The Israelí Artist Amos Hoffman Chooses el Xàbia Jazz to Premiere His New Work in Europe
29th July
The Town Hall sponsored international jazz festival celebrated every summer in Javea will be the setting for the European debut of the project entitled "Carving" by Israeli musician Amos Hoffman. In this concert the lute and guitar player, born in Tel Aviv and regular collaborator of renowned bassist Avishai Cohen, will demonstrate concert in his unique style that combines music with Middle Eastern roots with jazz rhythms . From Press Release - For more details of the festival see:Jazz Festival 2011
Two Javea garden centres donate ornamental trees for the roundabouts
July 28th
The Town Hall’s Department of Services and the Environment have installed ornamental trees on the two temporary roundabouts along the Carretera Cabo de la Nao. As highlighted by Doris Courcelles, the councillor responsable for Services and the Environment, these improvements have been made possible with the collaboration of two nurseries in Jávea, Viveros Toscal S.L. and JGPS, who have donated the trees as a sign of cooperation with the local administration in times of crisis. Courcelles thanked both companies and expressed her desire for other local business to follow their example, collaborating with the town hall to make the town of Jávea more attractive.
The donations include an olive tree by Toscal S.L. and four smaller olive trees by JGPS, as well as a great specimen of “chorisia”, also known as the “bottle tree” a sub-tropical species that needs little care once it has taken root and has beautiful bloom in winter. (Press Release)
Xàbia internet and communications promotion via a joint company
July 27th
In an effort to generate resources, Councillor of Finance, Oscar Anton is studying ways to make municipal assets into money spinners. One such project is the creation of a municipal company to market the internet. The idea is to enable tourists to have a 3MB connection while on holiday, and also offer Internet, digital television and calls packages for residents. Through the creation of a joint venture, to be called Xàbia Comunicación SL, the town would profit by distributing the service, while private investment would provide the infrastructure. The client also would also benefit, since the greater the volume of connections, the cheaper the service. Moreover, the same infrastructure could be used to implement various security services and health telematics. Currently Oscar is talking to different Jávea companies dedicated to this service, and studying the various alternatives. From XAD: Una empresa mixta...
Ecisa owed another €1.3 million and Fiestas in the red.
July 28th
The new administration has had to juggle various budget allocations, and faces two major problems. Firstly, the company Ecisa (which built the underground car parks) is owed €1,288,023 for the repricing of works related to the construction of the car parks and ring roads; on top of which the same company is presenting a claim for unforeseen price increases on materials being used to build the library in the Port and have suspended work. The Town Hall is resisting this pressure and is looking to see if they can terminate the contract. The second problem is the fiestas budget of €600,000, which was blown before the new administration took over in June. In addition another €380,000, was owed leaving no budget for the Moors and Christians and Virgen del Loreto. Finance minister, Oscar Anton has modified the budget to allocate €150,000 to meet the expenses of these two fiestas, and will see if they can find €380,000 to pay off the debt at the end of the year. from XAD:El Ayuntamiento debe aun....
Javea Town Council Renovates Facilities for the Physically Disabled in the Arenal
Red Cross helps people with reduced mobility enjoy their beach holiday
July 28th
The Javea Services Department has substituted the changing cubicles, showers and lavatories in the wheelchair accessible area of the Arenal Beach. According to the department, the renovation was made possible through a grant from the Welfare Council in Valencia that the Town Hall applied for in order to renew the equipment. This equipment had not been renewed since the wheelchair accessible area was inaugurated five years ago, with its subsequent deterioration. Tourists and residents that this specially adapted beach area in the southern end of the Arenal Beach (by the Mas y Mas) is availble for the disabled from 11 am to 7 pm. The Red Cross lifeguards will be watching this area and assist all the elderly people or people with reduced mobility enjoy their swim in the sea, either with the amphibious chairs or by accompanying them. Resting chairs and a covered shaded area are also to be installed in this area. For more see Beach facilities for disabled 2011
Summaland Dance Music to hit the Arenal this weekend
July 27th
This weekend Javea takes a plunge into the world of Dance Music with the Summaland Festival, showcasing the hottest acts in dance and electronic music. Everything is ready for Friday 29 and Saturday 30 in the concert venue in the Tamarits area (next to the Arenal Beach), which will hold up to 10,000 people coming to dance to the beat of the hottest DJs and electronic artists. The concert promoters have partnered with local businesses to run the beverage bar and food court, as well as to organize side events. For more see Summaland 2011
1,500 People Attend the Summer Classical Concerts
Música a L’Estiu a Success
July 26th. The department of Culture of the Jávea Town Hall evaluated the outcome of the series of concerts offered by the international course, Music L'Estiu. Recitals were given every evening from Tuesday to Sunday, with an average attendance of 300 people per day, resulting in a total of 1,500 spectators. For more see Press Release Musica a L'Estiu 2011
Town Hall reduces its mobile phone bills by half
July 26th
The Javea Town Board has awarded a new contract that will considerably reduce the mobile telephone bills. According to Councillor for New Technologies Cesc Camprubi, the Town Hall had been spending 54,000 euros annually for a package that included calls both between the Town Hall mobile phones and land lines. After renegotiating the terms with the same company, the price was reduced to half. A flat rate subscription of 20,778 euros has been signed for the next two years - a total saving of 48,000 euro. From Press ReleasePress Release
Town receives Income from Recycling
July 26th
Mayor José Chulvi announced that apart from the regular payments received from the company in charge of scheme, the Town Hall of Javea received a 55,511 euro bonus in reward for its recycling “efficiency”, which stands above the average. Likewise, the same company (Ecoembalajes) has already paid the Local Administration another 46,948 euros from waste treatments during in the first quarter. From Press Release.
Jávea forecasts good tourist occupation this summer
July 22nd
Councillor for Tourism Antonio Miragall has revealed that, according to data provided by hotels, campsites and holiday apartments, the tourism forecast for this summer is "very favourable" and estimates that an average occupancy of 85% for July is 10 points higher than the same month in 2010. For the month of August, the busiest tourist month, confirmed reservations so far account for 73% occupancy but it is estimated that the average occupancy will reach 90-95% due to last minute bookings. From Press Release. For full report see: Tourism Forecast Summer 2011
New office for contact with Foreign Residents
July 22nd
Elizabeth Collins and Georgina Rodriguez will be "manning" the office for foreign residents, located initially in the Casa de Tena (Rusty iron door entrance just off the Calle Mayor in the Calle Pastores) from 9.30am until 1.30pm Monday to Friday. People can also contact them by e-mailing gro.aibaxja|pleh#gro.aibaxja|pleh. Their roles will be as a one-stop-shop to help foreign residents with town hall administration, provide contact with different Town Hall departments and inform people of the services available to them. They will also serve as a contact point for expat charities and associations (like the U3A). Meetings with such groups will shortly be held to introduce the service and set up contact procedures. The Department for foreign residents, led by Councillor Oscar Anton, also hopes to promote programmes aimed at Spanish residents, such as basic English for unemployed people with the help of volunteer native English speakers. From Press Release. For more details see: Foreign Residents Office
Town Hall staff beefed up with 10 temporary employees
July 22nd
The Town Hall has been able to employ 10 temporary staff through EU funds channelled through various government programmes. Three positions are with the Soler Blasco Museum to restore and catalogue a backlog of archaeological specimens. One is with the IT department, which is working on E-administration and maintaining the Town Hall's web page; the fifth is with the consumers information office (OMIC); another is involved with sorting out the municipal archives, and the last four are involved with forestry management in protected areas. The temporary jobs last until October. (From Press Release)
The Mayor listens to suggestions by maintenance specialists, ARTEM
July 20th
The Mayor José Chulvi, met with the Jávea Regulatory Association of Technical Maintenance Specialists (ARTEM), represented by Emilio Sentí and Martí Mengual.
At the meeting, the sector passed on their projects and concerns and stressed the need for serious action in order to tackle the intrusión suffered by this professional group. Among the requests made is to increase controls to stop illegal dumping at green points and landfills, as well as creating more areas for depositing garden refuse in the most remote areas of the municipality. They also propose establishing some sort of credential to identify professionals who are enrolled in the Social Security system when they use municipal facilities such as the eco-park. Another request made by the group is to maintain a smooth and periodic rapport with the municipal government. To achieve this the mayor announced that they were to be integrated into the Sectorial Council for Planning and Works, which will be created shortly. Among the projects ARTEM has shown an interest in taking on, is an awareness campaign about selective waste collection. From Press RElease.
Summer concert music in the Old Town
July 19th
The international music festival Música a L’Estiu returns once more to Jávea for its summer schedule of performances. For two weeks wevery summer over the last 26 years, the town has hosted dozens of musicians from all over the world who come to perfect their techniques with a team of top level professors. A weeklong series of concerts will begin on Tuesday 19th July night in the Plaza next to the new music conservatory (and Plaza de la Constitución) starting at 10.30 pm . Admission is free. The students in these courses are experienced performers, coming from over 15 countries to work on the techniques they find most difficult. At the same time they are able to enjoy the beautiful surroundings of Jávea. From Press Release. For details of the programme see: Música a L’Estiu 2011
Sweet Sour Relaunch for Agenda21
July 15th
The first meeting of Agenda21 following the election of the new administration was a sweet and sour affair. Firstly, the new Councillor for Citizen Participation, Cesc Camprubí welcomed everyone in three languages, and expressed the hope that the forum would become more fruitful and serve to better integrate members of the community. He noted that the Agenda21 had three legs: Environment, Socio/cultural and economic and that in the past the focus had been mainly on Environment, to the detriment of the other legs, and had led to disinterest among many people. He hoped that new avenues would be opened to enable more people to participate, including the use of Internet social media. His introduction was followed by a highly theoretical presentation by the consultant which did little to enthuse the small audience. The next meeting of the A21 will be Monday, July 25 at 8 pm, on the first floor of the Casa de Cultura. All interested are asked to attend and compile the issues that people wish to address e.g. the problem of public transport in Xàbia. From XAD: El foro de participación...
Inauguration of FotoJazz Exhibit in Jávea
This Friday at 7:30 pm, the first thematic exhibit on jazz will be inaugurated by the association "El Generador Cultural" in collaboration with the Town Hall of Jávea. Specifically, they are photographs on display in the shop windows of the Old Town of Javea until 15 August. The inauguration route will begin at pharmacy of Consuelo Espinós (in front of the church) and will visit all the shops that are participating. There are photographs by Toni Sanchis, Genoveva Regidor, Loek Groenendijk, José Vives "Gallo", Jose Maria Climent, Guiomar Ramirez-Montesinos, Ivan Almazan, Rainer, JakeAbbott, Jen Fleche, Peke, Miguel Gonzalez and Vicente de Miguel. According to the “Generador Cultural”, the idea of the exhibit came from of the association “Xàbia Histórica Centro Comercial Abierto”, that wants to involve the local business in the side events organized by the XàbiaJazz Festival. The exhibition is coordinated by the Agrupació Fotogràfica de Xàbia and sponsored by the Xàbia Histórica CCA Association. A photo tour of 24 shop windows has been laid out in the Old Town, with Jazz music as the travelling companion. The photographs of the selection are printed in an approximate size of 70x100 cm. (Press Release)
Xàbia reactivates Local Agenda 21- Thursday 14th July
July 12th
The Xàbia Town Hall Department of Citizen Participation has called a special session of the Local Agenda 21 for Thursday 14 July at 7.30 pm in the Casa de Cultura. Agenda21 is the broadest organ of social participation, and although to begin with, everyone who has already actively participated in recent forums has been informed, Councillor for Participation, Cesc Camprubi has extended this invitation to everyone who is interested. Camprubi explains that this meeting will outline the schedule for the new session starting in September, and will begin to discuss the new methodology that they want to use to make Agenda 21 more agile and responsive. The meeting will also define priorities to be addressed by the forum.
At Thursday's meeting, there will also be technicians from Amanida de Projectes, the company that manages Agenda 21 in Xàbia, and people to help with translation. From Press Release.
Seamen celebrate Virgen del Carmen festival this Saturday
July 11th
This year for the first time, the image of the Virgin Mary will be transported by a small fishing boat, namely “Irene y Joaquín”. Festivities begin at 8.00 with a wake-up call of music and firecrackers followed by the moving of the statue of the Virgen del Carmen from the Casa del Pescador to the Loreto church. Then Mass, and afterwards , at around 1.00pm. the traditional flotilla goes out to sea to scatter flowers in memory of those lost at sea. From Press Release. Fro more deatils see: Virgen del Carmen 2011
Table of Contents
The Xàbia Pensioners plan an Excursion to the Cirque du Soleil
July 11th
The Association of Pensioners Amanecer de Xàbia has organized a day trip to attend the Cirque du Soleil show, which will perform in Alicante. The price is 40 euros for those over 65 and 43 euros for all other citizens. The price includes bus fare and admission to the show. The excursion is scheduled for Wednesday, August 3rd and the departure will be at 5.30 pm from the parking lot at Avenida Palmela.
Those interested have until 20 July to sign up at the association’s office in the Social Centre (calle Echague Rafael) every Tuesday and Thursday from 9.30 to 12.00 pm or by calling 96 579 2389. (From Press Release)
The Moors and Christians Festivities begin Saturday in Jávea
July 11th
The 12 filaes (companies that represent the opposing legions) participating in the Moors and Christians festivities celebrated in Jávea in honour of San Jaime (St. James), are gearing up for this Saturday July 16, when the rocket fire and switching on of lights signal the official inauguration of these festivities, which will fill the Port of Jávea with activities up until Sunday July 24th. The very same Saturday at 10.00 pm, the comparsas will gather at Avenida Jaime I to attend the official presentation of the stars of the festivities; the standard bearers Mar Asenjo Cardona for the Moors and Elisa Buigues Bisquert for the Christian, and the 2011 captains Maria Cholbi Segarra and Ramon Ferrer Santacreu of the Al-Tarik legion. The event will be attended by the President of the Local Board, Francisco Jose Moya, the Councillor for Fiestas, Juan Ortolá and the Mayor of Jávea, Jose Chulvi. From Press Release. For more details see: Moors and Christians 2011

Humour from Fernando Sala Soler
Mayor meets with the Entrepreneurs group of the Marina Alta
July 11th
The Mayor of Javea, José Chulvi, met this morning with Sonja Dietz, president of the "Círculo de Empresarios de la Marina Alta" (CEDMA). This first contact between the new administration and the regional federation was also attended by the Councillor for Tourism, Antonio Miragall and Secretary of CEDMA, Esteban Cobos. The meeting served to open lines of communication for future collaborations. From Press Release.
Town Hall finally settles €2 million compensation case
July 10th
The Town Hall has finally settled compensation of €2,067,587 (plus interest) to a family which owns land in the area of "La Corona" (near the top of Cabo de San Antonio). The long-standing case followed the declassification of some of their building land for its inclusion in the Montgó Natural Park in 2001. The land owners had already had permission for a development in this area and were therefore to be compensated by the town hall. The problem is that the land lost value once its classification was no longer urbanisable. In 20th October 2008, the supreme court ruled the amount of compensation as €2,067,587, since then the Town Hall has made a number of appeals without success, and now all legal avenues are closed. The money has already been set aside, and all that remains is to agree the form of payment to the affected family. From Press Release and XAD: El Ayuntamiento....
Photo and art exhibitions parallel Xàbia Jazz
July 10th
This year, Xàbia Jazz will be more that simply a music festival. In addition there are two, separate but complementary exhibitions on the theme of Jazz. The first, an exhibition of photographs called FotoJazz, consists of 24 photos taken by different people which will grace the shop windows of Old Town businesses between July 15th and August 15th. The second, ArtJazz, consists of works by 29 local artists, again with the jazz theme. This will be on display at the exhibition centre at Ca Lambert (Calle Major, 9 - Old Town) from July 26th until August 28th. There will also be a poster exhibition at the archaeological museum and concerts by students of the music conservatoire. The 11th Jazz festival itself will run from August 4th - 11th. From Press Release.
Crime rate falls
July 10th
A regular meeting of the town's local security board revealed that Xàbia's crime rate between 2003 and 2010 fell by 39.3%. The crimes which showed the greatest decline in 2010 were those against individuals and property. The town has security plans concerning school kids behaviour with each other, gender violence and drugs in schools and entertainment areas. There is also a detailed security plan for the over 65s about which the Guardia Civil has already made two presentations. The mayor asked that a presentation should also be made for residents of the urbanisations. Since 2003 the Guardia Civil force in Xàbia has increased from 32 to 67 agents. From XAD: La tasa de criminalidad....
Kids entertainment on Arenal Beach organised by Red Cross
July 6th
The Red Cross is organising free, alternative entertainment for 6-12 year olds on the Arenal Beach. To begin with, the activities will take place between 10am -11.30 am on Wednesdays. Parents who are interested in enrolling their children should apply for places at the Red Cross booth near the Canal de la Fontana. There are two, English-speaking volunteer assistants, to help cater for the children of foreign tourists. Organiseres were pleasantly surprised by the popularity of the first session in which all 30 available places were taken up. From Press release.
Arenal Avenida Libertad two way again
July 5th
One day's work modifying the roundabout to alleviate problems experienced by bus drivers, and repainting signage on the road, has made the Avenida Libertad at the Arenal two way once more. (From Press Release) (Ed's note: Actually they were still finishing the signage the following day. Las Provincias points out that the changes to traffic flow will take away about 100 parking spaces and that people will have to park on the parking area near Av Tamarits or in the new car park at Av Paris)
Frechinal barranquet works re-organised to avoid summer congestion
July 5th
Following discussions between the Mayor and the contractor carrying out the canalisation of the Frechinal barranquet (a small gully which passes through the west side of the Old Town). Works which will effect Calle Doctor Borrull will be postponed until after the summer, both to ensure smooth traffic flow in the Old Town, and also enable the company to devote its energies to its work in the Calle San Vicent. The latter job started in February, and was to have taken seven months. But the project was later modified to include the renovation of underground services such as telephone lines and storm drains. This meant an additional two months' work. The company has made the assurance that they will finish with Calle San Vicent and return to Doctor Borrull on September 15th when the summer tourism congestion diminishes. (From Press Release)
Summer Firewatch to include Tossal Gros
July 5th
Civil Protection volunteers have started their 24 hour summer campaign to watch out for forest and bush fires. The eight members of Protección Civil will be joined by the volunteer fire brigade of Balcon al Mar. The main look out points are the monte de Santa Llúcia, the Torre de la Granadella and Pinosol where an emergency fire vehicle is stationed. This year there will be a new lookout point on Tossal Gros. In case of fire members of the public are asked to call 112 or 607240433, the local police on 965790081 or the 24 hour number 648015256. People are also reminded that cooking fires in forested areas are banned and that everyone should do what they can to reduce fire risk (not leave garbage or garden waste in the forest etc.). From Press Release.
Moves to set up a Sectorial Committee on Urban development and Works
July 5th
The governiing team will meet with the Association of Small builders, developers and allied industries (APCPIA) on Wednesday to establish contact and dialogue with this group and initiate the formation of a Sectorial Committee on Urban develoment and Works. The Committee will serve to incorporate this sector into the process of revising the town's General Plan (PGOU) and Strategic plan for the long term development of the town. The latter is a priority for the ruling coalition. See XAD: El executivo de Xàbia....
Mayor meets with barranquet de Frechinal residents
July 4th
The mayor has met with residents of the Calle San Vicente to address their concerns about the inconvenience and damage to their properties caused by the on-going drainage works along the barranquet de Frechinal. The mayor will meet with the contractor on Tuesday to see if there are ways to accelerate the works. From XAD: El Alcalde....
New Town Council cuts its salary bill by €150,000
July 1st
The new administration has announced the salary bill for council members and "personal de confianza" (grace and favour appointments of personal administrative staff). This is some €150,000 lower than the previous administration, thanks in part to there now being only 11 councillors instead of 13. Mayor Chulví will receive €50,000 (€2,000 less than ex-mayor Monfort and ex-Councillor Pepe Chorro), but he will forego the mayor's salary if he receives a salary for his position as Deputy in the Alicante government, adding to the savings pot. There will be two full time councillors, Doris Courcelles (Services and Environment) and Pere Sapena (Town Planning/urban development) who will each receive €42,000. Other councillors in the ruling coalition have various types of part time pay, of around €20,000 - €25,000. The average pay of councillors is down by about €1,500 per annum. The posts for personal administrative staff have been cut from 14 to 12 and three secretaries for the opposition parties are now part time. Matters for the Council plenary meetings will be previously discussed by four committees: Finance ; Services and Environment;Town Planning and Works; Culture, Education, Sports and Social Services. Opposition councillors wil also sit on these committees. From Press release and XAD: El Gobierno... For more details of the salaries and allowances see Councillors 2011
Town Planning to speed up procedures
July 1st
The Town planning department is drawing up new bye laws which will enable people who apply for building licenses in respect of small works to receive their permits on the day of application. All they would need to do would be to pay a fee and sign a liability statement. They also want to speed up the process whereby property owners can receive their habitation license (cédula). They also plan to update municipal mapping. Some of the maps currently in use are dated 2000 and do not reflect all the urban development which happened during the height of the building boom. According to councillor Pere Sapena, the Town hall's urban development policy will be to sequentialise construction. i.e. order priorities in municipal development so that there is a guaranteed rhythm of construction. Among these priorities is the finalisation of the Via Augusta (from Press Release)
More than a 100 British Residents attend Consulate open day.
The Mayor of Xàbia, José Chulvi, inaugurated the Open Day held by the British Consulate in the town's Casa de Cultura on Wednesday. This was also attended by Oscar Anton, the councillor for Relations with Foreign Residents and the councillor for the Environment, Doris Courcelles. Both the vice consul and Laura Leeman from the consulate explained to the audience the functioning of the consulate, what services it provides and where it is located. The social and pension assistance available for eligible British expatriates was explained and many questions from the floor were answered. From Press Release.