Executive board meeting 26 December 2011


Javea Town Hall has contracted the development of software for digital one-stop-shop and credit card payment

Public will be able to fill out their adminstrative forms online or in the Portal del Clot office

Javea. Tuesday, 27 December 2011. The Executive Board of theJavea Town Council contracted the development of three computer software applications that will simplify the administrative procedures for the public. The most important application relates to the municipal public attention service and which will result in two improvements: one for people who come in person to do their paperwork and another for those who prefer to carry out their administrative procedures online. According to the Councillor in charge, Cesc Camprubi, the customer service will be centralized in a one-stop-shop, which will be located in the office of the Portal del Clot. The same Town Hall official will be able to carry out all the administrative procedures, thus avoiding users having to queue up at multiple tables or travel to different offices. At this one-stop-shop they may solicit licenses, permits or perform any procedure that involve the local administration.

With the same software, the public will also be able to carry out their administrative procedures online from the comfort of their homes. For this they will need to obtain an electronic signature (which is obtained with the DNI or NIE), which will serve as proof of identity of the person filling out the forms and paying the fees, which will then be generated automatically through the Town Hall Intranet protocols.

As Camprubi indicated, this modernization is an important step in the digital administration because the entire Town Hall will be practically computerised and online. The deadline set for the delivery of the software packages is June.

There will also be important developments in the area of finances, as two further applications have been contracted for this. According to explanations by the Councillor for Finance, Oscar Anton, the voluntary payment system will improve by allowing the taxpayer to split the payment of municipal taxes and fees in instalments, within the established time limit. Furthermore, there will be a tax rebate for all those who pay early, as these early contributions to the municipal coffers will reduce the borrowing on the part of the Town Council. Another novelty will be online credit card payment, which will avoid waiting in long queues at the banks. Credit card payments may be made in the Finance Offices (calle Mayor) and the Portal del Clot, and thanks to the new software, the receipt will have the name, concept and outstanding municipal debt associated to it, which in addition to providing complete information to the taxpayer, will also help streamline internal accounting.

Other agreements

In the area of town planning, the Executive Board has approved seven licenses for major works, three certificates of occupancy and five for second occupation. Three environmental licenses have also been approved.

Under the heading of financial support agreements, the Council has agreed to expand its financial cooperation with the Javea Neighbourhood Forum by €6,000.

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