EDUSI Integrated sustainable Urban development


EDUSI stands for "Estrategias de Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible Integrado" - Strategies for integrated sustainable urban development.

Feb 2017 XABIA EDUSI Definitive documents available on: Fent Xàbia

In Spain, funds are channeled from the European Regional development fund through the Ministry of Finance and public administration. The idea is to finance activities and projects within the thematic area of sustainable urban development whose main objective is to improve the quality of life in the cities in an integrated way. I.e. including aspects ranging from social cohesion and the fight against poverty to the promotion of the low-carbon economy, environmental sustainability and the optimization of the use of resources.

The approach is new. Moving from the concept of urban regeneration toward the broader concept of integrated urban development. Under this approach it is necessary to analyze and identify the challenges to be that the strategy has to tackle for the whole urban complex, from which a strategic approach has to be proposed and a scope defined, ranging from a neighborhood to the whole town. From El País

In this way, the EDUSI enables the definition of a model of a town shared by the administration, civil and economic agents
Madrid, Málaga, La Coruña, Zaragoza and Olot (Girona) have already developed such strategies.

European funds

The European Funds for this type of project total some €700 million. A successful project (chosen by competition) would receive 50% of the funding from the EU, and would have to find the balance from the Town's own coffers. Xàbia, being a town of a population between 20,000 and 50,000 can apply for €5 million. i.e. embark on projects worth €10 million. Note: The Town Hall's contribution does not have to be new money. For example, if they already had a budget for replacing lighting in municipal buildings this could be matched with EU funds in a programme to install low energy bulbs.

EU Background

Click link below to view the EU document : Integrated Sustainable Urban Development - COHESION POLICY 2014-2020 -Fact sheet.

The Gandia example

Locally Gandia received more than 10 million euros for its project entitled " “Iniciativa Urban Ciudad de Gandia”".

1): Urban Environment and waste collection : €6.9million Included as creation of an urban park; development of a neighborhood ( the reform of the Historic Old Town) and a project to convert a gulley into a recreational space)

2) Development and social integration and equal opportunities .
Study and research on the impact of immigration in the affected area; Social training programs, development of appropriate programs for at risk groups.

3) Vocational training. Continuous professional training for the commercial sector. Training Courses in the fields of commercial action plans, aimed at workers and employers in the URBAN area.

4) An Information Society : Plan of digital training for people who are in situations of social exclusion and / or affected by the phenomenon of the digital divide. Plan of Promotion and use of NICTs among the population and businesses

5) Infrastructure and Services : Rehabilitation of the old ceramics workshop building for its conversion into a Municipal Employment Services centre.

6) Development of the economic fabric : Study on the state of trade in the area. Promotion and upgrading of equipment. Study of the requirements for the formation of quality business.

7) Information and publicity

8) management, monitoring, audit and evaluation.

From: Xàbia al Dia

Xàbia's Proposal

Nov 2016
Xàbia's proposal "Fent Xàbia" was presented to the public on Monday November 21st 2016. The full document will be available for public viewing on December 15th 2016. For a detailed summary of the proposal in English see: From Tourist Resort to a Friendly Town - the EDUSI project This is an English version of an article which appared in La Marina Plaza.

Fent Xabia - public presentation Nov 2016 PDF of the Powerpoint slideshow presentation Nov 21st 2016 (in Spanish)

The Process of Citizen Participation

April - June 2016

The local project was been dubbed "Fent Xàbia"

The consultancy group consists of: "Fentestudi"(participation) based in Valencia. La Ciudad Construida (coordinator) , and Bipolaire (environment specialists).

On Monday 25 April there was an open, informative meeting to explain the project and ask for the people's cooperation. 8 pm in the meeting room of the Soler Blasco Museum.

Types of project

The intention was to choose projects that are a priority for the people and to include them in the project which the municipality will present to apply for the European grant. This is an opportunity to move forward towards a model of a smart, sustainable and inclusive town.

Because the funds are from the EU, the objectives which must be developed are:

1. Use and access to Information and communications technology: Local Electronic Administration and "Smart City"
2. A Low carbon economy - Sustainable Urban Mobility, improving energy efficiency, clean and renewable energy.
3. Environment and efficiency of resources - Heritage, both cultural and natural, improving the urban environment and its surroundings
4. Social Inclusion, Poverty and discrimination - physical, economic and social regeneration

The proposals for the project will be very general in nature, and will reflect the priorities of the people. The time for developing specific projects will be after the grant has been obtained.


During the month of May there were be two open workshops to which certain groups will be invited.

The first will take place in the Casa Lambert (de Tena) May 7th: 10.00am until 2.00pm
Theme: Analysis by areas
A. Physical / B. Environmental / ; C. Energy / D. Social / ; E. Economic/ F. Demographic / G. Territorial context / H. Framework of responsibilities/ I. Planning nstruments / J. Risks

The second meeting will be in the secondary school at the Arenal - May 28th also 10.00 am until 2.00pm.
Theme: Workshop on Lines of Action and prioritization
Pooling of Proposals and initiatives ; Prioritisation of Joint Lines of action.

There were also be interviews with associations and individuals and everyone is invited to fill in an anonymous questionnaire

Analysis of Problems and Challenges for Xàbia tabled at the EDUSI - Fet Xabia workshop held on Saturday May 28th 2016

See: Problems and Challenges - Xabia 2016

Questionnaire for Xàbia residents

An anonymous questionnaire was prepared in Castellano, Valenciano and English for everyone to complete during the spring of 2016

CLICK HERE to complete the questionnaire in English

Please read "Xàbia's Proposal" (left) first


…for gathering information to formulate the proposal - In Castellano. Click on image to view


Draft analysis of status of Javea 2016

Click on image to enlarge - information in English from Page 3


Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats , as determined by the SWOT workshop on May 7th

Click on image to enlarge - in Castellano

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