This document consists of Wiki news clips and links to articles about the new General Town Plan (PGOU)
July 9th 2014
Powerpoint presentation "Community Participation Plan - Xàbia's new Town Planning strategy" - English and Spanish
Explains the background to the Citizen Participation process as required by law, and what the legal environmental and landscape constraints are.
Click on the Thumbnail below to view or download.
July 2nd 2014
Public opinion questionnaire
The Spanish language questionnaire (split into three) can be completed on-line here:
You can also download the questionnaire (single file - Cuestionario) and pictures (laminas) from the same web page by clicking the heading:
"Cuestionario para imprimir y cumplimentar"
Here is an English version of the Questionnaires - (Note - the section on "Opinion on the Landscape" is missing, since the formatting of the Doc file got messed up.)
Please use it as a template to complete the Spanish version of the questionnaire. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the document and download:

The Consultative Document for the 2010 General Town Plan can be downloaded from the Town Hall website (in Castellano):
Note: Two alternatives were given: "Alternativa 0" is the alternative as if nothing were changed; "Alternativa 1" is the new approach which was approved by the Town Council.
For background terminology and definitions in the General Plan see: The Xabia General Town Plan - some definitions
For New features introduced by the 2007 Land Law see: Main new features introduced by the new Land Law
For information about past General Plans see: Past and present Town Plans, Jávea
For Agenda21's ideas of the next PGOU see: Proposals for the General Town Plan
For more on the Port see Port
For more on the Saladar see Saladar
For Valencia's Land Management Strategy see Valencian Environment Ministry (in Castellano)
September 14th 2010
A new approach to Xàbia's future development

Sept 14th
The Consultative document of Xàbia's General Town Plan (PGOU) predicts a population of 53,000 by 2030 (up from 31 600 today). Key points were presented to the public at a special meeting of the Agenda21 forum on Monday night. Firstly they described the current situation, resulting from the 1990 PGOU (which foresaw a population of 153,000 by around now). Urban land had increased by 20%. Of the land then classified as buildable, 30% was now urban, 17% was being developed and 53% was yet to be developed. The non-urbanisable land had increased slightly due to legislation to protect the Montgó Natural Park. Green zones were small islands in the middle of urbanisations. The guidelines for the new PGOU took a different approach where green corridors connect major natural areas in the municipality, urbanisable land is reduced and emphasis is placed on Xàbia's natural environment and landscape. Also development must conform to criteria supporting these guidelines and additional land was ear-marked for public facilities and infrastructure. This approach (Alternative 1) was in accordance with the Valencia Government's new Land management strategy All the documents, including the presentation, can be downloaded from The Town Hall's website Note: Previous versions of these documents, posted on the Nueva Javea website are out of date. See also XAD: La exposición sobre....
July 2010
Nueva Javea posts all the documents pertaining to the Consultative Document on the web
July 13th 2010
Voting on Consultative document
The Town Council held a special meeting on Monday to approve the consultative document on the new General Town Plan (PGOU). The choices were to leave things as determined by the 1990 plan - which had an unsustainable growth plan, or implement a new plan based on the sustainabiliy threshold, set by law to 20%. Basically this involves de-classifying 2.270.000m of urbanisable land to non-urbanisable, creating ecological corridors to connect the major protected zones and ensuring green zones on the borders of the municipality. More land in urban areas will also be reserved for green areas and public facilities. This would be in line with the "Estrategia Territorial de la Comunidad Valenciana" - Land strategy for the Comunidad Valenciana, which is still being drafted.
In a surprise amendment, the ruling BLOC party proposed that the Saladar should be classified as Non-urbanisable land with special protection , since it comprese the "green lung" of the Arenal. They also proposed deleting the calle Cristo del Mar (in the Port, where the Cinema is) from the main road network. By this simple act, any Port expansion scheme would be effectively scuppered, since this road was earmarked as a major access to any new Marina/Port. The motions were passed with votes against or absentions from the opposition. From Press Release and XAD: El PGOU propone….
For more on how they voted see: General Plan - Stance of the parties
June 4th 2010
Consulative Document appears
The preliminary Consultative Document of the new General Plan (PGOU) finally appeared, to be tabled at a Meeting of the PGOU Special Commission on June 15th; thence to be voted on by a plenary session of the town council; thence to be sent to the Ministry of the Environment. Since the process began in 2005, Valencia has removed the requirement for the "Concierto Previo" (Guidelines for the General Plan, into which Agenda21 had had an input) to speed up the process. This Consultative Document replaces it. The Final approval of the General Plan will still need a number of further steps: the Reference Document will be provided by the Environment Ministry, and this will form the basis of two additional documents: the Sustainability Report and Public Participation Plan to be prepared by the Town Hall. from Las Provincias Xàbia tarda 54 meses.
According to independent sources The consultative document is the initial and basic documentation which is referred to the environmental agency (Department of Environment, Water, Urbanism and Housing), to request the issuance of the reference document, which amounts to a compendium of old sectoral reports, introducing restrictions and a legal framework on which to draft the PGOU proper.
March 10th 2008
The New General Plan (PGOU) is still overdue.
The last one was draw up in 1990
Licenses for construction and demolition have been suspended since December 2005. Because of the danger of this suspension expiring, the Conselleria was asked for a partial suspension of the current (1990) PGOU. This came into force in January 2007. Thus it has been a total of three years two months since construction in Xàbia has been restricted to certain pockets of land which are in already urbanised areas. The guideline for the PGOU, the "Concierto Previo" has yet to be published. It seems that an essential reference document and statement of environmental sustainability are not to hand.
June 2007
The Basic Criteria for the future development of the Town, proposed by the Agenda 21 forum are:
"Model for the area based on the projection of a medium-sized town, with a population stabilising at around 50,000 inhabitants, which is attractive for year round quality tourism, without congestion, which favours mobility, which consolidates the provision of adequate public infrastructure, green zones and protected housing, enhances small businesses and public spaces, protects areas of high ecological value (the banks of the Rió Gorgos and network of green corridors among others) and conserves the agricultural landscape, the coastline and the identity of the area as differential values. This model, likewise, sees a reorganisation and concentration of industrial uses in the existing industrial area in the zone of Catarroges, without increasing the land area."
(freely translated from Memoria de Participación Ciudadana sobre el Concierto Previo del Plan General de Xàbia (PGOU) March 2007
December 2006
Agenda21 forum members elected to sit on the Sectoral Council
Agenda21 forum members sit on the Sectoral Council- where they defended the idea that as much land as possible should be protected from development.
The Draft General Plan for 2009/10 is shown below. The legend to the colour codes is beneath.