Fast Track business Permits


Javea Town Hall to Grant Business Permits within a Period of not More than One Month

Javea. Friday, August 19, 2011.

The Department of Economic Activities of the Town Hall reports that the latest changes in the law of public entertainment, recreation and public establishments also involves changes in the processing of business permits for bars, cafes and restaurants.

According to the head of Department, Juan Ortola, from now on it will be possible to complete the entire procedure within one month of initial filing, provided everything is in order. In the opinion of the Mayor, the new measure, aimed at streamlining the bureaucracy and facilitating the opening of a new bar or restaurant in the town, comes at a time when it is "essential to best serve the entrepreneurs.”

Ortola has further explained that under the new regulations, the owner of the establishment will have to submit a "sworn statement" to the Town Hall, along with minimal documents consisting of a draft copy of the design and execution of the works and activity signed by the technician, the final certificate issued by the technician, a certificate attesting to the signing of an insurance contract, the processing fee for the application and a certificate of zoning compatibility.

Once everything has been presented in the Town Hall General Register, the applicant will be able to open the establishment within a maximum period of one month, unless additional technical documents should be needed to remedy any irregularities. In this case, the maximum period of one month would no longer apply.

The Councillor also states that if the Ayuntamiento does not issue a report within the specified period, the applicant will be able to open the establishment after informing the Town Hall in writing that it complies with regulations. This does not prevent the municipal authorities from conduction an inspection and taking the necessary precautions.

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