The only undeveloped land on the Javea / Jesus Pobre road will remain as it is for now. The Town Hall plenary meeting will tomorrow reject the proposed urban development plan presented five years ago by the company Huertos del Montgó because it does not conform to current regulations.
The Town Planning Councillor, Pere Sapena, explained that PAI (Programa de actuación integrada - Integrated action plan) for Montgó sectors 3 and 4, known as Huertos del Montgó, does not include legal changes concerning requirements for an "ecological corridor" and a buffer zone for the Montgo Natural Park, which were approved after the presentation of the PAI.
Sapena said that this dismissal does not imply a definitive protection for the last remaining green urbanisable area on the slopes of this mountain, as the owners may have another project in accordance with current regulations. In this case the municipal technicians would assess the proposal.
Given the possibility that the promoters of the PAI might present a claim for compensation against the Town Hall, Sapena said that it should go to the "supra-entity that has changed the rules," an allusion to the Valencia Government.
Those responsible for the proposed Huertos del Montgó project are old acquaintances of Javea Town Hall. They are members of the Arbona family who recently won a case against the Town Hall concerning land in the area of la Corona. For which the town hall will compensate them with more than 2 million Euros.
From Las Provincias Xàbia rechaza....