Items discussed
Living in Javea-Information Package
Chris B-J kindly agreed to try out a wiki framework with some key headings from the 'web' /octopus proposal from Agenda 21 participant Cesc Caprubí for an information welcome package for both newcomers and oldtimers in Javea . Relevant data could be progressively slotted into the wiki site before its existence is made public.
We shall now try to resolve how best to find volunteers/sources to submit info under the various headings.Chris would be willing, initially, to copy and paste onto a wiki site such info as and when it arrives.
A wiki site offers the chance to provide information in more than one language. However, as English is the mother tongue of the LTJ group participants, we shall be making a start in that one first!
Cesc's outline proposal can be found by clicking here.
SAM. the attachment herewith will need to be downloaded please onto U3A website.
Jute Bags
The Wine Aficionados amongst us have initiated (to stop the bottles rolling and plastic bags a'flying) a preliminary order for some environmentally friendly jute wine bottle carrier bags. It is hoped that agreement can soon be reached for a follow-up order for a supply of regular jute shopping bags, probably for distribution among the traders in Javea Old Town.We hope this will spark more widespread interest in Javea that not only will help the environment in general, but provide further sustainable and fair trading opportunities for the suppliers in the Indian sub-continent .
Alternative Moorings
The paper outlining the options for addditional moorings in Javea as more environmentaly friendly and far less costly alternatives to that of expanding the port area of Javea is now ready and being translated into castellano.It will be then aired and hopefully accepted the next public session (foro) of Agenda 21.
Eco and Slow Food
Initial plans are being formulated to arrange a 'mini conference' to promote the concepts of local 'eco food' production and its use not only by consumers at home but also by local restaurants.
Evening Events and Publicity
At a recent meeting of Agenda 21, the idea was mooted of some compromise in respect of the timing of evening events in Javea, as these are in the main scheduled to start at 10pm, a timing not helpful to those Javienses that live out of town and thus need to add into their consideration journey times either way.
As 8pm is considered an acceptable starting time for those that work and for Old Towners, all of whome will eat later, such a time should be given a least a trial run for other events.Whatever the event, little or no publicity seeps outside the Old Town itself so many 'outsiders' and tourists only get to know of such happenings through post event press (or wiki !) reports!
More discussion is needed with the local Tourist department and Town Hall councillors to ensure that action rather just talk is taken to widen participation.
Let's Talk Javea April 2009