Table of Contents
Town Hall agrees on list of Projects for State Funding
December 29th
At its meeting on December 24th, the Town Council agreed a list of project to be submitted for funding through the national economic stimulus package. This includes street lighting, roundabouts and drainage, with one fifth of the funds going to the Arenal. See State investment Projects for more. (from Press release)
New Denia Hospital opens first Inpatient Unit
December 29th
This unit of 37 beds is for short-stay patients. Until the hospital is fully operational, the centre will only deal with patients having appointments in the fields of orthopedics, gynecology, internal medicine and rehabilitation, while the rest will continue to receive medical care at the hospital of La Pedrera. From Las Provincias: El nuevo hospital ....
Forthcoming Submarine Gas Pipeline to Ibiza alarms fishermen
Work on laying a 268 km gas pipeline from Denia to the Balearics has begun.
The whole project consists of a land pipe from Montesa to Denia, a compression station at Denia then 123km concrete covered underwater pipeline (max depth 997 metres) to Ibiza and another underwater pipe from there to Mallorca. Total cost 360 million Euros. The fishermen of the Marina Alta claim that the pipe will adversely affect the best fishing grounds as well as a act as a barrier to trawlers who operate parallel to the coastline. They claim that there will be a 50% reduction in the fish catch. The project is due to be completed by the summer of 2009, so it will not be long before they discover if their fears are valid. Source Las Provincias: Enagas inicia...
Unseasonal Storm Surge brings 5 metre waves
December 27th
An unseasonal storm surge brought rough seas and 5 metre waves to the Marina Alta Coast. One person lost his life in Gandia, having been swept into the sea. Xàbia's Arenal beach was almost totally engulfed at times (Info from Las Provincias). See photos on a web album
More landslides on Ambolo Beach

December 27th
There have recently been more landslides on this Xàbia beach despite remedial works carried out by the Costas. The beach has been permamently closed for bathing for some time because of frequent landslides. Source Las Provincias: Mas desprendimientos....
Teulada wins First Prize for being the most sustainable municipality
The Diputación de Alicante has awarded 12,000 Euros to Xàbia's close neighbour, Teulada / Moraira for its project entitled: The Environmental Management of Teulada municipality, 2007. This is the fourth time this prize has been awarded. The project is part of the town's Agenda21 programme. See Las Provincias: El Ayuntamiento.... Teulada/Moraira has been running its Agenda21 programme since 1999. For a detailed account of the Teulada/Moraira Agenda21 programme see Here's how Moraira did it
Christmas Greetings
December 25th
To all who log on to this Wiki site, best wishes to all fellow readers or Wiki'mists, especially to its founder and editor in chief Christine Betterton- Jones. Without Christine's foresight and subsequent application, this valuable tool to keep many of us in touch with things pertaining to Xabia/Javea would not be up and still running.
So to Chrstine and others, may we all enjoy a healthy, peaceful and sustainable 2009… this year to come hardly looks like being Prosperous! Timo Dee
Xàbia Municipal Taxes frozen
December 24th
The proposed increases in 24 Municipal taxes have been called off due to lack of support to ratify them at the December Council meeting. The 20% increase in the rubbish collection tax will however go ahead . The Council will also hold a meeting to discuss how to reduce costs. From Las Provincias - La falta de apoyos... and Levante Print edition. For the English press take on this issue see the Costa Blanca News: Scrooge council gets Christmas Spirit
Wild animal accident black spots to be studied.
December 24th
A survey of the roads bordering the Montgó Natural park will be carried out to find out where and how many wild animals are killed in road "accidents". (from Levante print edition)
The work is part of a broader project initiated in 2007 with the study of three parks (l'Albufera, Marjal of Pego-Oliva and Salinas de Santa Pola). This year the parks included in the study are Font Roja, the Montgó and L'Albufera. In 2006, the Ministry of Environment put some signs on roads surrounding the Montgo, warning of wild animals crossing the road so that drivers would be careful not to hit them. From Las Provincias: Medio Ambiente estudia....
Medical Brain Drain
December 24th
Spain’s health care sector suffers from a shortage of skilled employees, prompted in part by a brain drain abroad Click here for more
Town Hall launches a bimonthly magazine
December 18th
The town hall has launched a bimonthly magazine called "MesXàbia" - It is in three languages (Valenciano, Castellano and English) and available free of charge around the town. The initial print run is 4000 copies and the magazine can also be downloaded from the Town Hall website (though at the time of writing there is no obvious link there yet). Here is the English version of the Mayor's introductory editorial.
With this editorial I would like to take the opportunity to introduce our new publication, “More Xàbia”, a magazine with information about our town. The format of the magazine is more varied than that of traditional newsletters
and consequently you will have the opportunity to enjoy interviews, reports about local associations, old and current photos, and much more. Secondly the core goal of this publication is without doubt to provide information, and this is how it is launched : to inform everyone about the activities of the town Council. From our frst day in offce this has been the desire of the government team which I chair. And, fnally, it is a municipal publication because it is a magazine produced by the council for all its citizens. The views of people re-presenting different political parties also have their space in each copy. And so the only thing left for me is to wish the magazine a successful future and, above all, to invite everyone to read it. And, speaking of wishes, I cannot say goodbye without frst wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2009.
Getting the young to appreciate the Environment
December 18th
About 250 fifth grade primary school children have been undergoing an environmental workshop at the Plana de San Jeroni, organised by Xabia Town Hall Department of the Envrironment . They have been learning first hand about the ecological value of the Montgó Natural Park, its different microclimates, seeing and identifying plants, seeing and understanding the effects of brush fires and recolonisation after a fire. It is hoped this course will contribute to their appreciation of the natural environment.
Loyalty to the Old Town
December 17th
Businesses in the Xàbia's Old Town are thinking of introducing a high tech loyalty card which could be used to give cumulative discounts to frequent customers. Here's how it works: To obtain a card customers simply fill in a form. Each time they make a purchase at a participating business their card (which contains a chip) is passed over a reader connected to a PC, thereby registering the purchase and discount. Discounts at any one store can be given directly or accumulated and users can check the discounts they have accumulated at different stores by checking on the Internet. The system is one being promoted by “Confederación Valenciana de Comerciantes y Autónomos” (COVAC) following the assessment of seven different systems . See: Xabia al Día for more
Local Action Plan projects prioritised
December 16th
Over the past few weeks Xàbia residents have been asked to prioritise the projects listed in the Town's Local Action Plan. The results were announced at an Agenda21 forum last night. Top of the list were the protection of agricultural land, protection of the “Green corridors” of the Montgó Natural Park and protection of the entire coastline. Fourth on the list was making use of the effluent water from the sewage works for irrigation. Emphasis was also made on promoting local products as a tourist attraction and ecological agriculture. The results will now be sent to the Council. The survey of Accident Black Spots was also presented Click here to see map. The remainder of the meeting was spent summarising the work of the small workgroups. See for more.
Xàbia Town Hall organises Kids' activities over the holidays
December 11th
Each evening from 27th to 30th December from 7.00pm to 10.00pm the Sports Centre near the Port will be open for young people aged 17 or younger to come in and take part in diverse activities as varied as X-box, rock climbing, break dancing and make-up. Two dozen stewards will keep the peace while parents relax at a small bar which will be set up there (from press release)
New Denia Hospital to open for some services in a few weeks
December 8th
Fidel Campoy, managing director of “Marina Salud” did not give specific dates but said that the hospital would start operating in a few weeks time, and hoped to be fully functional in 8 to 12 months. Implementation of services would be gradual. Initially it would run external consultations with laboratory, radiology, pharmacy and central services . Then later minor surgery, including special tests (endoscopy and ultrasound etc) and then outpatient surgery, inpatient surgery and finally emergencies.
Source Las Provincias: El hospital functionara....
Christmas Fairs in the Port
December 4th (from press releases)

The Third Christmas Fair
will take place in the Port from the 5th to the 8th December with handicraft stalls, food and music in the streets of Andrés Lambert, Servilla and Sertorio.
The International Christmas Market
will take place on Saturday 6th December near the municipal Sports Hall. Proceedings start at 11.30 am including multinational music, pizza, Argentinian grill, presents, face painting and other childrens' activities, dancing display, karaoke and Buster the Clown. In the afternoon, at 4.30pm, winners of children's drawing contest and Santa Claus with gifts for children.
Xàbia Old Town goes for the "Authentic Spirit of Christmas"
An English edition of the Calendar of Christmas events in the Old Town can be found on
Xmas 2008 event Calendar
Xàbia to receive 5.3 million Euros in direct investment from the State
December 2nd
The Municipal Investment Fund, approved by the National cabinet last Friday, will involve a direct investment in the Marina Alta of 33 million euros. The aim is to finance urgent works, especially investments "which create jobs." Xàbia is elegible for 5.3 million. Click here for more.
1000 new berths for Dénia Port – what about Xàbia?
December 1st
The Director General of Ports, Airports and Coasts, Carlos Eleno revealed that the expansion of Dénia Port will result in 1000 more berths. As regards Xàbia he said that “we must rearrange the Canal de la Fontana and define what type of action should be carried forward in the current port.” Meanwhile an opposition member of the Valencia parliament, Mireia Mollà (representing the Compromis group) visited Xàbia stating that they had proposed an ammendment to the Valencia budget eliminating the 22.5 million earmarked for Xàbia Port expansion and giving instead 900,000 Euros for the re-organisation of the existing port basin . From Las Provincias: La ampliación del Puerto.... and
Compromis alega contra....
For diagram of proposal for re-organising the existing Port Basin see Agenda21 Workgroups Wiki:Port moorings