Table of Contents
"Aa" campaign (Avisa a…) Advise so and so in case of an Emergency
July 2009
The Ministry of the Interior and the Red Cross have launched a campaign called "Aa - ayudanos a ayudarte"- help us to help you.
They ask everyone to create a new entry in their mobile phone contacts list with the name "Aa" and to enter the phone number of the person they would like to have contacted in case of an emergency. Other numbers can be added by using the names "Aa1, Aa2 Aa3 etc. For more, and info about Ambulance Services see fledgling Living in Javea Wiki
Summer Rubbish Disposal Rules
July 29th
If you live in the Old Town, the Arenal or the Port, please be reminded that you can only dispose of your household rubbish in the municipal containers between the hours of 8.00pm and 1.00 am, and that said rubbish must be in tightly closed plastic bags. This is to avoid summer unsavoury stinks, to contribute to a clean Xàbia and to encourage people to respect the environment. There is a fine of between 60 and 300 Euros for those who break this bye-law. (from Press Release)
Row over Xàbia Roadworks
July 26th
A press release on July 21st stated that Xàbia's infrastructure works being executed through state funds were progressing well (a list and map of the 31 projects can be found in the Town Hall publication Mes Xàbia). However there has been strong criticism over the programming of the works. They are being carried out all over the municipality at the height of summer to the detriment of tourism and causing traffic confusion (lack of signs) and congestion (the Denia road up to la Plana from the old town is closed) . Ironically, summer is the time when builders have plenty of work on house improvements. Their slack time is in the autumn and winter. It has been pointed out that the availability of state funding has been extended three months into 2010. From XAD Comerciantes y socialistas...
Pay your table tax - or else!
July 26th
Bar owners in the Plaza de Baix in the Old Town received an unpleasant surprise when a group of policemen issued them with a warrant signed by the Mayor, demanding that they pay the tax for outside tables for 2008 and 2009, or their tables would be confiscated. (Tax totalling about 2000 €). Bar owners were doubly surprised in that they had received no prior warning. Also the payment deadline for 2008 is 17 August 2009, and the deadline for 2009 tax is October 5th of this year. This action was ordered by the Municipal Services Department and has been repeated throughout the town in 12 different locations. The aim is to regulate the situation of the many tables that occupy the streets, sometimes to the point of preventing the passage of pedestrians. From XAD Unos Vecinos son...
Coastal property owners appeal to Brussels
July 25th
The Plataforma Nacional de Afectados por la Ley de Costas (National Platform of People Affected by the Coastal Act) has reported the Spanish Government to the EU Committee on Petitions for improperly applying the Law of Coasts. Also they have complained in Alicante about officials who refused to show relevant documents to the owners affected by the most recent boundary delineation exercise in Xàbia. Thousands of people will be without part of, or all of their homes or businesses, despite owning them since before the Act. For more details see: Coastal property owners appeal to Brussels
Marina Alta hit by Wild Fires
July 25th and 26th.
A fire which raged over several days in the Val de Alcalá consumed 542 hectares of forest, almond, cherry and olive groves. Flames spread over the Foradá ridge into the Val de la Gallinera affecting the area around Benisilli Castle. This fire seems to have been started by two careless workmen who burned some sacks of building rubbish. They then covered the embers with soil and believing the fire smothered left the scene. This is but one of several fires which have destroyed over 1586 hectares of the Comunidad Valenciana over the past few days. On Friday 24th a fire in the mountains above Pedreguer (believed to be deliberately started) burned out 15 ha and there was another fire at the Font de Paladra between Pego and Sagra. From Las Provincias: Dos detenidos.... and La Olea de incendios... and Levante Print Edition July 26th.
Good and bad points for Spanish Environment
July 23rd
A report published by the Spanish Ministry for the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs shows that Spain’s environmental profile has both good and bad points. For example, on the positive side there is the increased use of renewable energy or the amount of water saved but on the other hand the excessive use of the road transport system, the increased use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture or increased air contamination in large cities are all negative aspects. For more in English see: Euroresidentes - News from Spain
Spain risking fines over failures to comply with nature conservation laws
July 23rd
The European Commission is sending a final written warning about the Segarra-Garrigues irrigation project in Catalonia, where Spain has failed to comply with a court ruling which found that the works would affect areas important for the protection of steppic birds. Should Spain fail to take the necessary steps to remedy the situation the Commission may again bring it before the European Court of Justice and request that fines be imposed on Spain. For full Press Statement in English see: Europa Press Releases
Spain tourism slowdown eases in June, helped by UK
July 21st
The number of foreign visitors to Spain fell 10 percent in June versus a year ago, a slight improvement on the January-May period, figures showed on Tuesday. Compared with the earlier five months, there was a marked slowdown in the decline in British visitor numbers, the biggest segment of an industry accounting for 11 percent of Spain's economy. See: Reuters for more in English.
Javea Football Club deep in debt and accused of economic mis-management.
July 23rd
The debt of CD Javea is said to be in the region of 150,000 Euros with the coordinator and coaches unpaid since last November. There are calls for the President to resign. Unfortunately critcism is not only about money, but also relates to management allegedly favouring Brits over native Xabiense. e.g. the Club web site is entirely in English. (Las Provincias: Los 260 Canteranos.... The issue is quite complex and XAD has a more in depth analysis of the issues. El Club Deportivo Xabia...
Midnight Mountaineering on the Montgó
July 23rd
The Montgó park authorities are organising a night walk up the mountain including a talk and astronomical observations led by the Marina Alta Astronomical Association. The guided tour, of about 5km, will take place on Saturday August 1st, from Los Molinos on La Plana culminating at the astronomical viewing point. The walk will start at 8.30 pm and end after midnight. Anyone interested should phone 966423205 to register, as places are limited.
Anti Rabies Dog Vaccinations
July 22nd
Town hall is running its Anti Rabies campaign and Xàbia dog owners can get their four legged friends vaccinated for 16 only Euros at the following Vets on Saturday 25th July and (two weeks later ) Saturday August 8th between 10.00 am and 1.00pm: Albéitar, Asis, Clínica Veterinaria, Clínica El Puerto and la Clínica Veterinaria La Nao C.B. Note Dogs must be vaccinated every two years. Owners are reminded to bring their dog's vaccination book and chip information.
EU Health cards soon to be responsibility of Country of Origin
July 17th
As of February 2010 the Spanish Government will no longer issue EU Health cards to non-Spanish residents. Instead, foreign residents will have to get the health cards from their country of origin, or the country which pays their pension. Effectively this means that an EU citizen's country of origin will foot any health bills incurred while visiting their home country, or in any third EU country. Rights to health care within Spain remain unchanged. All EU health cards for non- Spaniards which are currently being renewed in Spain will only be valid until 28th February 2010. This information is from a notice handed out by the EU card issuing authority in Benidorm. (I can find no information about this change to arrangements on EU, Spanish or UK websites - CB-J) For text of original notice see: EU Health Card An article in the Costa Blanca News July 25th, does little to clarify the situation:
Xabia loses land in Cansalades
July 15th
Following an Alicante court ruling, Xàbia has been forced to sell 18 plots in Cansalades, to the developer of Villes del Vent for the price of development. This amounts to an estimated loss of 2.8 million Euros from the Town's assets. The problem began with an unusual agreement in 2004 between the then Mayor, Moragues and the developer. Ironically the developer may not be too happy with the purchase since it is feeling the effects of the housing bubble burst. From XAD: El Ayuntamiento pierde....
Town Hall and old Town kiss and make up
July 17th
After months of argument and disagreement the businesses in the Old Town and the Town Hall have signed a collaborative agreement. There will be a municipal subvention of 60,000 Euros over the next three years to assist in revitalising the Old Town. They hope to attract new businesses, both shops and restaurants, to beautify the area and make it attractive for tourists. The idea is to create a shopping centre, but take advantage of the fact that we are in one of the most attractive corners of the region. From Xabia al Dia and Las Provincias
Spanish Supermarkets gradually adopt reusable bags
July 13th
The consumption of single use plastic bags in Spain is supposed to be reduced by 50% in 2010, but supermarkets are under no legal obligation to do anything about their distribution of them. However, each chain is beginning to respond to the new perspective in their own way. Erotski provides reusable raffia bags and Carrefour reusable bags and single use ones made of potato starch. 20% of the rubbish collected on the beaches consists of plastic bags. See el Pais Adios a la bolsa de Plastico...
Greenpeace highlights threat of Port Expansion
July 7th
The 2008 Greenpeace report "Destrucción a toda costa 2009" has a two page report on the Xàbia Port situation. It also claims that half of Spain's protected coastline is under threat. The reports states that Spain has more proceedings open for abuse of the environment than any other country in the European Union, and claim Valencia, Andalucía and Canarias to be the regions which show the least respect for their coastline. For the entire report in castellano see: Greenpeace site For an English version of the chapter on Xàbia see: Greenpeace Report 2009, for a summary of the Reports findings in general see: Typically Spanish - Greenpeace claims
Summer deluge floods Arenal - despite new drains
July 10th
A downpour of more than 90 litres/m soaked the Arenal on Thursday morning causing flooding of Avenida Libertad and washing out apartments in the Casablanca apartments on Calle Niza. Alabraza restaurant in Avenida Tamarits was under water despite being right next to one of the new storm drains. The Javea School of Bridge Club House, which was in use by the Computer Club at the time, was only saved by a submersible pump (installed after the October 2007 floods) and a lot of brush work. Groundwater was seen to bubble up from below. CBJ. Las Provincias, XAD Caen quatro gotas....
Social Centre in the Port scrapped
July 10th
Plans to build a social centre in the Port have been scrapped for two reasons: The Costas said that part of the area designated for the proposed centre was on public land and secondly the Ministry of Culture wants to protect that particular area of the Port (Fishermen's tradional housing - barrio marinero) Las Provincias - El centro social...
Competing for Control of the Canal de la Fontana
July 9th
The management of the Canal de la Fontana will be opened up for public tender in September. There are two competing parties. The association of boat owners (AEXAMAR) which has looked after the canal over the past few years, and the company Vaindeco, which runs the part of the canal known as "Nou Fontana". The Valencian government currently has jurisdiction over the area, and will adjudge the tender, Valencia having been ceded control by the Costas. Note: The land area at the head of the canal, which has been put forward as the location of a possible dry dock, belongs to the Town Hall. from XAD AEXAMER puja por....
Saying goodbye to Plastic Bags in Xàbia
July 8th For shops where you can buy the bags see Eco Bag Collaborating Shops
The Environment Group of Agenda 21 has launched an awareness campaign which aims to reduce the consumption of plastic bags through the introduction of attractive jute bags which will be provided to the public and local businesses at cost of 2 Euros for the small bag, and 3 Euros for bigger ones. Xàbia want to put itself on the map as a sustainable town, one of the first in Spain to try and stop the use of plastic bags. For More see: The group's Wiki : Agenda21 grupos Wiki - Jute bag project English version of the Jute Bag Launch Press Release and Jute Bag Launch - English Press Release and Xàbia wants to rid itself of polluting plastic bags Also in Castellano in Levante: La Agenda21 trata... Contact Chris Betterton Jones at the Computer Club if interested in buying some! Story also in Costa Blanca News: Plastic Bag free campaign
Spying on Drug Traffickers and Illegal Immigrants from Cabo de San Antonio
July 7th
The Ministry of Interior has installed an Integrated External Surveillance tower (SIVE) on the Cabo de San Antonio. The more than 40m high tower is used to detect ships or persons who traffic in drugs. SIVE is a network of antennas placed along the Spanish coast, from Barcelona to Almería, and now also from Murcia to Valencia. These have radar and electro-optical systems including thermal and infrared cameras, whose range is up to 10km from the coast. The movement of vessels can thus be detected even at night and in poor weather conditions. From XAD: Control sobre....
Spain goes halfway on nuclear power
July 4th
The Prime Minister's decision to keep a small nuclear plant operating until 2013 has been criticized on both the right and the left. Almost 60 percent of Spaniards say they are against nuclear power, however despite its efforts to boost renewable energy sources, which now account for around 20 percent of generated electricity, Spain continues to depend on expensive fossil fuels for more than 80 percent of its primary energy use. For more see: Spain goes halfway....
British Holiday letting scam located in Jávea
July 4th
A Spanish police investigation into a website which shut down after taking hundreds of bookings for phantom holiday villas is centring on a British-run company located in Jávea. The company's website "" took deposits for holiday lettings on phantom properties. For more see: Times On-Line: Travel Scandal
Arguments over Xàbia coastline boundaries
July 3rd
About a month ago the Coastal department of the Ministry of the environment said it was re-drawing the demarcation of the coastline south of Xàbia from Cala Blanca to the boundary with Benitatxell. This has caused great disquiet among many property-owners since this includes highly urbanised areas and the new demarcation will mean that many people will lose their properties. Over the next 15 days the town Hall and residents will present their arguments to the Costas. For more about the Coasts Law (Ley de la Costas) see: Ley de la Costas For the EU Auken report's comments on the law see:
Auken report highlights problem of Ley de Costas
Sewerage network downgraded from Project to an Idea
July 1st
It became clear at an Agenda21 special forum on July 1st that after several meetings between the Town Hall and residents, the proposed project for a municipal wide sewerage network has now been downgraded to that of an idea. There are many unknown unknowns, as well as known unknowns, both technical and financial. The project will only be contemplated if 50% of the financing xcan be obtained from grants. Fro more see Sewerage project an Idea
Hooliganism and Vandalism mar Xàbia San Juan Fiestas
July 1st
Despite a campaign to encourage people to behave considerately over the San Juan fiestas, the holiday ended with hundreds of arrests, damage to public and private property, personal assaults and teenage drunkenness. Youths smashed street lamps, caused a fire in a house, smashed car mirrors, assaulted people, destroyed a bus, and committed thefts. A group of residents has written to the town hall asking for the youths involved to be controlled through a registry and reparation of or for the damage they caused. From XAD La fiesta de San Juan....
Xàbia Port the site of a new weekend Market
July 1st
The Business Association of the Port is organising a street market every weekend over the Summer. The market will be called the first " Mercado de Época". It will take place along the promenade and have 25 stalls selling gourmet food items and artesan goods typical of a particular epoch, with music, shows, workshops and other activities. The market will take place from 6.00pm until 11.30 pm each weekend. The inuaguration will be at 7.00pm on Friday 3rd July. (From Press release)