First year of commercial fishing in San Antonio marine reserve yields 1,900 kilos of fish
June 29th
The first year that the Department of Environment has authorized commercial fishing in the marine reserve of Cap de Sant Antoni has enabled the fishermen guilds of Denia and Javea to capture about 1,900 kilos of fish valued at 10,400 euros. Various scientific studies will be carried out to see what effect this commercial fishing has had on marine species. Also mooted was the possibility of marking the whole reserve with buoys and installing mooring buoys. This would not be very expensive. 237 diving permits had been issued compared to 1455 in 2014, and licensed divers were valuable in helping to control poaching. Xàbia and the Ministry of the Environment finalized a cooperation agreement under which clubs can apply electronically for diving permits through the Helpdesk (Portal del Clot), with a response from the Ministry within two or three days within two or three days. Also the clubs can manage a quota system through software. From:XAD. For more on this story see: Javeamigos
Civil war air raid shelter to be recovered for visitors
June 28th
Experts suggest it will be feasible to recover the entrance and first 6 metres of the Civil War air raid shelter in La Caleta in the Port. This was bult in 1938 and has been closed for 40 years. They plan to replace the surface slabs which are slipping and unstable and remove the low brick wall in the front. Most of the 20 metres of tunnels are dangerously unstable. This shelter is one of the few preserved examples of architecture from the Civil war, and the only one in public hands. From Levante
Mayor Chulvi announces competition for ideas for the Montañar sea-front
June 23rd
Seeing the success of the competition by Benitatxell for choosing the design of a new municipal building, Xàbia's mayor Chulvi has announced a competition for ideas to develop the sea-front along the Montañar. From: Xàbia al Dia. Ed's note: There have been various proposals about what to do with the Montañar over the years: See: Montanar Project
Valencian economy expects to be hit by Brexit
June 23rd
In 2015, Valencian exports to the UK reached nearly 3000 million Euros, in addition 2,700,000 British tourists visited the area comprising some 35% of foreign tourists in the community. The introduction in tariffs and fall in the pound would have negative impacts. From: ABC
Reservoirs at their lowest levels for 8 years
June 23rd
The lack of rain in the Valencian community since the start of the hydrological year has left reservoirs at their lowest levels of the last eight years at the beginning of Summer. According to the Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar (CHJ), mid-month there were 1,295, 226 hectometres less water than last year, equating to 38% capacity. The cost of extra irrigation to farmers is expected to be €10 million. From Las Provincias
Valencia endorses protection of la Plana Windmills
June 23rd
The Valencia Culture council (Consell Valencià de Cultura (CVC) has issued a favourable report on Xàbia's request to better protect the windmills on la Plana and fishing platforms on the cliffs (“pesqueras de cingle") . The idea was not just to protect these items of traditional heritage, but also to develop them as tourist attractions. From Xabia al Dia
The Tangled net of Recreational fishing
June 20th
There is a long list of regulations regulating recreational fishing. Some types of fishing are strictly prohibited: Spear fishing using SCUBA gear, fishing with rod and line in protected areas; fishing in Port harbours; spear fishing at night; collecting sea urchins without a license; selling your catch; Other types require the purchase of a license. These include: Spear fishing without SCUBA gear, fishing from a boat and (controversially) fishing from the beach.
As regards fishing from the beach, until recently a license was not required for this activity. After the license was made mandatory in 2014 (fine up to €1200) the Valencia anglers association appealed against it. This went to the Valencia superior court which ruled for the anglers. The Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture has apparently appealed to the Supreme court. From: Las Provincias. To date there is no information on the outcome of this appeal. Licenses can be obtained buy completing an On-line form, paying at a collaborative bank and sending off the form and requisite documentation to the Ministry of Agriculture. Alternatively you could take the documentation to a PROP office. The closest one is in Benidorm (PROP offices)
For more details see: Fishing Licenses
Red Cross shows state of beaches on the Web
June 20th
The Red cross has set up a web page showing the state of beaches it is responsible for on the web. These include those in Javea. Unfortunately the site lists all the national beaches together, so you have to search for Jávea beaches: Red Cross list of Beaches
It is not possible to make separate links for each beach…
Welcome to Formentera, the island that wants all its cars electric
June 10th
The tiny Mediterranean island of Formentera has taken delivery of six electric cars as part of an ambitious plan to be the first island in Europe to banish traditional cars from its shores. At 12 miles (19km) from end-to-end and with a population of about 12,000, Formentera is the smallest of Spain’s Balearic Islands. In summer, however, 15,000 cars are in circulation, arriving by ferry or rented on the island. The six e-Mehari cars were donated by Citroën as part of a pilot scheme for transport on the island to be all electric, although no target date has been set. As the distances are short, the e-Mehari’s range of 124 miles is not an issue. For full story see :The Guardian
Red Cross wins tender for beach surveillance in Xàbia
June 10th
The Cruz Roja de Xàbia has been awarded the contract for providing beach surveillance and lifeguard service on the beaches of the town for the next two years. The contract, offered by the Ayuntamiento de Xàbia, extends the contract after the Cruz Roja presented the best tender with an annual charge of 312,631.86 euros and the highest score with regards to technical reports and evaluation criteria set within the tender requirements. One of the new additions to the service this summer will be the provision to all beaches of a medical position complete with defibrillator for cardiac emergencies as well as a kayak to strengthen the surveillance service. For full story see: Javeamigos
Auxiliary Health Centre at the Arenal for the summer
June 10th
Xàbia Town Hall has forked out €50,000 to enable the establishment of an auxiliary health centre near the Arenal during the summer. The Centre willl be located in pre-fab modules in the sports area of Jávea Park comprising waiting, consultation, nurses and treatment rooms; two toilets and a store-room. It will be manned by a doctor, a nurse and an administrator. The office will be open from July 1 to August 31 (Monday to Friday between 10 am and 18 pm and Saturday from 10 to 15 hours. From : XAD. In a related story, the Emergency unit of the Dénia hospital will increase the staff in July and August by 30%, and 20% in June and September. Analysis of the use of the unit demonstrates that it is particularly busy in the first two weeks of August between 10.00am and noon. (From: Las Provincias )
Table of Contents
Experimental Agricultural centre launched
June 3rd
The Valencian Farmers Association (AVA-Asaja) has launched an experimental centre in Polinyà del Xúquer, Finca Sinyent , where they are testing and evaluating the results of various cropping practices for passing on to farmers. In the words of Cristóbal Aguado, president of the centre, "our goal is to try everything on crops (almost 500 variables) so that the risks remain here and farmers can avoid making mistakes." He said "in the short time we have been testing we have been wrong in varieties and treatments, which is normal, but we can recommend alternative practices to farmers.". The second objective of the Finca Sinyent (25 hectares, nearly €3 million investment and up to €7 when the project is finished) is to work "on the development of sustainable agriculture both in terms of the environment and economic sustainability". It has agreements with universities, government and industry centers of plant protection products (Aepla). From: Las Provincias.
Let's reduce water consumption by 10%
June 9th
For two years, since May 2014 Xàbia has been subject to an emergency drought situation. The town has benefited from the desalination plant, but the wells in the municipality and 5 wells in Pedreguer are in a worse situation than last year. A pressure regulator has been installed by AMJASA in the area of Pinets (near the desalination plant) to establish some four kilos of pressure down near the Arenal and Port against the seven currently in these areas in order to ensure supply in other areas of the town. Fines and penalties are planned for cases of "water theft" (last week six actions were taken on illegal practice). There is a need to strengthen inspection to detect illegal practises as well as information campaigns and public awareness to try to achieve savings of about 10% of daily consumption per inhabitant. From Las Provincias
Jávea sets up a "Water Observatory"
This participatory body will provide inputs and feedback on water management
June 8th
Last Thursday June 2nd saw the inaugural meeting of Jávea's "Water Observatory" - a committee of a "consultative, informative, advisory and recommendatory nature and for the promotion of initiatives relating to the supply, sanitation, purification and reuse of water in the municipality" This is the first such participatory body in Spain. It is composed of the Mayor as chairman, a vice Chairman and Secretary, representatives of each political group and AMJASA and 21 non-political members drawn drawn from different public sectors. See : Water Observatory - OAX for details of the composition and functions of the organisation.
Luis Henarejos (Manager of Amjasa) explained the makeup and functions of the Observatory and described Xàbia's water system, which consists of 600km of mains pipes - almost half of that of Valencia and twice the amount of Santander. Water sources included wells near Pedreguer and the desalination plant, which worked at full capacity during July and August last year, supply being helped by two August downpours. Comments from the floor included questions about tariffs (high, to enable annual investment of 3.3 million in 2015) and sewerage and waste-water disposal. The Observatory plenary session meets at least every six months, and meetings are open to the general public. From: Xabia al Día (Eds note: If anyone has ideas they would like to channel through the Observatory, please contact me. See: About this site and searching it )
Brexit vote would cost British citizens the right to live and work in Europe, Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy warns
June 2nd
Mr Rajoy said: "I have no doubt whatsoever, as I have repeatedly stated, that it would be very negative if the United Kingdom left the European Union. Negative for everybody, for the United Kingdom, for Spain, and for the European Union. "But, above all, it would be very negative for British citizens: the European Union is based, ever since its foundation, on the principles of freedom of movement of people, goods, services, and capital.."Leaving the European Union would mean that British citizens would lose their right to move freely, work and do business within the largest economic area, the largest market in the world." "Over 100,000 Spanish citizens work and live in the United Kingdom. Over 400,000 British citizens work and live in Spain". From: Daily Telegraph
Xàbia launches campaign against illegal fishing
June 2nd
The Town Council has brought together representatives of the fisheries sector, dive clubs, the association of restaurateurs, small trade and local security to support the campaign “Xàbia lliure de pesca furtiva” which hopes to make people aware that illegal fishing is harmful in several ways. A video (see below) has been made, as well as information leaflets and distinctive stickers for all bars and restaurants who want to publicly show that they do not buy fish illegally and are on the side of a Sustainable Xàbia. These stickers will be distributed shortly from tourist offices and by associations as ARX and traders. The local police has a speciial unit for environmental monitoring and also a boat to patrol the 25km of coastline which will be operational from June . from Xabia Town Hall website
Here's the video (In Castellano)
(Ed's note: It would be useful to know which areas are off-limits for what kinds of fishing….)