Here is a resumé of the stances made by Xàbia's various political parties in relation to the New General Plan and future development of Xàbia
This document will be updated as the various parties make additional statements about their positions.
For more on the General Plan see: General Plan
For more on the Saladar see: Saladar
For more on the Port see: Port
BLOC / Centristes
(Ruling Coalition)
Wish to conserve the landscape and traditional heritage of Xàbia.
Are opposed to new major road access to connect to the Cámi Cabanes since it would split the agricultural valley in half.
Wish to preseve the Saladar; create green corridors connecting protected zones and enhance green zones in urban areas.
Are against Port Expansion.
Consider that the 1990's approach of expanding "Residential Tourism" (foreigners living as residents in Xàbia) was, in general, a success.
Have no clear strategy for future long term economic development of the town, except continued growth to provide work for small local builders.
Voted for Consultative document July 12 2010
(Ruling coalition)
Want to have industrial zones, health, leisure and educational infrastructures in order to de-seasonalise the economy.
Traditionally supportive of development through construction.
In favour of Port Expansion
Opposed de-classification of the Saladar
Abstained from vote on Consultative document July 12 2010
(Ruled with BLOC after the last elections, but now replaced by PP in the coalition)
In favour of reducing the amount of urbanisable land, but want clear criteria for de-classification.
Call for an overall Strategic Plan for Xàbia
Equivocal on the issue of Port Expansion
Abstained on the de-classification of the Saladar
Abstained from vote on Consultative document July 12 2010
Nueva Javea
Want more ambitious developments to replace construction and "Residential Tourism" as an economic engine. Suggest health and leisure facilities for "quality" visitors.
Are in favour of more golf courses and more boat moorings. Had an ambitious plan to convert the Saladar into a Marina; have a similar plan for a marina on the CVanal de la Fontana.
Want a new sports area near Ramblars.
In two minds about Port expansion, but rejected proposals in 2008.
Consider road access weak. Want better road access to the town and to the Port
Opposed de-classification of the Saladar
Abstained from vote on Consultative document July 12 2010
(Has one member who is part of the BLOC ruling coalition)
Voted for Consultative document July 12 2010
Voted for de-classification of the Saladar
Grupo Mixto
(Consists of Nueva Javea ex-councillor Oscar Anton - Opposition)
In favour of a strategic plan.