More than a 100 British Residents attend Consulate open day.
June 30th
The Mayor of Xàbia, José Chulvi, inaugurated the Open Day held by the British Consulate in the town's Casa de Cultura on Wednesday. This was also attended by Oscar Anton, the councillor for Relations with Foreign Residents and the councillor for the Environment, Doris Courcelles. Both the vice consul and Laura Leeman from the consulate explained to the audience the functioning of the consulate, what services it provides and where it is located. The social and pension assistance available for eligible British expatriates was explained and many questions from the floor were answered. From Press Release.
A roundabout to replace the Arenal Traffic lights
June 29th
The Town Hall is to replace the last remaining set of traffic lights at the Arenal with a provisional roundabout. This set of lights, at the cross roads of the Pla and Avenida Arenal has been the root cause of traffic jams tailing back to the Barclays bank roundabout during summer months. They are also going to finish off the roundabout at Avenida Tamarits. However finalisation of the Barclays bank roundabout is still pending the ceding of land (it has been provisional for 10 years). They will also be re-organising the traffic to make the Avenida de Libertad two way again, so that the road right next to the sea-side shops and restaurants is once more used commercially rather than as a thoroughfare . Fome Las Provincias: Xàbia hará....
Town Hall Governing Committee approves grants for clubs
June 28th
The new town hall Governing Committee of seven councillors has made its first joint decision on the disbursement of funds, approving grants to support various clubs and associations. This includes €15,593 for the Llebeig Athletics club (which organises big competitions such as "la Volta a Peu" and the "Cross Baix Montgó" as well as promoting athlecits at schools and organsing school games. €10,000 goes to the Fundación Foro Jávea de Vecindad - (See: Foundation website which promotes political, economic and cultural dialogue between the countries bordering the Mediterranean. The Xàbia rhythmic gymnastic club receives €2,200 (they have had much success in regional competitions recently) and the work pf the pigeon fanciers group " Club de Colombicultors de Coloms Esportius" gets €1,600
From XAD:La junta de gobierno....
Another burst pipe at the Arenal
June 28th
Many sections of Xàbia's mains water network are obsolete, and the Saladar and Arenal areas are constantly seeing burst pipes. A week ago there was a leak in front of the torre de Arenal, and now there's another at the cross roads of Calle Atenas and Avenida de la Libertad. This is not the first occurrence in this part of the municipal water network. It coincides with the drop in water pressure which residents have experienced over the past decade and demonstrates the poor condition of the pipes.
AMJASA sources acknowledge that this is a problem area and, in fact, they have drafted a project to improve the network for Montañar. However, so far this has not been carried out due to the extent and therefore the cost of the work. From XAD: Otro reventon....
Restauranteurs to challenge Costas and put tables on the Port promenade once more
June 28th
Following a meeting with the Mayor on Monday, restaurant owners along the Avenida Marina Española promenade in the Port have decided to hold a meeting among themselves to decide a date when they will put back chairs and tables beside the sea. This would be in direct contravention of the orders from "Costas" in Madrid. They say that the tables would be positioned in a controlled manner, without the excesses of before. They plan to have the tables out in July and August, and bring them in in September. They want to sit down with neighbours and Costas and find a solution which suits everybody. On the other hand, residents and neighbours reiterated that the Town Hall must keep the promenade clear for public use, as demanded by law. At Monday's meeting, the mayor explained that one must comply with the law, and that the town hall can only authorise use of the terraces immediately next to the restaurants, this being the area under municipal jurisdiction. The sea-side is the responsibility of Costas. From Las Provincias: Empresarios de hosteleria....
24hr Free Parking around the Covered Market once more
June 28th
The Mayor of Javea, José Chulvi has amended the bye law regulating parking around the Old Town market. From today you can park in the Celestino Pons square and Sor María Gallart street throughout the day. However, parking will continue to be regulated during business hours. Thus, from 8.00am to 2.00pm and from 4.00pm to 9.00pm, Monday to Saturday, you can park for only 45 minutes, although it will be free of charge. The Mayor explained that this measure serves to "boost the economy in the Old Town and its environs, in addition to meeting the demands of residents and owners of commercial establishments." From XAD: Permitido aparcar....
Town hall to revise regulations governing tables on the streets
June 27th
It is impossible to ignore the proliferation of restaurant tables and displays of goods occupying parking spaces in both the Port and the Arenal. Actually, it is legal to for premises to occupy the road in this way. All they need is agreement from the Town Hall and to pay a tax for occupying a public right of way. But as always, give them an inch and they'll take a mile. The latest occupation outside a pub on the Avenida de la Libertad is an extensive construction of steel and planking. Permission for this was granted by the previous mayor, Monfort, days before the end of his term of office. The new Mayor Chulvi has taken note and announced that he will not approve any more concessions of this type, and that after the summer his team will draw up bye laws to regulate all terraces which occupy the public right of way. Meanwhile, Services has ordered the pub to put signs on the structure. From XAD: El Ayuntamiento...
Parents of Autistic child set up support group
June 27th
Last summer, Fabián and Aranza, parents of a three-year old autistic child called Sol, fought for their child to have the specialist care she needed during summer school in Xàbia. See: No specialist care for autistic child at Summer school. Their experience stimulated them to set up an association called "Sol y Nubes" (Sun and clouds) for parents of children who have general development and language disorders in the Marina Alta. When treated early, autistic and other children with pervasive developmental disorders, can learn to become more interactive with others. The Association aims to provide a meeting point for families, to develop activities to improve the quality of life of sufferes and raise awareness of the condition. More on Facebook Tel: 610 431 887 (Arantza Reig), moc.liamtoh|sebunylosnoicaicosa#moc.liamtoh|sebunylosnoicaicosa From XAD La Asociacion.... For background to Autism see: Autism spectrum disorders........
Jávea Association of women entrepreneurs presents its new projects
June 26th
The Jávea Association of women entrepreneurs (Mujeres Emprendedoras de Jávea (MEJ) will present its new projects and initiatives for 2011 in the Casa de Cultura on Wednesday 6th July at 8.30 pm. They will also show their promotional video. The Association hopes to encourage business networking among its members, and realise activities which will help women to improve their business. CREAMA ( the body which promotes economic reactivation in the Marina Alta, collaborates with the association and will outline the advisory services it offers at the meeting. From XAD: Mujeres emprendadores....
More free parking spaces at the Arenal
June 21st
Javea Town Hall has set up a new area for free public parking at the Arenal. This is a plot next to the Avda Paris, three minutes walk away from of the beach and has a capacity for approx 300 vehicles. Ed's note: Old timers will remember this as being a car park some years ago. It has since fallen into disuse. However, the Town hall has recently negotiated with the land owners who have been happy to give its free use, with the Town Hall being responsible for its maintenance. The idea came from the Arenal Business Association. The Town Hall also has other plots of land which could be used - such as the areas behind the new apartment blocks 3 and 3a (opposite Cafe Wien). They are also working on changing the traffic flow in the Arenal. From Press Release. For full text of press release see New Car Parks for the Arenal
Three Blue Flags grace Jávea Beaches
June 21st
Blue flags are flying today on Jávea's Arenal, La Grava and Granadella beaches. The flags are awarded by the Association of Environmental and Consumer Education (ADEAC) being a guarantee of excellence, not only in the quality of the waters, but also in services, accessibility, safety and cleanliness of the entire beach. From XAD: Tres banderas azules.... For full text of press release in English see: Blue Flags 2011
200 protest removal of restaurant chairs and tables from the Avenida Marina Española
June 18th
Around 200 people, armed with beach chairs, parasols and placards gathered at the Avenida Marina Española in the Port on Saturday morning to protest the removal of restaurant tables and chairs from the promenade, and to demand that the Town Hall carries out negotiations with Costas to enable the sea-side tables to be reinstated. The one hour demonstration, from 11.00am until 12.00 noon went off peacefully. From Las Provincias: Sentada de guiris... According to some people who attended, demonstrators were treated to free drinks by the restaurants affected. The issue is a complex one. See Javea and the Ley de Costas, and judging by comments following the Las Provincias article, reinstatement of the tables is not approved of by everyone. The Town hall had earlier approached the organisers of the demonstration and invited them to meet and discuss the issue, apparently receiving no reply. Sources say another invitation will be issued for a formal meeting next week.
Stop Press: Meeting is scheduled for Monday 27th June at 10.00am. For Press Release see: Port Promenade Meeting June 27th 2011
Changes to traffic flow in the Arenal on the cards
June 18th
New mayor Chulví and his governing team have begun to deal with complaints from neighborhood groups and the business community in relation to traffic and parking issues. In the Arenal a new parking area will be created and there will be changes to the traffic flow to relieve congestion in the area. They have has also rethought the cycle path between the Port and Old Town and municipal technicians are analyzing the possibility of reverting to two way traffic in the Avenida Juan Carlos I and Avenida de Alicante. They are also working on an alternative solution to the cycle path in Primer Montañar between the Port and the Arenal beach. From Press Release: For more details see: Traffic and Parking issues revisited
Mayor Chulví delegates powers to a new "Government Executive Committee"
June 18th
Mayor Chulvi is delegating many powers to a new body called the Government Executive Committee. This is in order to ensure that all council members "may participate in the decisions of any department." the new set up "encourages greater coordination between all the departments and resources to avoid duplication and unnecessary expense."
This Committee will be constituted on Monday 20 June at 8.30 pm and will consist of :
PSOE: Jose Chulvi, Amparo Bolufer, Doris Courcelles, Cesc Camprubí. XD: Oscar Antón, Pere Sapena. CPJ: Juan Ortolá.
It will meet weekly, every Monday, and will then announce the executive decisions taken. Among its many functions will be the granting of planning permissions, permits for activities, events or markets, scholarships, loan modifications, contracting, public employment opportunities, plans for the beaches, to decide on the attendance at tourism exhibitions, etc. Frome Press Release : For full statement on this issue see:Government Executive Committee 2011
Six Council Budgets already Broke
June 17th
After only a few days in office, Councillor for Finance, Oscar Antón (who has a Masters in financial law) has found that six of the council budgets are already spent. Among these are Citizen security, Services, Social Services and Fiestas. A major task will be where to get the money from to support these services. Antón plans to carry out an audit through the Sindicatura de Cuentas (which is free), close the accounts and ask for bank certificates in order to assess the real state of the municipal coffers before starting his administration. He is also looking at ways of modernising payments to the Town Hall, e.g. by creating the option to pay IBI in four instalments by automatic bank transfer - and giving a small discount to people who pay automatically. He is also looking at methods of paying Town Hall taxes by credit card over the Internet. The programme used by the Comunidad Valenciana looks a good bet, since it is relatively cheap (€3,700) and because it can run on the old (1992) operating system used by the Town Hall's computers. Town Hall employees are said to be positive about these proposed changes. From XAD: El nuevo edil...
Montgó Cave excavation of international importance
June 17th
The on-going excavation of the inaccessible cave of the Barranco del Migdia on the Montgó has revealed data of international significance. The cave, which contains human remains of five individuals, pottery, paintings and tools dating from around 4600 years ago was only recently discovered and has never been looted. Thus the untouched contents, which have been studied over the past three years using high tech archaeological techniques such as 3D laser scans and DNA analysis is expected to provide important insights. The cave dates from the time when Man made the transition from using stone tools to using tools of metal, and among the artifacts found was the tiny tip of something made of copper - high tech for the day. The cave excavations will feature in a conference in Seville next week, and in October there will be an exhibition organised by the Cirne Foundation. In the medium term they hope to make the cave and its wall paintings accessible as a tourism site, ensuring there is minimal impact on the Montgó Natural Park. From XAD: El yacimiento....
British Consulate to hold Open Day in Javea
June 13th
The Alicante British Consulate team is coming to Javea on Wednesday June 29th in the Casa de Cultura starting at 11.00am to meet residents and give a presentation on the services the Consulate can offer to its citizens. Space in the venue is limited so make sure you register your place as soon as possible by going to
Read more:
Chulví formally elected Mayor
June 12th
José Chulvi was formally elected mayor at a special plenary session of all the newly elected councillors held on Saturday June 11th. Councillors who voted for his candidacy for mayor were the 11 members of the new coalition: PSOE, Xàbia Democrática and Ciudadanos por Jávea, as well as the two Nueva Jávea Councillors. The NJ vote was a gesture of cooperation which received applause from the crowd . In contrast the PP councillors voted for their leader, José Juan Castelló, while the Bloc voted for their leader, Eduardo Monfort. Thus Chulvi was elected with the support of 13 of the 21 members of the Council. The Council Chamber was full to overflowing, and a TV set up in the entrance hall enabled more people to see the proceedings. For an English translation of José Chulvi's inaugural speech see: Chulvi Inaugural Speech From XAD José Chulvi elegido.. and Las Provincias: José Chulvi, nuevo...
Table of Contents
Coalition leaders publicise pact for the next four years
June 12th
Leaders of the new governing coalition of Jávea have formally signed a pact stating their agreement and joint programme for the next four years. General points of the agreement are are principles of a programme of action: to control spending, to promote the involvement of citizens through citizen participation and transparency, to modernise and streamline the local administration, to establish a strategic plan for the town's development , sustainable land development, to end the deficit of infrastructure, basic services and public facilities, to put a brake on the loss of cultural and scenic heritage and recoup it; to promote integration and coexistence of all citizens. Immediate concrete actions include the drawing up of a strategic plan, televising council meetings and the use of internet social media to promote participation and transparency, re-organising the Town Hall, evaluation of municipal resources, improvement of roads, lighting and signage, reactivation of Municipal Committees (e.g. the Tourism committee). There will also be regular meetings of a 7 member management committee consisting of 4 PSOE, 2 XD and 1 CPJ members.
The full document is publicly available in Castellano on
From XAD: PSOE, XD...
Schools protest against Education Cuts
June 11th
The IES Antonio Llido school is joining regional protests against the Valencian Government's cuts in spending on education. The cuts will mean larger classes, the loss of three classes in the school, the combination of different language streams, elimination of school groups and extra tutoring for students with learning difficulties, no new classes (not even vocational). There will be a Valencia wide demonstration on June 18th which will leave the Plaza San Agustín in Valencia at 6.00pm (From XAD: El IES....
Sixth Custom Motorcycle Rally in Xàbia
June 8th
On Sunday 12 June, the motor bike club, Club Taurons de Xàbia will hold its sixth Matinal Motera, in the Avenida Palmela car park. The night before there will be a concert by "La Rendición" , from 23h.
On Sunday morning, from 9 am bikers from all over will Spain gather at this annual event for fans of custom motorcycles. The Taurons Club will offer an almuerzo then accompany the visitors on a tourist route which stops at the Arenal beach, before returning to sample the giant paella prepared by Galvis. Everyone can come and take part in this event which will also include bikers stands, music, a book signing, and many gifts. The event is held in collaboration with the Town Hall. From XAD: VI Matinal Motera.... //(Eds note: This event used to be held on the dirt football pitch down by the Via Augusta - but that site is now no longer available since it has been turned into a proper all-weather artificial pitch). Xàbia is gradually losing spaces for public events… //
Bus shuttle cuts Denia to Madrid journey down to 3 hours 25minutes
June 8th
A new bus shuttle from Denia to the Joaquin Sorolla station in Valencia enables passengers to take the High speed AVE train to Madrid in a total travel time of 3 hours 25 minutes. The Alsa bus uses the A7 motorway to get to Valencia and transfer time between bus and train is only 10 minutes. There is a bus fare discount of 5% for AVE users (hopes are for a 10% discount) and the total cost for the Denia to Madrid journey is €49 Euros. From las Provincias.Un autobús....
Sierra Gelada Natural Park launches tourist and conservation initiatives
June 7th
The Sierra Gelada Natural Park (near Benidorm) has recently launched two inititives. Firstly there are some guided snorkeling routes in l'Olla and Mascarat (10 € - plus another 5€ if you need to hire mask, snorkel and flippers). For info contact moc.gnividhciwneerg|anerol#moc.gnividhciwneerg|anerol. The second is a campaign to follow and study the endangered Mediterranean Stormy Petrel (paiño mediterráneo - Hydrobates pelagicus melitensis) - Their core breeding areas are in the Balearics and central Mediterranean and they are difficult birds to observe. The campaign will be carried out between June and September. For more info contact se.avg|adalegarres#se.avg|adalegarres

by Fernando Sala Soler
Councillors to do the jobs they are qualified for
June 7th
Pending the formal Plenary Council session on Saturday, the three parties which will comprise the governing coalition have already allocated the responsibilities of council members. Councillors have been given the jobs which best suit their individual backgrounds and skills. In addition, Anton and Ortola (leaders of the minority parties in the coalition) become Deputy mayors (these are new positions) and new departments will be formed to modernise the Town Hall's administration, to attend to foreign residents and address the needs of senior citizens. For a full breakdown of the Councillors and their new jobs see: Councillors 2011
Molí Blanc Disco Club to re-open this month
June 1st
During the ‘70’s the Molí Blanc garden nightclub/disco was top of its league. The German National newspaper Der Spiegel called it the "best disco in Europe". It was innovative with barbeques in the garden, 10 bars, four different music tracks, bow-tied waiters and "A-list" clientele. Every Saturday the place hosted 2000 people. Then it changed hands and closed it doors in 2006. The building and garden fell to rack and ruin. But now it has been taken over by the "Rich Club de Valencia " which is franticly refurbishing it ready for a re-opening on June 18th. The idea is to recall the "Old Molí" atmosphere one day a week. (Note: They are installing short range speakers, so that the sound does not disturb the neighbours) From Las Provincias: La discoteca Molí Blanc.... (Ed's note: This is the second "A-List" story this week - is Xàbia trying to become the St Trop of Spain?)
PSOE, XD and CPJ agreement shaping up
June 1st
Noises off indicate that a pact between the socialist PSOE, Xàbia Democrática and Ciudadanos por Jávea is getting close. They all are clear that Xàbia needs a "positive change, looking forward," explains Chulvi; a change that includes participatory democracy, the implementation of eGovernment, austerity in spending, the creation of a Strategic Plan and the revival of the local economy as a priority. Oscar Antón of XD admits the pact is not signed yet, and that they are still open to listen to everyone, however their suggestion for a non-presidential type of Government, one which is more like a management team, has been accepted by Chulvi. XD suggests a team comprised of four key areas which are interconnected transversely and the groups must always agree between themselves to find stability in consensus. Though Chulví has not closed the door on other groups, Nueva Jávea seems left out in the cold after its drubbing in the elections. Nevertheless NJ has expressed its intention to cooperate with such a governing team. From XAD: El pacto.....
Xabia on the Telly
May 31st
Xàbia will feature in a TV programme going out on La Sexta2 tonight (at 6.15 pm) in the series "Carreteras Secundarias " (Secondary roads). The documentary, recorded in Xàbia, covers the Port and its fish auction, the Old Town and its covered market, and the bay from the sea. Sergio of La Perla Restaurant also explains how to make a paella. Our own Guiomar acts as guide for the two TV journalists. For those who miss the programme, it will be available on the web via the La Sexta web site from the following day. From XAD (Ed's note: the programme turned out like a promotion to attract the "A list" to Jávea. Not a single foreign tourist in sight ! I found the Castellano subtitles were very useful, unfortunately there are no subtitles on the on-line version) Here's a link to the on-line video: La Sexta programme on Jávea
Xàbia champions
May 31st
Last week, Xàbia athelete Ignacio Cardona was proclaimed Valencian champion in vertical running He completed a 4.5km, 800m ascent in 34mins 50 seconds - way ahead of the second placed (1 hour six mins) Ignacio (known as Nasio) is already a top class international vertical runner. Meanwhile the girls basketball team won the provincial championships. From XAD La sexta 2...
Indonesia joins International Festival
May 27th
The Xàbia International Festival is in its 16th year, and continues to grow. This year it will be joined by a group from Indonesia. The festival will be held over the weekend of 16th to 18th June. The organisers have asked the incoming administration to discuss with them the provision of more logistical support to enhance the festival . e.g. setting the dates earlier, and organising portable toilets and security to cater for the 25,000 visitors who come to the festival daily. From Las Provincias: Indonesia se suma.....
Road renewal works up for tender
The regional Department of Infrastructure has tendered the Xàbia road renovation plan. This is budgeted at 2.36 million euros and is to repair roads which have been damaged. Works will be carried out in the areas of Balcon al Mar, Montgó, Portitxol, main highway, Old Town, Puerto I, Puerto II and the Arenal. From Las Provincias: El Consell...
Xàbia awarded three blue flags
May 26th
The Comunidad Valenciana has been awarded 116 blue flags this year - 104 for its beaches and 12 for its ports. This is 8 more than last year. In Xàbia the Blue Flag beaches are La Grava (in the Port), the Arenal and Granadella. The Blue Flag is an international award given annually by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) to beaches and marinas as an identifying symbol of high environmental quality, good services and security for users. For more about the FEE criteria see: FEE - About the Blue Flag From XAD: Xàbia obtiene...
Summaland music festival to hit Jávea
May 25th
The Summaland festival of music and dance, which attracted some 50,000 people during its two seasons in in Barcelona - is being hosted by Jávea on July 29th and 30th. The music features Asere and the "Ministry of Sound" from UK. The festival will be located on the car park area next to Avenida Tamarits (opposite the Chinese Bazar and Hong Fu Wok restaurant. Tickets are on sale from June 6th: See Summaland website (Ed's note: How are they going to fit so many people in that small space ? I have a feeling there may be quite a few denuncias about the decibels. The site chosen is a built up area. Chiringuitos have to operate a minimum of 50m from dwellings and keep their noise level down to 45 decibels at night 55 deb during the day..See: there special dispensation for this type of event ? )
Additional info is that there will be a macro site of 6,000 square metres with seating for 15,000 people, the music starts at 20.30 and goes on until 4.00am. There will, apparently, be no cost to the Town except the provision of local police and Red Cross. From Las Provincias: Xàbia entra en la ruta...
Diving Fiesta in Moraira
May 25th
Ampolla Beach and Yacht Club are hosting a "Diving Fiesta" on 28th and 29th May. The planned activities will start on Saturday from 10am at L'Ampolla beach and include: sea baptisms (30 €) and snorkeling excursions (15 €). Meanwhile, the Yacht Club is organising dives to the "Cova de les Rates", Punta de Moraira and "Pessebret" at 9:30 h, 12h and 16h, for 20 € including all equipment. Also, after 19h there will be a night dive for 30 €. On Saturday, from 2.00pm there will be a beach barbecue. In addition, over the two days there will be audiovisual presentations, an exhibition and sale of items related to diving, marine biology information a point of sale for dive tickets.
From XAD: Fiesta de buceo...
60% turnout gives PSOE a majority for the first time in over 20 years
May 25th
Xàbia is different. Bucking the national trend, where the socialist PSOE lost around 10 points to the centre right PP, the socialists in Xàbia actually gained seats. This is largely ascribed to the high regard people have of their leader, José Chulvi. Negotiations with other parties to form a governing coalition are still on-going. Chulví has stated publicly that he will sit down, listen and talk with all the parties who are committeed to change, (E-government, economic management and auditing, citizen participation, etc.), and that the allocation of council seats will be made depending on how the personal skills of each can be useful for the work to be performed. From XAD: Chulvi se plantea...
The Javeaamigos site gives more detailed information about the election results: