Let's Talk Javea - November 2008

Let’s Talk Javea !

Notes from the meeting held in the Javea Social Club on 19th. November ‘08

We managed to cover quite a bit of ground and what’s more all within our allotted one and half hour slot! So here is a précis, even if not precise.

  • We started with a quick run through of the notes from our previous meeting (22.10.08). This provoked the comment that our individual assessments of the Agenda 21 Action Plans were being collated with others submitted. The results are expected to be known* at a Foro (general meeting) of Agenda 21 due on Tuesday 16th December (8pm) in the Casa de Cultura.
  • A further comment was made to the effect that many of these Action Plan points were not truly Agenda 21 items at all, in the sense that were rather more points to do with the day-to-day business/responsibilities of the Ayuntamiento (Town Hall). Tim Ladd undertook to try to find if such points could be separated by some means or other from the Agenda 21 process, so that the latter could concentrate on its key role of determining a sustainable and cohesive future for Javea, its residents and visitors alike.
  • Pedestrianization issues: the relative interests of those living and doing business in the Old Town were considered, along with those of visitors that all felt would ensure the area did not revert to being mostly an old folk’s ghetto with old fashion shops to boot. It was suggested that the experience of other historic towns in Europe should be explored to see how they had managed to resolve issues of accessibility and safety, including car stickers for true residents.
  • Parking problem solutions were suggested:
    • a)Large Stickers (multilingual) to be applied to windscreens of offending vehicles by traffic wardens/police to warn of the offence, with the added inconvenience of their drivers have to remove them if made of the fragmenting type employed in the USA
    • b)More use of street signposting to designated parking areas
    • c)Tourist maps to include clear blue Ps to help folk find and make use of them
    • d)Liaison with the local police would be key to ensure more strict implementation
  • Speed Bumps: although these do help reduce excessive speeding, the adverse environmental impact generated is now becoming known as well (energy loss through braking and accelerating with far more exhaust fumes being generated than by a smooth slow flow of traffic). Speed limit enforcement through speed sensitive traffic lights and other traffic calming measures were suggested.
  • Language exchange and interaction groups: a few of these had now started with an encouraging matching level of potential take-up registered from both English and as well as Spanish residents. These ‘intercambio’ groups have been seized on by U3A members, who will meet with their partners shortly (see U3A newsletter and the wiki site)
  • More Moorings? : -A very brief outline was given of the A21 Environment Working Party (Mesa del medio-ambiente) discussion on this point (11.11.08). This issue still has much further to go before a sustainable solution can be agreed. However, the Mesa had recommended that the facilities and moorings in the Puerto and the Fontana Canal should be overseen by a single management body that includes representative of all with direct (rather than speculative) interests.
  • Plastic Bags: The Mesa is initiating schemes to discourage the use in Javea of plastic bags, a policy that is being increasingly adopted elsewhere. Expect more, or less (?), on this one!

Next meeting is due on Wednesday 17th December*, at 5.30pm in the Social Centre
(with a glass of some seasonal wine to help the flow of ideas …)…….. Tim Ladd

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