October 2009 discussion

We had our second monthly session at Lounge 29 on the 21st.
Our talks ranged over the underground carparks, their underusage, overcharges, exhorbitant costs and potential ways to encourage more use of 'em.
We moved into sewerage issues and the fact that things have gone mighty quiet;the calm before another contracting fiasco?
It was thought that residents' views on this issue should be made known in the Press.
This Sunday's (24 Oct.) car free day in the Javea Town centre
of Javea led us to talk about the Urban Mobility Study presented at the A21 session on October 6th…( a snip at 50,000€ ?)
A summary in english can be found by clicking onto
A quick summary indicates little of further help for those living outside Javea's key urban areas.
This led us onto the number roundabouts that are growing about as fast as acorns, rather than mushrooms. Certainly the space these require seems to be more in line with a spreading oak than a mushroom hub.
If foreign folk here In Javea still wish to be recognized officially, they will need to respond to a letter that they should ( but may not) receive asking for them to reregister ( each personally) on the Padrón and to check their presence on the Electoral Roll (Censo) in the same office.The relevant office for this is now in the Planning/Urbanismo/Foreigner Relations office. Identity papers will be needed. Non-compliance will lead to complications!
The A21 jute bag project continues apace. When time allows, it may expand into tackling locally excessive packaging.Shopping sites posssibly not yet targetted were kindlysuggested.
For those of us concerned about the extraordinary contracts, cost- and time- over runs experienced in Javea, the sugggestion was made as to the existence (or creation) of a profesional project audit commission, that would evaluate the rationale, terms and conditions of all large municipal contracts, holding to account those responsible for failures . The current system of municipal self-regulation appears to be an abject and disastrously costly failure, and not only here in Javea.
Next meeting will be on Wednesday 18th November.

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