From Trish in Celles sur Belle - France
August 2012
The bikes in Celles sur Belle were great - not at all expected in a rather conservative traditional sort of slightly crumbling French village - and then luminous push bikes all over the place. Others were attached to railings, trees, whatever, some had plants planted in their baskets. A few did look like they might be rideable, others were definitely past it. And I wasn't the only person photographing them.
Celles sur Belle has a magnificent palace or similar plus a huge old abbey, so it's a bit touristy. We have also stayed in a camp site where the mayor had made a 'musical tree walk', about 1km of wandering little track (the sort of thing done by unemployed on a work experience project) through woodland, and many of the trees were numbered, and you had a free (though donations welcomed) little booklet that listed the number, what the tree was, how old too I think, and what musically was done with it - e.g. neck of guitar, back plate of harpsichord, pegs on a cello. It was all very civilised and gentle, and decidedly uplifting. (I do rather like France.) But such a walk could be done anywhere - maybe not with a musical theme, but e.g. edible plants/trees or domestic uses.
Observation and report made by Trish Penny - on holiday in France
Other similar observations and reports gratefully received ! - Ed