Xàbia local police catch two illegal fishermen
July 29th
Xàbia local police engaged in maritime surveillance have caught two Frenchmen illegally fishing from a boat in the Marine Reserve of the Cabo de San Antonio. The ploice initiated infringment proceedings and confiscated the fishing gear: spear guns, wetsuits and buoys. From Las Provincias
Four major forest fires in Castellón, Extremadura and Castilla y León
July 29th
Huge forest fires are burning out of control in the eastern and western extremes of the mainland, one of which has already wiped out over 1,000 hectares, or 10 million square metres. This is the second-worst of four major infernos spreading unstoppably, having flared up in Artana (Castellón province) in the east, probably as a result of a bonfire, early yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon. It has reached the edge of the Sierra de Espadán mountain nature reserve and is said to have two active fronts, but is some distance from the nearest residential area. Another dramatic blaze in the same region, in Tavernes de la Valldigna (Valencia province) broke out on Monday night, but was fully extinguished by mid-morning on Tuesday and did not affect any homes. For full story see: ThinkSpain
Soft Fruit exports take off in Spain
July 29th
Although the strawberry is still tops, it is gradually ceding to its rivals. Of all the berries, the cranberry has seen the steepest escalation in demand over the past four years, with exports rising by 138% in that time. Hard on its heels is the raspberry with a 129% increase, while blackberries have been subject to a more modest rise of 35%, according to the Spanish Federation of Associations of Producers and Exporters of Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Live Plants (FEPEX). Ironically, when it comes to eating them, Spaniards lag behind the rest of Europe and the United States. In 2015, 10% of Spain’s strawberry exports – amounting to 33,500 tons – went to Britain, along with 40% of its other berry exports, or 16,000 tons, making Britain one of the main importers of Spain’s berry produce.For full story see: El Pais in English
Xàbia plans to buy old Civil Guard barracks in Granadella to extend parking
July 30th
Parking in the Granadella Cove could be extended after the Xàbia town hall formally presented an offer to the Economy and tax ministry to buy a plot of land where a former barracks of the Guardia Civil (which acquired all the properties of the Carabineros after the service was dissolved in 1940) is located. The area of roughly 985 square metres would provide extra space for cars in an area which suffers major shortcomings in public parking facilities. For full story see: Javeamigos
Benitatxell distributes diffusors to reduce water consumption
July 30th
Benitatxell is giving away diffusors to fit to domestic taps to reduce water consumption. The residents needs only to present a water bill at the tourist office. Fitting the devices can reduce water consumption by 50%. The council invites all villagers to collect these devices so they can save while contributing to responsible water use. From XAD
The Med drowning in a sea of plastic
July 26th
The Mediterranean sea contains levels of floating plastic similar to those in the famous Atlantic and Pacific gyres, according to Andrés Cózar, a marine biologist and researcher at Spain's Cádiz University. And what’s more, Cózar says, the samples taken from the surface water could be “just the tip of the iceberg of plastic waste, less than one percent.” Large amounts of microplastics, he warns, are trickling down the food chain and to the sea bed. However Cózar remains optimistic because he feels that steps are being taken in the right direction. For full story see: El Pais in English
Hacienda discovers 1.7 million unregistered houses and house improvements
July 26th
Spain’s tax office has discovered 1.69 million homes that have failed to pay adequate taxes thanks to an extensive air operation using satellites and drones. The unmanned aerial vehicles revealed improvements to people’s houses that they had failed to declare to the tax office, such as extensions and swimming pools. The unprecedented investigation, which began in 2014 has generated extra takings of €1.3 ($1.4 billion) for the Land Value Tax (Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles). Spain’s tax office estimates that the fraud occurred in as many as 8.9 percent of the houses registered on Spain’s municiple registers, or padrónes. For full story see: The Local
Denia gets two "Black Flags" for beach water pollution
July 26th
The organisation "Ecologistes en Acció del País Valencià" has given the Denia beaches of Punta dels Molins and Punta del Raset black flags for their waters exceeding legal pollution levels. The same organisation also analyses the situation with sewage treatment works and has given 42 black flags to water treatment works throughout the region - which do not meet parameters established by the European directive 91/271. This list includes the Xàbia sewerage plant. From: La Marina Plaza
Denia and the University of Alicante to set up environmental and marine research centre in the Mongó Natural Park.
July 26th
The objective of the research centre is to conduct research, development and innovation, education, counseling, outreach and awareness in the environmental field. The official name of the research centre is ESCIMO-Dénia, (Estación científica Montgó-Dénia) and it will be based in the House of IRYDA, in the natural park Montgó. The University of Alicante will develop activities of interest to both institutions, including studies related to protected natural areas in the municipality of Dénia, such as the natural park of Montgó and Marine reserve of the Cap de Sant Antoni, as well as environmental resources such as water both fresh and marine and other aspects with value to quality of life such as tourism, landscape, natural attractions and bathing water. The renewable agreement will be valid for five years and Denia will support the research with an annula payment of not less than €10,000 per year. From: La Marina Plaza
Denia, Orba and El Verger join the "Ruta del RiuRau" initiative
July 24th
Denia, Orba and El Verger have finally joined 12 other Marina Alta municipalities in the "Ruta del Riurau" initiative. This cultural heritage theme of the Marina Alta region, celebrates the 19th Century hey day of the region in the cultivation of muscatel grapes and manufacture of raisins, pointing out the characteristic architecture of the Riurau. Each town brings something distinctive to the route, Denia emphasising the route taken by dried raisins to the Port. El Verger has a dozen Riuraus, though privately owned, they have permissions for visits and viewings. They also boast the viewing spot of the Segaria terraces, where vines were grown on the edges of the rock. Orba's Riuraus are in poor condition, though they plan to restore this abandoned heritage, and also emphasis the important clay industry of the past. From: Las Provincias
Spain needs three times the effort to meet EU's emissions targets
July 24th
Spain will have to treble its efforts in reducing emissions to enable it to meet the European Union's carbon footprint targets, according to the acting environment ministry…Europe's carbon footprint reduction goals are considerably more ambitious than those posed by the United Nations, being a drop of 40% on readings from the year 1990 by 2030. For Spain, transport, waste management, residential emissions and deforestation are high on the target list - especially since a report last week revealed that 20% of the nation's countryside is suffering from desertification. For full story see: ThinkSpain
Fire Risk warning system on the Montgó
Initiative by Xàbia also taken up by Denia Town Hall
July 24th
In a coordinated action, the municipalities of Denia and Javea have installed a new system warning of forest fire risks in different parts of the Montgó, natural park. There are seven "traffic light" information posts in the Xàbia area, on La Plana and along the Jesus Pobre road. The posts explain the three colour codes of fire risk which like traffic lights are green, amber and red and there is a small panel displaying today's risk based on the Emergency Coordination centre's advice. The Civic Protection brigade will be responsible for changing the info panels each day. From : La Marina Plaza ( Ed's note: This at a time when the Montgó Natural Park does not have a Director, and will not have one appointed before the autumn at the earliest See: Las Provincias)
Table of Contents
A house for a client with reduced mobility
July 18th
The promoter Houses has built a house near Pinosol Park specifically for a person with reduced mobility. The original project was reworked to suit the client's requirements: size of the doors, adapted bathroom, adapted kitchen and hob recessed for easy access .. and a mechanism has been installed for the swimming pool so the owner can swim completely autonomously. From Xàbia al Día For a virtual tour of the house: Click Here.
Large forest fires devastate 37% of the area burned in Spain over the past 10 years
July 18th
The impact of large forest fires in Spain has intensified in the last decade. Between 2006 and 2015, they devastated 37% of the total mass affected, according to a WWF report. Last year, these fires were twice as large and destructive than the average of the last decade: each burned, on average, more than 2,600 hectares, and three ( Quesada Jaen , Luna in Zaragoza and Acebo on the Sierra de Gata ) comprised 80% of the total burned by large fires in Spain. Valencia considers all its forested area as being "high risk". The main cause of fire is the human hand (intentional: 55%) and 23% due to negligence and accidents. From : El Pais
Every Drop Counts
July 18th
Amjasa has relaunched its summer programme to conserve water with the printing of leaflets, in Spanish and English, providing tips on conserving water in the home. Images of the brochure in English can be seen hereEvery drop counts.
Blue Dome chapel renovation completed
July 18th
Work has been completed on the renovation of the iconic blue dome of the chapel of Calvario, the building which has housed the town's treasured image of Jesús Nazareno since its construction in the mid-19th century. The project, carried out on behalf of the Ayuntamiento de Xàbia over the past four months, aims to help solve the problem of damp in the property and has revitalised the characteristic blue-tiled dome. It has also included the cleaning up of the roof to seal existing leaks as well as opened up a series of small windows which had been blocked up to provide more natural light into the interior of the chapel. The work has been completed with a budget of 75,000 euros. For full story see: Javeamigos
Val de Gallinera promoted as a rural tourism location
July 11th
A travel article in The Guardian describes a "holiday in deepest Rural Spain" - in the Val de Gallinera under the headline: "A long way from Benidorm: rural regeneration in south-east Spain". The holiday package is being promoted by a UK company. For full story see: The Guardian
Granadella parking improved
July 11th
An additional parking zone and a viewpoint have been created as part of a project to improve Calle Pic Tort in the Granadella zone, an access road that was opened 40 years ago to serve a housing estate in the area. An additional parking area has been created, providing for space of 60 to 70 vehicles. In addition, a stretch of the road has been opened up as a path of about 500m which ends in a new viewpoint ("mirador") surrounded by a wooden fence with spectacular views over the cove and towards the remains of the Castell de la Granadella. For full story see: Javeamigos
Benitatxell and Teulada to buy a total of 2000 m3 of water per day from Xàbia
July 11th
An agreement has finally been signed for Xàbia to sell water to Teulada-Moraira and Benitatxell during the summer months. 2,000 cubic metres per day will be transferred by AMJASA to the Teulada-Benitatxell consortium which will pay a price of 0.93 euros per cubic metre. This charge will cover water production costs, delivery and maintenance costs of a frame at the desalination plant as well as general maintenance of pipelines. This transfer is dependent upon adequate supplies being available for Xàbia consumers. Xabia is hoping to obtain long term commitments from neighbouring municipalities, not just to act as a back stop for summer seasons. For full story see: Javeamigos
Start of the tourist season sees fall in unemployment
July 6th
In the Comunidad Valenciana the number of unemployed decreased by 12,067 people last month and 42,960 over the previous year, to a total of 438,663. The sector where the lowest unemployment last month was services, with 8,143 fewer unemployed, followed by industry (2153), construction (1,107) and the group without previous employment (-760), Nine out of ten jobs are temporary. From Las Provincias
Spanish peaches and plums for China
July 6th
The Chinese Government has sent officials from the Ministry of Agriculture to Spain review the conditions of production, harvesting and packing of stone fruits, to organize the fulfillment of the established phytosanitary protocols and prepare the first shipments to that country. Last April the governments of Beijing and Madrid signed an agreement that opens the doors of China to stone fruits (peaches, nectarines, plums) as they have already been doing for citrus for some years. The first fruits to be authorized to export to China have been peaches and plums, Spain is the first country in the world authorized by the Executive Beijing to send peaches. From Las Provincias
Xaló and Lliber drinking water crisis
July 6th
Xálo has potable water in only 30% of its supply network, and in Lliber it's only on the pueblo. A couple of months ago both locations had to ban human consumption of tap water due to turbidity and the high level of aluminum. Local wells are extremely low and although they receive water from the Parcent treatment works, things will be difficult this summer. Lliber and Xaló have asked for supply from the Lucifer well (lust below Isbert's dam in the Barranco del Infierno) which currently supplies Calpe, but there is no prospect of a quick agreement. Xaló will be spending some €600,000 renewing its network of pipes and meters, which will be a major challenge, but will reduce water losses through leaks. They are even looking at connecting to Xàbia's desalination plant at a cost of €20 million. From :Las Provincias.
Investigation of unexplained defoliation of orange trees
July 6th
The Department of Agriculture and Valencian Institute of Agricultural research is investigation why some orange trees are losing their leaves and yellowing in the Plana Baixa and other citrus growing areas. Having ruled out high concentrations of salt in irrigation water, pathogenic fungus, and excessive fertilisation, investigators think that the might be due to ailments in the plant's physiology or cropping patterns rather than pathogens. They are still investigating. From: Las Provincias
Bluefin Tuna return to the Marina Alta Coast
July 1st
In the mid-nineties, indiscriminate fishing of bluefin tuna brought a brutal decline of the species as seen first hand in the fish markets of Denia, Xàbia and Moraira. Since then restrictions on capture, an annual quota system (which limits the total catch for each country, region and even boat) and extreme vigilance have enabled their recovery. As a result the International Commission for the Conservation of Tuna (ICCAT) the regulating body, has increased the quota for Spain for 2016 by 20 %, to a total limit of 3,524 tons. By 2017 this share will hopefully increase to 709 tonnes. It is reported that up to 40% of the tuna sold in Spain has a fraudulent origin.(From La Marina Plaza) as an adjunct to this, on June 24th, the European Parliament approved the final agreement on the Regulation that will from now on settle the multi-annual recovery plan for bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. According to the text "Member States will use transparent and objective criteria, especially the environmental, social and economic ones, for the national allocation of quotas, giving particular attention to the preservation and prosperity of small-scale, artisanal, traditional fishermen using traps and other selective fishing methods, and to the promotion of such methods." See: FIS Spain for full story in English.