+ A Child’s Smile was the theme of the event held at Javea Sports Centre on Sunday 13th February to celebrate International Childhood Cancer Day.
Feb 14th
Press Release:
It was a certainly a full house with more than 400 mums, dads, friends and family, and well over 200 children coming through the doors. The entertainment was provided by some very talented dancers, singers and musicians, both young and old, from the Valerie Jean School of Dance, Footworks, Theatre Express and the Grup de Danses Portitxol. In between acts there was plenty to keep people occupied, with a bouncy castle, face painting, children’s tattoo artist, cake, toy and sweet stalls as well as a display of children’s artwork. More than 1400 euros was raised on the day and this will be shared between ASPANION (Asociacion de Padres de Niños con cancer de la Comunidad Valenciana) and AECC Children’s section (Asociacion Espanola contra el cancer).
In conjunction with the event an Art competition had been organised for students in local schools and with over 280 entries received it was a difficult task for the team of judges to pick the winners. The winners in the 3-5 years group were Jenna Ford (Xabia International College), Mar and Roger (both from Graull) and Sunny Pryer (Xabia International College). In the 6-9 years group prizes were awarded to Candela (Trenc d’Alba), Pau {Graull) and Jason Guy Gallardo (Xabia International College). Archie James Gibbons (Xabia International College), Sarah Brown Cook (Rainbow) and Alba Bisquert (Graull) were the winners in the 10-13 years group. The star prize was awarded to Laura Puerta Serrat (Trenc D’Alba). A big thank you to all the schools that participated, our panel of judges and Mª Luisa Perez who exhibited all the entries in the Al Marge art gallery. The pictures will be sent to the ASPANION and AECC residencias in Valencia, where we hope they will bring a smile to the youngsters who use their facilities.
The event was organised by Carrera por la Vida Xabia (Race for Life Javea). Further information about future events can be found on our website http://www.carreraporlavidaxabia.com, we are also on Facebook.