpret this verdict.

The executive would like to remind everyone that the ruling of the Superior Court of Justice was never applied because in the Court specified in a clarification that their ruling only nullified the values ​​for the municipal properties on which the litigation was based.
Given these circumstances, the government leaders are acting with caution before raising false expectations amongst the public. Both the Mayor and the Finance Councillor guarantee that the public will be kept informed on any all developments in this matter of utmost importance for both domestic and municipal finances.

It should be remembered that Catastrazo is what we ended up calling the report of cadastral values presented to the Town council in 2005, after this was rejected unanimously by the full Council, and when this resolution was not communicated to the General Director of the Cadastre. Very much to the contrary, the then mayor, Juan Moragues, was accused of having sent a favourable report to the Director. The report of values was considered unfair since the cadastral values suffered considerable increases, in some cases up to 300%. This situation ended in a large demonstration and a later political crisis that is credited with leading to the censorship motion that overthrew the then mayor.

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