October 2012
You can make a claim for overpayment resulting from the nullified 2005 Cadastral valuation as follows:
Go to the Jávea Town Hall web site: http://www.ajxabia.com/
Click on the big red link labeled:
Scroll down the page until you see the following form:

- Type the NIE number of the property owner in the box labeled Idenficación fiscal
- Type the Catastral reference number of the property in the box labeled Referencia Catastral
(This number can be found in several places:
1. If you pay IBI by cash or cheque: On the IBI bill issued by the Town Hall
2. If you pay by Direct Debit: On a slip sent to you by the bank (not all banks send a slip)
3. On your Income Tax return, or Patrimonio tax return
4. The Town Hall will have a record - ask at the Citizen's Attention Office above the Portal del Clot car park, Avenida Amanecer 2)
- Click on the drop down arrow in the box labled Año and choose any year between 2006 and 2011 for which you know the catastral value of your property.
(The Valor Catastral can be found on the IBI bill and Bank slip. Your tax advisor may also have given you a print-out from the tax authorities records)
- Enter the catastral value of your property for the chosen year in the box labeled Valor Catastral . NOTE: in Spain a comma is used for a decimal point. So "Fifty five thousand Euros and twenty cents" is typed in numbers as: 55000,20
- Type the letters you see in the image in the box labeled Seguridad (in the example they are WIUV)
- Click on the button labeled Obtener reclamación
- A personalised form in PDF format will be downloaded to your computer. (You need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader, or another Acrobat reader installed on you computer to read this). Click on the downloaded file to open it.
- Check the information is correct. Then print it.
- On page 6 of the printed form insert the date, the details of the signatory and sign it.
- Then send it to: Dirección General del Catastro, Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas. Cl Reyes Católicos 39, 03001 Alicante (Gerencia Territorial Catastro Alicante). via Certified post or via the Municipal Registry ( at the Xàbia Citizen's Attention Offoce)
Claims can be sent any time before April 19th 2013