English version of FEDXMA questionnaire from the original on:
March 2011
Questionnaire for Xabia candidates.
This questionnaire was made by the federation of Xabia entreprenuers (Fedemxa), hoping that the politicians of Xabia will collaborate and contribute in a positive and active way, taking into account the interests of all. They therefore invited all political groups to sit down and respond. Xabia Democrática and Nueva Javea showed their interest by arranging an appointment with the Federation.
This is a summary of the answers received - (from original note from Fedexma)
Model City: Strategic Plan
All parties are unanimous in supporting the development of a Strategic Plan for Javea, while differing in the model.
The CPJ and Xàbia Democrática say the priority should be dispersed extended development. Although both XD and PSOE think that the Strategic Plan should determine the model.
Nueva Javea is committed to a sea-side residential model, enhancing the attractiveness of a coastal town. While Bloc want the model to be based on natural resources, landscape and energy efficiency. Finally, the PP proposes a Local Action Plan to develop a Strategic Plan to boost employment and prosperity.
General Town Plan
Only the Bloc and CPJ are in favor of supporting the Consultative Paper already presented to Regional Ministry. The PP acknowledges not having studied it and noted the possibility of modifying it during its processing. The rest were totally against the document submitted because of the lack of consensus and participation with which it was approved.
Citizen Participation
In relation to the creation of a Standing Advisory Council, The Bloc defends the Local Agenda 21 as a valid entity to represent the interests of all citizens, with the participation of business. Other groups understand the need for sectorial councils to address specific issues of particular relevance, apart from the Ag21forum.
CPJ and NJ also opt for the creation of a Council of Experts to advise the Town Hall executive, and PP states that there will be room for the participation of employers, but does not define the system to be used.
Improving management
All parties required reorganization of the civil service, although CPJ was not in favor of hiring an audit to be carried out, and Bloc stated they had already done it and it was ready for deployment.
The vast majority of parties proposed creating a Single Window to streamline administrative procedures, and computerization as the required impetus to the current impasse in licensing. ERPV, Junts per Xàbia proposed licensing to be streamlined even more, with reductions in administrative processing fees that do not meet deadlines.
Combat labour intrusion
Both XD and NJ proposed the display of building licenses in conspicuous places as a means of professional intrusion control, or even requiring a fiscal license, as with vehicles, or collaboration with the local police in controlling building works. In addition, for PSOE and ERPV, Junts per Xàbia proposed creating a Local quality brand as measure to encourage local businessmen who comply with the law.
Support for business groups is also unanimous, with the signing of agreements as has been done so far, although XD, NJ, PP and ERPV, Junts per Xàbia want to go further, creating a department devoted exclusively to it, PSOE stated that financial aid that may not be as indicated, and there should be other logistical support from the Town Hall.
All parties have designed several projects for different areas of Javea.
XD proposed the creation of cultural routes in the Old Town, with attractive signage, restoration of the Central Cinema,and creating a business incubator.
In the Port it is necessary to build a nursery, a post office, a park located in a strategic zone and a local government office.
The renewal of the Arenal promenade and degraded areas is also required and the receipt of urbanisations to town hall services, and renovation of existing developments, including agreements with the residents who would be willing to adopt maintainence and improvements. Also opt for the creation of a business park to be developed through public or mixed administration.
NJ understood that the Old Town should receive aid for the restoration of facades, agreed on the need to rehabilitate the Central Cinema also perform an intervention in the market, and supports the rehabitation of dwellings and businesses.
In the Port they propose to build an outdoor theatre and facilitate the implementation of a Hotel-Casino, and of course, the reorganization of the harbour.
In the Arenal the redevelopment of the Canal de la Fontana is essential, the creation of an auditorium and increase in moorings, and the implementation of new areas of free parking. The urbanisations also require comprehensive renovation and they are in favor of creating an important business area along the Gata road.
The PSOE is more cautious about making policy proposals and leaves everything dependent on the economic resources available to the Town Hall, while understanding the Port as being a priority, needing a comprehensive study of the area and improvement of its access as well as the priority rehabilitation of the Arenal and urbanisations. They also proposed facilitating the implementation of new technology companies in the Enterprise Zone of Catarroges.
For its part Bloc prioritiesd the Northern Circular road (Soberana), the redevelopment of the streets of the Old Town that are still pending execution.In the Port the rehabilitation of the Triana Bridge whixch is in very bad conditions, as is the Bridge of the Canal de la Fontana.
In the Arenal also meant the implementation of new roundabouts and the promenade, the asphalting of the vast majority of urbanisations, and creation in the enter`prise zone of a municipal energy park, as investment in new renewable technologies in our population.
The PP aims to sign new agreements with merchants and residents of the Old Town for its rehabilitation, the improvement of some streets in the Port and its integration the sea through overall renovation.
In the Arenal they believe it necessary to implement cultural activities, creation of parks and gardens and the integration of the promenade. Rehabilitation of the urbanisations and the presentation of biannual projects by location. Support the development of an enterprise zone for local industry and for the establishment of new businesses and job creation.
For ERPV, Junts per Xàbia priority is the rehabilitation of buildings in the Old Town, to be allocated to new businesses to revitalize the area, the creation of a municipal office in the Port. An initiative in the port with the creation of public moorings and more public services, comprehensive rehabilitation of the Arenal and the reorganization of traffic, rehabilitation and finding solutions to the treatment of wastewater in residential areas and new technologies, and creating a business park.
CPJ focus their priorities on the connection between different areas of Javea with a Public Transport Plan and bike paths that allow easy access from urbanisations to the Arenal Port and Old Town. Priority being a bus station. In the "Old Town" seeking to protect the architectural and urban image of the traditional Xàbia with the fortress church of San Bartolomé as a central monument, and to promote urban space for traditional trade and quality catering, and a space for a wide range cultural activities (rehabilitation of the Central Cinema, popular culture on the streets, craft market in the summer, etc.).
In the Port improving access, lighting designs appropriate to the urban environment, adequate road signs and signs for places of interest, redevelopment of streets with quality materials and rehabilitation of public spaces for parking.
In the Arenal work, so that it becomes the benchmark for modern Xàbia, a leading dining area and leisure spot for the young. Develop the 3 industrial estates of Catarroges and seek with the land owners formulas for managing them.
All are for the introduction of new business ventures, while XD, NJ and PSOE establish it as a priority, and also ERPV, Junts per Xàbia proposes the introduction of biotech companies by providing land from the local government.