Xàbia recycles three times as much glass as the Spanish average.
March 30th
During 2010 each inhabitant recycled an average of 46kg of glass in comparison to the national average of 15.2 kg
This is reflected in the data provided by Ecovidrio, A non-profit association responsible for managing the recycling of glass packaging in Spain. These figures, described by the district manager, Roberto Fuentes as "exceptional" would put Xàbia at "the head of the municipalities in the region which recycle the most." Sources indicate out that the municipality deposited about 1,500 tons of glass last year. "If the containers were placed end to end they would span 350 kilometres, the distance from Valencia to Madrid", pointed out the manager. The hospitality sector plays a key role because they consume 48% of the glass that is generated in the market. From XAD: Xàbia recicla...
(Eds note: It could be that the inhabitants of Jávea are particularly heavy drinkers ;-) ! )
Pla Dual Carriageway open again
March 30th
The Carretera del Pla dual carriageway between the Arenal and the Port is now fully open to traffic after the completion of drainage works. The project involved the installation of a culvert under the road which more than doubled the previous drainage capacity of a channel which acts as a River Gorgos spillway during periods of flooding. The works, carried out by local company Manuel Olivares Sanchez continue the rest of the way to the Canal de la Fontana creating a steeper slope to facilitate drainage. The budget was 270,000 €. However the underpass is only 1.5 m in height, not enough for a person to walk under. Thus, an opportunity to make a pedestrian underpass of the busy dual carriageway has been missed. From XAD: La carretera del Pla...

‘Spain to combat black economy’
March 30th
Spain's government is to approve a plan to combat the country's black economy, which represents almost one quarter of its economic output, Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said Wednesday. “In the month of April we are going to put in place a plan that will be approved by the cabinet aimed at making a special effort to legalise underground employment,” he told parliament, confirming measures announced at last week's EU summit in Brussels. For More see: IOL Business report
Most Brits in Spain say no gracias to integration
March 29th
While some expats are getting involved in Spanish politics, a lot still fall into the stereotypes of reclusive retirees or boozed-up ravers. For full story see: The Guardian...
Nightmare for residents trapped in Spanish ghost towns
March 28th
Half-finished developments languishing amid dust and weeds reveal the scale of a burst property bubble Spain will take years to recover from. For full story see: The Guardian, UK
Lacemakers on display in Xàbia
March 29th
The Amas de la Casa and newly formed Xàbia Lacemakers Association are organising a reunion of some 300 craftswomen to display their ancient and traditional craft in the Plaza del Convento in Xàbia on Sunday 3rd April from 10.00 am . Everyone interested in this craft of "bolillos" or "boixets" in Valenciano is invited to come along. For more see: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002179346670&sk=wall
Xàbia Democrática meets with Pinosol residents
March 29th
In a bid to reach out to every neighbourhood, last week Xàbia Democrática met with residents of Pinosol. Realizing that the needs of citizens of the municipality are different in each area, the newly formed party led by Oscar Anton is trying to learn about the reality experienced by residents, whether they be Spanish, English, German or any other nationality. The team of speakers, using Castellano and English, emphasised that XD is a plural party, and the importance of Citizen participation. They also pointed out that there were alternatives to the expensive municipal-wide sewerage scheme proposed by the company Acciona, and that the construction sector should be redirected to re-habilitation and the energy efficiency of houses. Improved public transport was of importance, as was a better touristic image for the town. Anton declared the necessity for permanent consultative committees, where citizens can discuss the council decisions which affect them. In question time the audience showed their discontent with the Town Hall's lack of interest in urbanisations and the Arenal. There were also concerns about the ailing municipal coffers and the effect of the crisis on local businesses. Treasurer Marie Smith, said she was looking for "information about European subsidies to support the economic revitalization of Xàbia, as well as finding ways to create training schools for re-orientation of the workforce." They next plan to meet Costa Nova. From XAD: Xàbia Democrática..... see also the Xàbia Democrática website: http://www.xabiademocratica.es/
PP develops electoral programme through Civic participation.
March 29th
The Xàbia PP organized a participatory meeting for some 150 people at the Parador last weekend to develop themes for its election manifesto. The meeting consisted of "Civic Participation tables" on the topics of "Local development", "Security and Citizenship" and "Sports" Each table produced a recommendation for the Mayoral candidate Juan José Castelló to carry forward. On local development, they recommended a Tourism Strategic Plan, as regards sports, a high performance sports centre for the local youth, and in the case of security, a link between all security forces, Local Police, Guardia Civil, Civil Protection and Fire brigade with the council to develop a timetable for action depending on the season. Castelló was accompanied by José Ciscar, representative of the regional Governemnt and ex-mayor of Moraira. Xàbia PP President Juan Moragues closed the meeting in saying that Castelló was "the best candidate, and will be the best mayor that Jávea has ever had" from XAD: Castelló se compromete....
Agenda21 Questionnaire passed on to the Political Parties
March 29th
Twenty questions relating to the Political parties' attitudes to the sustainable development of Jávea have been drawn up by the Xàbia Agenda 21 Citizen's forum. These questions have been sent to the political parties and the anmsers will be posted on the Web. See Questionnaire for Political Parties 2011 for an English version of the document and more details.
A boost for telecommunications in Xàbia
March 29th
Boga Suis Telecom, SL, A Javea company dedicated to advanced television services and telecommunications, plans to develop a network of cable television and Internet and wireless networks in the north coast of Alicante, with the cooperation of National Innovation Company (ENISA). "The investment for which ENISA funds are intended are to improve television and telecommunications services offered to our residents and European tourists, allowing our telecommunications infrastructure on the tourist coast to progressively achieve European standards of service, "said CEO Luis Ronda, who has stressed the importance of such services to economic progress as well as "the sustainability and competitiveness of tourism." For more details see: Advanced telecommunications in Xàbia
Town Hall mistake means demolition of apartments and liabilities
March 24th 2011
A high court ruling (Tribunal Superior de Justicia ) requires Xàbia town hall to demolish 42% of an apartment block in Segon Muntañar, which means six of the sixteen apartments. The ruling cannot be appealed and could mean a cost of around €8million to municipal funds to pay for demolition and compensation to people who bought the apartments at around a million apiece. For more see: Segon Muntanyar apartments
Teulada launches its Strategic Tourism Plan
March 24th
The Teulada plan includes a series of concrete actions for future development which are grouped into four areas: awareness, configuration of the tourism product, promotion and marketing. The main changes are better cultural and sports offerings, making use of the new municipal auditorium for first class shows and conferences; two new football grounds, 7 and 11, and the soon to be contracted sports hall. The town has also invested €37,500 on new, informative signs and plans providing information in Castillian and English to promote walking routes, historical sites and other places of interest. Once upon a time Jávea had a Tourism Council tasked with drawing up a similar plan, but this has not met since the PSPV left the ruling coalition and the Centrist Bloc made an alliance with the PP (in January 2009) From XAD: Teulada pone en marcha...
Clean up Cala Blanca day
March 23rd
The Cabo de la Nao dive centre has identified Sunday March 27th as a day to clean up the sea bed at Cala Blanca. They already have 35 volunteer divers. Any divers interested in participating should contact the club via 609627856 or moc.oanalobac|oecub#moc.oanalobac|oecub. From Press Release.
New Sports facilities for Arenal Beach
March 23rd
The Valencian Tourism agency, in collaboration with the Town Hall has installed a number of new sports facilities on the Arenal Beach. These are two new areas for beach volleyball, one for football, three basket ball baskets and a a biohealth oasis for carrying out various physical exercises. The project cost €28,000 (From Press Release)
It's official - Xàbia owns the Underground Car Parks
March 22nd
The Town Hall has taken over administration of the two underground car parks, and parking there will be free until the end of March, so as to give time to recalibrate the parking fee machines. Therafter one hour's parking will be 60 cents instead of €1.20 Mayor Monfort says that the purchase will avoid the risk of any litigation from "Urbans Estacionaments Xàbia" which ran the car parks. Such litigation may have burdened the Town with multimillion compensation claims. He also hoped that the parent company ECISA which built the car parks would also drop all lawsuits. For table of parking fees see: Car Park Fees From Press release
Help for business start-ups
March 22nd
The Alicante Chamber of commerce has set up a business incubator in Denia. The centre, which houses 24 offices, provides all the equipment and facilities necessary to launch a new business at a very low rent. It is located in a refurbished building the Urbanización El Cortijo . From XAD:Los emprendedores....
Xàbia PP in meltdown?
March 22nd
According to Las Provincias sources, half the members of the Xàbia PP executive feel marginalised by the new mayoral candidate, Juan José Castelló and his team. They feel that the internal climate is unsustainable and are setting up a new grouping called "Iniciativa Popular Democrática de Jávea ", which already has its statutes and logo and will be formalised before the notary this week. From Las Provincias: Media ejecutiva...
Cala Sardinera blighted by garbage
March 2011
For years people have been calling for the cleaning of the Cala Sardinera, a hidden place, which is always full of garbage, and a negative surprise to the many tourists who visit us. Recently a Swiss Tourist lodged a complaint via the Agenda21 groups website. For more see: Cala sardinera
Xàbia Democrática meets residents in the Port and on the Montgó
March 21st
Last Thursday the Xàbia Democrática executive met with around 60 residents in the Café d'Art in the Port. They discussed the problems facing Jávea and its Port area and explained their vision of the future for Jávea. At least 75% of the audience were Spanish and the presentation was made primarily in Castellano, although Party leader Oscar Anton did speak in English and a translation of the whole presentation was shown simultaneously on a large screen. On Monday March 21st he met the Montgó Residents Association in a work group luncheon. For more see the Xàbia Democrática website on: http://www.xabiademocratica.eu/?lang=en
Best Web site in the World - and its a Javea company
March 21st
The website of Rimontgó, property services has been awarded the prize of best in quality and services by the University of Chicago. The Javea company, founded in 1959, initially had to compete aginst more than 600 real estate companies worldwide, from Hong Kong to London and from Singapore to New York. Of these, 111 were selected to meet the criteria of service and quality requirements. The Website Rimontgó http://www.rimontgo.com/ And blog (http://www.realitysense.com/) Were selected along with 3 other finalists, all American companies. The Javiense director of the company, Antonio Ribes Bas, went to Las Vegas to receive the "Overall best website" award. For more (in English) see the company's blog: What Rimontgós awards means for its clients
New urbanisation regulations being drafted
March 21st
Xàbia Town Planning department is drawing up a comprehensive document which defines and regulates the development criteria of the municipality, and invites input from the general public. It hopes "to involve the public to agree on guidelines that will determine the urban image of the municipality as well as technical aspects". The ordinance aims to centralize in one document all the general guidelines (such as conditions for the preparation, execution and receipt of housing developments) and specific information relating to public spaces, road networks, water networks, sanitation and storm drains, electricity, public lighting, telecommunications, gas and street furniture. In this way, "we shall try to achieve uniformity in the image and criteria," stressed Pepa Chorro, who encouraged the public to contribute their ideas and suggestions through the department e-mail: gro.aibaxja|emsinabru.airodiger#gro.aibaxja|emsinabru.airodiger . The draft is available in the Planning section of the Town Hall website:
From Press release.
Builders feel put upon by inspectors
March 21st
The Association of Small Manufacturers, Developers and Allied Industries of Xàbia (APCPIAX) has been feeling the heat by a recent show of zeal from the Town Hall inspectors (which they attribute to a lack of work in the technical office). They point out that this vigilance has been focused only on builders who have the proper licesnses, while illegal builders get away with saving both time and money and go completely unnoticed by inspectors. The Town Hall is thus also losing revenue. They suggest that Xàbia adopts the practise of Denia and Teulada, namely to require builders to hang a copy of the building license in a conspicuous place at the site. They also suggest that the local police could help with the inspections. From Las Provincias:Los constructores....
A two-wheeled electric solution
Battery-powered scooters offer a new way for sustainable urban transportation
March 21st
Public transport and bicycles are two obvious solutions to the pollution, rising fuel prices, traffic jams, parking difficulties and other problems associated with urban motoring. But what about electric motor scooters? They charge in a relatively short amount of time (four to five hours); they don't pollute; they hardly make a sound; they have an adequate range; they can reach speeds of 100 km/h; they cost around 60 cents per 100 kilometers to run (seven to 10 times less than their gasoline-powered equivalents); and to drive one, all you need is a regular driver's license. For more see El Pais in English :A two-wheeled ....
PP in Jávea - "New circumstances, New People"
March 18th
This was one of the messages sent to the British expat community by the Partido Popular at a meeting held in the Parador on Thursday afternoon. The aim of the meeting was to introduce Jávea Mayoral candidate, Jose Juan Castelló to the Brits, to give him an opportunity to express his ideas and for the audience to express their ideas and concerns. Castelló was flanked by two of his mentors, José Ciscar, ex Mayor of Moraira (whom he hopes to emulate) and Josep Maria Felip, Director of Immigration, and once Castelló's tutor. The meeting resulted in some lively questions. For full report see: PP Meeting with the Brits
Underground rubbish containers for the Arenal
March 17th
The Town Hall has begun work on the first of four groups of underground containers for rubbish in the Arenal area. The project is funded with € 600,000 of the Plan Confianza (grant from regional government). The project will be carried out by "Becsa". The new containers will replace those in the Avenida del Mediterráneo (next to the Parador), on Avenida de la Libertad (near Mas y Mas), the area adjacent to the Canal de la Fontana and in calle San Rafael. Work has already begun in the last two locations. The Council, has asked the company to respect the Easter period, and cause minimum disruption during the tourist season. From XAD: Instalan los primeros....
Teulada launches its e-government in April
March 16th
As of April 20th, residents of Teulada will be able to manage their administration with the town hall from any where in the world via the Internet. The new Web site will be structured into a public area, with general information on procedures and services, on-line registration and a private area, accessed by a digital certificate where residents can view their personal details, status, and access a service to validate electronic documents. The town has invested a total of €400,000 in upgrading computers and servers, and management software. From XAD: Teulada implantará....
Town hall aims to reduce municipal mobile phone costs
March 16th
The Town Hall has put out to to tender the provision of municipal mobile telephony and data for a total of €54,000 per year for the next two years. There are 94 phones and 2 data lines; an average of 4000 internal calls, 10,000 domestic calls, 20 calls overseas, 500 overseas roaming, 650 text messages, 5 multimedia messages, and 900 data calls involving 800MB. This tender is in addition to two others: one for the maintenance of lifts and the other the provision of electricity. These contracts have been put up for tender with the aim of reducing costs. From Las Provincias: El Ayuntamento de Xàbia....
Table of Contents
Xàbia hosts a series of Political Presentations
(… preliminary rounds of "Xàbia's Got Talent" contest in May)
March 15th
Recently, there has been a sudden flurry of presentations by various political parties in the run up to the May elections. Everyone is invited to attend them all.
PP ( Partido Popular)
Thursday March 17th at 6pm in the Parador
"Javea: Our project 2011-2015 Moving from current perspectives to future ones" - a presentation to the British Expat Community
Also speaking will be the mayoral candidate for Javea, D. Jose Juan Castelló, who wishes to use the work of D. Jose Ciscar as a model basis for the renovation of Javea Town Hall, helping him achieve the long awaited restructuring and modernisation of Javea. (Ed's Note: as well as D. Josep Maria Felip i Sarda, Director General of Immigration and Development)
After the presentation, there will be an opportunity for questions and answers. This will allow British residents to express the various concerns and worries that they may have and the needs they wish to see fulfilled during the following 4 years of government.
(From invitation)
XD (Xàbia Democrática)
Thursday March 17th at 8.00pm at Café D'Art - C/Andreas Lambert 4, Puerto
"Creando Ciudad - Charla participativa por una Xàbia Mejor"
Speakers will be José Buiges, Pere Sapena , Geovanny Sanchez, and party leader Oscar Anton.
(taken from an official flier)
PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español)
Friday, March 24th. 8.00pm in the Parador.
Antonio Bernabé (Director General of Turespaña).(Part of the series of "Forum for Change" talks)
(From PSOE publicity)
(Ed's note: The Parador seems to be doing quite well out of this !)
Xàbia doubles aid to needy families
March 15th
The Department of Social Services of Xàbia has increased its aid to the neediest families. During 2010, 359 were granted aid worth €240,437, an amount double the 2008 figure.
The economic crisis has left many families in difficult situations. Requests for help doubled last year and with them the financial resources allocated by the Town Hall. According to the mayor of Social Services, Juan Moragues, in most cases middle-class people who have become unemployed have added to the problem. 80% of the total, was spent on basic necessities, particularly food. Other services, classified as "emergency aid" helped to solve problems relating housing, such as rent. The Red Cross and Caritas, are also carrying out local humanitarian work. From Press Release. See Las Provincias: Xàbia duplica....
Blue flags in peril ?
March 14th
Javea's beaches may lose their blue flags this summer. ADEAC President (Association of Environmental and Consumer Education), Joseph R. Sanchez Moro, has sent a letter to the mayor of Javea, which warns that the granting of these awards to the beaches of l'Arenal, Granadella and La Grava is conditional on the town making every effort to control the excessive occupation of the sea side promenades by restaurant tables and chairs.
ADEAC President said that the Provincial Coastal Service (Costas) had informed him of the problem of illegal occupation of public coastal land in Jávea and he required the mayor to make a signed commitment to do everything possible to stop it. If the result of the next inspection is negative, the Blue flag will be withdrawn and a penalty of two years without a flag imposed. The Mayor has replied that he is gravely concerned about the issue, but that the responsibility does not lie with the Town hall, but with the Costas. For their part, the restauranteurs assert that they pay the relevant taxes to the Town Hall, meanwhile Costas has imposed initial sanctions on some of the businesses involved. From Levante Xàbia perderá.....
Port Cultural Centre to be a library and Social Centre
March 11th
The building works next to the Health Centre in the Port are destine to be come a library and social centre. The initail idea for this centre was announced 4 years ago, and it was supposed to be somewhere near the old Guardia Civil barracks in the Port. However it had to be relocated beacuse of some restriction of use of coastal land. The centre will have a floor area of 1300m. It us funded by a grant from the regional "Plan Confianza" and being built by ECISA (the company which built the Underground car Parks). From XAD: El centro cultural....
Questionnaire for politicians - First Draft
March 11
The first draft of the Agenda 21 questionnaire to be delivered to all political parties before the elections has been circulated to all participants. An English version can be found on Questionnaire for politicians - First Draft All questions were supplied by participants of Agenda21 Xàbia mainly through the "World Café" session. This will be tweaked and revised further over the next week or so. People who would like to add/ modify questions should contact gro.aibaxja|12lacola#gro.aibaxja|12lacola
Underground Car Parks - Socialists go to Court
March 11th
The Xàbia PSPV earlier warned that it had exhausted all political, administrative and legal avenues to avoid the purchase of the underground car parks. Given that questions, allegations and inquiries have not helped to slow down the process, the Socialists have decided to take the matter to court. The spokesman, Jose Chulvi said that on Feb. 22 the group had filed an appeal in the Chamber for Administrative Litigation, Alicante High court, against the four Council meeting agreements necessary to buy out the Car Parks concession (Estacionaments Xàbia Urbans - owned by car park developer ECISA). The Socialists argue that the executive did not defend general interest when supporting these agreements. So they are asking the court to examine the agreements and set them aside if it is confirmed that they against the public interest. From Las Provincias: El PSPV de Xàbia.....
Xàbia municipal accounts 2010 - €1.5 million in unpaid bills
March 7th
The municipal treasurer's report, which was endorsed on Thursday 10th March, included €1.5 million in unpaid bills, of which €1.2 million, for which there is "no budget", is due to be paid to the Car Park developer ECIS's subsidiary, Estacionaments Xàbia Urbans, in respect of modifications to various projects carried out by this company. From XAD: Monfort convoca....
Canal de la Fontana moorings to be privatised
March 8th
"If you can't beat them, join them." That seems to have been the choice left to the boat owners who moor in the Canal de la Fontana. At its general assembly, 250 members of the boat owners' association, Aexamar unanimously voted to negotiate with the company Nou Fontana Marina, which manages the small marina just off the canal. Previously, the association hoped to compete with this company, an initiative which had the support of the Town Hall which owns adjacent land. However, the Town Hall has never offered to invest financially and now with the crisis, it is difficult for anyone to stump up the money to modernise the moorings and make a dry dock . So Aexamar is negotiating with Marina Nou Fontana, to get a discount for its 350 members. As reported by the presiding officer, Sunday Bou, users would opt for a mooring at cost, between 10 and 12 thousand euros, plus a monthly fee of €90 for services like electricity, water, security and cleaning. Another option would be to opt for a place in the dry dock. From XAD: Aexamar optará....
Internet Technology for Citizen Participation
March 6th
The innovative Mayor of Jun ( a small town in Granada) came to Xàbia's Parador last Friday and described how his municipality has used the Internet to create an open and participatory Government. Jun is a town of just over 4,328 inhabitants, near Granada, which has gained a worldwide reputation and fame due its adoption of 21st century internet technologies in the service of its citizens. Romano Prodi former President of the European Commission declared Mayor José Antonio Rodriguez the “Father of electronic–democracy” and his town, Jun the birthplace of “Active Tele-democracy”. On June 28, 2001, the town held its first fully interactive town hall meeting, which could be seen around the world via the internet. In Jun,there is bi-directional communication between the Town Hall and its people, televising of Council meetings over the internet, and citizen participation in deciding how to spend Town Hall funds. People can make suggestions in advance for the agenda of Council meetings and are kept well informed of the issues in hand. The talk was part of the Xàbia PSOE Series of talks "Forum for Change". One of the key PSOE policies is that Xàbia should follow Jun's example. For more on this talk see: Jun- The Digital Municipality. Jun's website is on: http://www.ayuntamientojun.org/
Xàbia Democrática calls for creating a Town for all
March 5th
In the first of a series of public talks, the new Xàbia political party, Xàbia Democràtica outlined their ideas for improving the management of the Town. They called for the setting up of a permanent Consultative / Advisory council comprised of members of the public from all sectors of society. This would be tasked with drawing up a 15 year strategic plan which would be reflected in the General Town Plan. As far as building development goes, they said that the town cannot rely on construction as its main economic engine and should look for a tourism related path, but they also believe there is space for construction following a model of a low density town, with spread out individual houses, i.e. no conglomerations of 1,500 to 2,000 apartments. They also said it is essential to curb government spending, starting with the salaries of politicians and that it is worth trying to generate income through municipal resources. They noted that Gata has created a municipal WiMax network, which provides residents with a 2MB internet connection for 25 €. But here in Xàbia they have not even counted the municipal assets. For a fuller account of the XD policies see: Xabia Democrática - First policy talk
Federation of Entrepreneurs presents questionnaire to Politicians
March 5th
The Federation of Xàbia entreprenuers (Fedemxa) has presented an eleven question questionnaire to all the political parties. The responses will be made public when they have all been received. Questions cover topics such as whether we need a Strategic Plan, will they commit to re-organising the town hall civil service? Do they have a tourism model ?. For the complete questionnaire (English version) see: FEDEXMA questionnaire
Xàbia shows off its cuisine with Budget Gourmet menus
March 4th
From now until March 13th Fifteen local restaurants will offer special gourmet menus at €30 a head. The initiative, which was successfully launched last year, is called "Xàbia al Plat". The participating restaurants are: la Bombonería, el Calima, Casa Ángel, Castelló, L'Embruix, Estapatí, Lizarrán, Mezquida, La Perla de Jávea, el Parador de Turismo, Los Remos La Nao, El Rodat, la Trastienda, el Trencall and el Restaurante Sur. (From Press Release)
Xàbia building stalled - but not because of an absence of licenses
March 4th
In the face of criticism and complaints from the Association of Small Builders, Promotors and Associated Industries, Councillor Pepa Chorro confirmed that the four year suspension of building licenses was actually lifted in January. She asserted that the crisis in the building industry had nothing to do with an absence of licenses, but that there wasn't any demand. In fact, if you look at a report for 2010 quite a few licenses had been granted: Last year there had been 109 for major works, 166 for minor works, 321 for first occupation, 28 for second occupation, four licenses for plot delineation, and four point modifications of the PGOU. In addition, four integrated developments had been approved in Saladar2 and 4, Adsubia-Rebaldi30, Lluca-Rafalet5 and Duanes-Eixample7. Also 12 developments approved over the past few years had never got off the ground because the promotors had not been able to get the finance. Chorro stated that the housing bubble had burst, and that this old economic model cannot be the key for the future. The crisis was caused by: "The greed of some who still did not understand that the people of Xàbia do not want to speculate with the future of our town." This is a new reality which will cost some dear. Licenses have not been suspended, only greed. From XAD: La Edil de urbanismo....
Only one in four young people have job security in Valencia
Matrch 4th
One of the best prepared generations in Valencian history is largely excluded from the labour market and most of those that have managed to join the world of work, find that their jobs are precarious. A bleak picture. Data from the latest Labour Force Survey (LFS), for the fourth quarter of 2010 show that only one in four young Valencians has job security. The data are conclusive. 46.2% of the Valencians aged between 16 and 24 years were unemployed at the end of last year. Of the 53.8% said to be working, only 45.5% said they had a permanent job. Hence, 75% (three out of four) of all young people living in Valencia have job insecurity. Regional unemployment is almost four points above the Spanish average of 42.8%, and is the worst in Spain after Andalusia, Extremadura, Canarias and the autonomous cities. From Levante: Cuatro jovenes Valencianos...
Old Town Businesses ask for bike lane to be modified
March 4th
The aim of a bike lane should make cyclists safer, in addition to making the town more friendly in general, but the new route along Avenida Juan Carlos I to the Avenida de Alicante does not meet these objectives. Quite the opposite in fact. Drivers begin to feel bicycles are their enemy, while cyclists feel unsafe. That is why the Old Town business association has has asked that the narrow, steep, difficult stretch be amended.
Pedro Almendros, the technician who helped in the revitalization plan of the Old Town, said "the bike path seems very good, but from the beginning of the rise to the 'Tourmalet'*, it could create congestion because bikes cannot accelerate" Almendros is clear that the route cannot be changed because they are still pending receipt of the Plan E grant, but he asked the association if there were few simple modifications, which could be put in place before the Easter and summer seasons. However, despite having met with the councilors of Economic Development, Filo Giner, Public Safety, Juan Carlos Generoso, Treasury, Vicente Chorro, and Planning, Pepa Chorro, and several times with the mayor, "One by inaction and others by omission nothing has been done" Moreover, the mayor has assured traders that the bike path will have to stay as it is, both at Easter and in the summer, on a trial basis, and only then will they assess the possibility of changing it. (Eds note: * Tourmalet - Highest pass in the Pyrenees - a reference to the Tour de France) From XAD: Los comerciantes... Cartoon by Fernando Soler: http://www.xabiaenvinyetes.blogspot.com/
Pedreguer Mediterranean Garden to use Geothermal Energy
March 2nd
The FUNDEM Foundation, which runs the Mediterranean garden in Pedreguer and whose aims are land conservation, and management to protect biodiversity, has chosen the company "Energesis" and geothermal energy to heat a new greenhouse. This will have a total area of 450 m2 and a capacity up to 320 people. The complex is under construction and is located in the Mediterranean Garden Albarda, which has a green area of approximately 50,000 m2 planted out with native plants. The Foundation's new facility features 12 holes each of 100 metres depth for heat exchange with the ground. FUNDEM expects to save around 50% in its electricity bills and, in turn, will prevent the emission of 20.52 tonnes of CO2 a year into the atmosphere. Some 4,310 trees would be needed to absorb this much CO2. See Energesis web site
Boost to Xàbia's telecoms
March 29th
Boga Suis Telecom, SL, A Javea company dedicated to advanced television services and telecommunications, plans to develop a network of cable television and Internet and wireless networks in the north coast of Alicante, with the cooperation of National Innovation Company (ENISA). "The investment for which ENISA funds are intended are to improve television and telecommunications services offered to our residents and European tourists, allowing our telecommunications infrastructure on the tourist coast to progressively achieve European standards of service, "said CEO Luis Ronda, who has stressed the importance of such services to economic progress as well as "the sustainability and competitiveness of tourism." For more details see: Advanced telecommunications in Javea
Rafalet land auction for Car park funding takes place, with one bidder - Guess who ?
March 3rd
Thursday morning the Town Hall opened the bids at a public auction to determine who would buy 8 plots of municipally owned land on Rafalet. They hoped to obtain €1.2 million to complete the over 13 million payoff agreed with ECISA for the underground car parks. The other 12 million will come from a loan. It came as not much of a surprise that there was only one bidder, ECISA itself. From Las Provincias Ecisa se quedar...
Xàbia Democrática - "What worries us, unites us" - a talk on March 3rd
March 2nd
This lecture will be held in the Casa de Cultura, on Thursday 3rd March, at 8.00pm, It is intended primarily to introduce the Xàbia Democrática project. Under the title "Creating the town among all and for all", Juan Luis Cardona will discuss "What worries us, unites us" While Pere Sapena and Javier Mata will focus on how we can "create a town among all and for all". Finally, Oscar Anton will explain how participatory democracy can restore hope to the people. From XAD: Xàbia democrática propone...