Shops Collaborating with the Jute Bag project

This is a map of shops which are helping to distribute the "Xàbia ecologica" Jute Bags
Donation to Jute Bag project: Large Shopper and Shoulder bags 3€, small shopper 2€

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Biblos Libreria Internacional
Avda. del Mediterráneo, 240 (frente al Parador - in front of Parador - gegenüber Parador) Tel: +34 96 646 1082 moc.aevajsolbib|ofni#moc.aevajsolbib|ofni

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Carretera Cabo de la Nao - Arenal: Centro Comercial (near the Irish bar)

Fruites i Verdures Rosendo
Xàbia, Casco Antiguo Calle Tossal De Dalt,4. Casco Antiguo Teléfono: 965795135

Computer Care / Lliberweb
Xàbia Casco Antiguo / Old Town Carrer D'Avall 43 +34 965 793 599 - fax +34 965 796 134 - email: moc.erac-moc|liam#moc.erac-moc|liam.

C. Dr Fleming 2, Javea Puerto moc.oohay|pohsipoc#moc.oohay|pohsipoc Tel:+34 965792649

Centro Terapéutico Mezquida
c/Manuel Bordes Valls, 4 bajo (esquina Botánico Cabanilles) Jávea (Alicante) 03730 Aptdo. Correos 142 Tel: 647 540 860 Fax: +34 96 647 0824

Papeleria Botella C/ Príncipe De Asturias 20 03730 Xabia/javea 965 790 361 Old Town

La Parrilla de Celler. c/San Bertomeu, 2 (Casco Antiguo). 96 579 3570 Old Town

La Salamandra. Adreça: Calle Sant Bertomeu,5. Telèfon: 965796365. Old Town

Mercat Municipal (available when they have overprinted their own logo)

Nou Or Blanc (Avda. Jaume I - Port)

Supermercado Puerto (Avda Rey Jaume I - Port)

El Forn de la Abuela (c/Santo Domingo - Old Town)

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