Finishing Avenida Augusta

August 22nd 2011

"It is not only possible, but we're going to do it," is the response of Town Planning Councillor, Pere Sapena, referring to the intention of the government team to finalise, once and for all, the urbanization of Avenida Augusta and its connection to Montañar and the Arenal.

The idea is that Augusta Avenue can be a viable alternative to Montañar I traffic, decongesting this tourist area, both of moving traffic and parked vehicles, facilitating public enjoyment of the promenade and sea views.

The Town Planning Department is therefore looking to use one of the municipal plots near the Canal de la Fontana as a parking area, as well as relocating the urban allotments to somewhere more suitable, such as near the Pou del Moro or the desalination plant.

Sapena is also considering opening up connections between the Arenal, Avenida Augusta and Montañar. One of the most immediate actions be to rehabilitate the exit of Calle Vicenza to the sea, through Villa Sarita. Although this stretch of road is marked as such in the 1990 General Plan, the existence of a private property has so far prevented its implementation. However, Villa Sarita has been abandoned for decades, and has been a source of annoyance to the neighbors, because of squatters and insect and vermin.

The expropriation of this property has not been possible due to the high cost of the plot, at more than 1 million euros, so that the solution proposed Sapena the owner is the possibility of swapping it for other municipal plots of equal value.

As for the exit of Avenida Augusta through the Canal de la Fontana, or the Calle Genova via the Hotrel Villa Naranjos, expropriations would also be required, Sapena suggests holding auctions of municipal land to raise the necesary funds.

The idea is to make the area more pleasant for the enjoyment of citizens and the vacationer, not only Montañar, but also the Avenida Augusta, enabling a central walkway which is a continuation of that of Avenida Ausias March. In addition, the Council also intends to complete those sections that are still without sidewalks or remain without basic infrastructure.

Sapena is studying different possibilities to carry out these proposals, from direct management through municipal development fees, or through a public twon planning society which already exists, but still lacks a management body.

Whichever option they choose, it will be the faster, more agile one, and the intention is to make the necessary contracts before the end of year to get everything ready before next summer, because among other things, the team's idea of government is, as far as possible, not to carry out works during the summer.

When the councillor of Town Planning was asked if this were possible, since so far nothing has been done, his response was, "not only possible, but we will do it the best, and the quickest way."

  From XAD: El ayuntamiento terminará....

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