Two new pedestrian crossings for the Avenida Pla dual carriageway
May 31st
The dual carriageway of the Avenida Pla is a something of a speedway and a danger for pedestrians who try to cross it. The Town Council is therefore to make a pedestrian crossing at the Supercor (south) / Iceland (north) location for an estimated €7000. In addition they hope to make another at the roundabout where the dual carriageway crosses the Canal de la Fontana, but work on this will have to wait for a few months. From XAD: Xàbia invierte...
Tourism committee discusses allocation of €32,244 budget
May 31st
Xàbia's consultative committee on Tourism (which is comprised of tourism professionals, members of the public and town hall staff) has been discussing how the Town's tourism budget should be spent. Among the ideas approved was the appointment of a a professional (community manager) to spread information about Xàbia via social networks. They also agreed that the twon should post tourist informatrion on the local weather web site "Meteoxàbia" as a means of economic support for the service it provides. They discussed collaboration with a group of Russian jounalists and travel agents and the creation of an office for the promotion and monetisation of of heritage and municipal resources. Other ideas were more dynamic advertising billboards and invitations to influential bloggers top stay in Xàbia. From XAD: El consell...
Meeting to define mechanisms for the Participatory Budget
May 30th
A public meeting hosted by the councillor for Citizen Participation, Cesc Camprubí, will take place on June 13th at 8.00pm, Casa de Cultura. Proposals on how to ensure maximum public involvement in the Citizen's Participatory portion of the annual budget will be put forward. This includes methods of receiving and selecting projects put forward by the public. These include placing suggestion boxes at the Offices of Citizen Services, a special e-mail address to receive suggestions etc. A " mobilising group" will be charged with selecting the most realistic projects which will be valued economically before being put to the public for a final vote. The meeting will also present its new image and project details. (From Press Release)
Forum on New Strategies for Tourism
May 30th
The Xàbia Department of Tourism in collaboration with the company "Ser Mediterrània" has organised a day of discussion and debate on the new demands of the tourist market and emerging products which visitors seek. This forum assumes that the new public demands a change in strategy and a adaptation of the products offered, creating more individualized, open formulas,with added value and clear differentiation. The meeting, geared especially to tourism businesses and administrations in the Marina Alta and neighboring regions, will be held on Friday, June 7 from 10 am in the Parador. Attendance is free but those interested in participating should register via email at moc.ainarretidemres|ofni#moc.ainarretidemres|ofni until June 5th. (Eds note: The Publicity poster is in Valenciano) . From XAD: Xàbia será..
On being propped up
May 29th
Spain’s pain is likely to continue, despite some promising reforms, unless new sources of growth emerge. For full story see: The Economist
Hailstorm creates a white Arenal beach and a torrential downpour in the Old Town
It also damages the Underground Car Park
May 28th
A thirty minute storm yesterday left trees at the Arenal almost leafless and the beach covered with a thick, white carpet of hailstones. At the same time torrential rain of up to 349mm per hour created raging torrents in the Old Town. The worst excesses of this storm seem to have been felt in a triangle formed by Denia, Xàbia and Gata de Gorgos (where a snow plough had to be used to clear the road) . Xàbia meteorologist, Toni Bolufer says he has never seen anything like this on the coast before - but at this time of year, warm air rising from the land and sea collides with cold air at altitude to give rise to violent spring storms which normally develop in the interior, with coastal areas being on the fringes. Las Provincias print edition reports damage to grape and caqui crops in areas such as Villalonga. From XAD: Una fuerte... Diarioinformación. The storm also damaged the roofs of both entrance halls to the Plaza de la Constitución underground car park, and the only access for the whole day was via the entrance closest to the health centre (XAD - La granizada...
New Excavations in Xàbia's Cova del Migdia discover more, older burial sites.
Amjasa and the Town hall collaborate in this great archaeological project initiated by the Cirne Cultural Foundation
May 27th
At a press conference on May 15th Juan de Dios Boronat, the archaeologist who led the most recent excavation campaign of the Migdia cave highlighted the finding of a punch made of copper This material was very unusual for the period and was undoubtedly imported from somewhere distant from Xàbia. It contextualises the changing times. Another important result was obtained in a survey of another, deeper layer of the cave, about 20 cm below the burials previously studied. Boronat revealed this was the discovery of more, earlier, skeletal remains, which reveal the presence of other burials made between 200 and 300 years before those previously analysed. For full story see: AMUX website
Spain offers residency papers to foreign buyers and investors
May 27th
The government has included in the Entrepreneurial Law a clause granting residency to foreigners who buy more than two million euros' worth of public debt in an attempt to attract capital and investment. For full story see: El Pais in English
Department of Social Services owes Xàbia €275,000
May 27th
The regional Department of Social Services owes Social Services in Xàbia €275,000 in respect of programmes and aid which have been carried out by the town. The money owed to municipalities and associations in the Marina Alta by the regional body amounts to 1.7 million Euros being subsidies for 2011 and 2013. From XAD: La Conselleria de Bienestar...
New regulations for Arenal promenade
May 27th
Ten new wooden information panels have been installed on the Passeig David Ferrer in the Arenal which highlight the new regulations for use of the public area that has recently been renovated. The new regulations, brought in response to demands from the public, and consultation with various associations and the police, include the prohibition of all vehicles on the promenade, except those necessary for municipal services or emergencies; the prohibition of dogs on the beach area; the requirement that all dogs on the promenade must be on a lead; the prohibition of skaters and those with skateboards from using furniture and low walls as ramps; and speed limits for cyclists who must not exceed 5kph whilst riding along the promenade. As the new regulations are clearly visible on the ten wooden panels, the Police will fine anyone failing to comply with the new regulations, which come into immediate effect. (From Mayor Chulvi Facebook and Xabia al Día)
Spanish taxpayers declare assets held overseas worth nine percent of GDP
May 24th
Spaniards and foreigners resident in Spain have declared assets held abroad in the form of bonds, shares, real estate and bank accounts of 87.7 billion euros, equivalent to nine percent of the country’s GDP. As part of the government’s assault on tax evasion and fraud based on legislation passed last year, the Tax Agency now requires all taxpayers in Spain to declare assets worth more than 50,000 euros in any of four different categories of investment. According to figures provided Wednesday by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, 131,411 taxpayers declared assets held overseas, of which 129,925 were individuals and the rest companies. Individuals declared 67.1 billion euros and companies 20.6 billion. For full story see: El País in English
Buoys start to be deployed along Xàbia's beaches
May 24th
In anticipation of the start of the summer season in June 1st, the company responsible for the buoys protecting the beaches and controlling boats in marine conservation areas has started to deploy the buoys. The company has a five year contract with the town hall - costing €70,000 per year, including installation of the bathing rafts at Garandella and la Grava. The Town Hall is directly responsible for the raft at the Arenal. Life guards will start work at the Arenal on June 1st, with services at the other beaches starting on 15th and ending on September 30th. From XAD: *Servicios comienza…
Blue flags for Granadella, la Grava and the Arenal beaches and Club Nautico
May 24th
Xàbia has reatined its blue flags for clean beaches this year, with Granadella, la Grava and the Arenal beaches. In addition the Club Nautico has a flag in the ports category. Other beaches with blue flags in the area asre: Calpe: La Fossa, Cantal Roig and Arenal Bol: Denia: la Marineta Cassiana and Bovetes; Moraira: Portet and Les Platgetes; Benissa: Cala de la Fustera and for the first time benitatxell agets a flag for the Cala del Morag. From XAD: La Grava...
Xàbia sells 29% more water to neighbouring muncipalities
May 24th
The Amjasa board of management, chaired by mayor Chulvi, unanimously approved the municipal water company's accounts for 2012 . Thses showed a profit of 707083 Euros for the year, money which will be invested on improving the water supply network. The desalination plant which it owns is now beginning to be exploited more fully and last year the company sold 29% more water to Benitatxell and Gata de Gorgos - in time, Xàbia aspires to sell water to half the Marina Alta. Amjasa has also reduced the cost of personnel by 14% while reating staff levels,. From Información and Xàbia al Día
Cadastral Information point in Xàbia
May 24th
Xàbia Town Hall has been authorised to set up a Property Information point in Xàbia so that people can consult general catastral information and digital cartography as well as specific details on their own property. They will also be able to download various documents and carry out electronic certifications. Therefore, instead of having to trail down to the cadastral offices in Alicante, Xàbia residents need only to visit the "Punto de Información Catastral" counter on the first floor of the Economic Area (Calle Mayor - near the library) From XAD: Las gestiones....
New population of endangered plant species found in Moraira
May 22nd
A new population, comprised of some 28 plants, of Silene ifachensis an endangered species of pink found only in the coastal cliffs of Ibiza, and Denia, Xàbia Teulada, Calpe and Alfaz has been found in Moraira. Its location is unusual in that, unlike other populations which grow on north facing sea cliffs it is growing in abandoned terraces currently covered by pines and shrubs. Shelter from two ravines which converge in the area could have helped to reduce the summer heat and enable the plant to survive. Samples have been taken for genetic studies to compare this population with other ones close by. The Ministry of Infrastructure, Territory and the Environment is developing a plan to regenerate this plant in the area. From
Not so much a brain drain as forced exile
May 22nd
For the last three years, Spain's scientific community has been warning about the impact of government austerity measures: the deep spending cuts aimed at reducing the country's deficit could mean the dismemberment of a research structure that has taken many years, a great deal of money, and much effort to create. Academic institutions' funding budgets are being slashed, leaving many of the country's best and brightest with no choice but to look for opportunities abroad. For full story see: El Pais in English
Investors from abroad who offer jobs in Spain will get automatic residence rights
May 22nd
FOREIGN investors who could potentially create jobs in Spain may be given automatic residence rights and visas in a new move by the central government to encourage multi-national firms to set up branches in the country. For full story see Think Spain
Bye laws for Marriage in Xàbia's Municipal buildings
May 22nd
The Town Hall has published fees for the use of municipal buildings for weddings. These range from 75 Euros to 200 Euros for use of the Santa Anna Chapel, Council Plenary chamber or even the Arnaudu Riurau depending upon the day of the week and time of day (cheapest in morning workdays - most expensive in the evenings and at weekends).From XAD: Xàbia cobrará...
Welcome to the Spanish Wild West
May 22nd
There are three raids on crops or livestock every hour, and that's on a good day. These attacks take place most frequently in southeastern Spain, with Almería and Valencia the hardest hit. "Everything gets stolen: copper, iron, machinery, implements, sprinklers, solar panels, calves, lambs, pigs, processed food and crops. And not in small amounts, either. We're not talking about a few kilos of vegetables that the thief will sell by the roadside," notes Rafael Cervera, of the Union of Small Agriculturalists (UPA). "We're talking about 2,000 kilos that are going to enter the consumption chain." For full story see: El Pais in English
Landowning family proposes cultural centre
May 22nd
The family of the well known painter André Lambert who came to Jávea during the last century has made a novel proposal for the development of land which it owns located between Toscamar and the Camí de la Calablanca. Instead of the construction of 52 houses, permissable under the 1990 General Plan, they propose to build only 7 and leave the rest - some 75,000 m2 as a cultural space, or a museum. The Family has repeatedly shown its commitment to the natural, environmental and landscape values of their property, and that it would be a suitable place as the centre for the graphic and cultural legacy of the family. The proposal has yet to be formallly submitted and decided upon. From XAD: El conseil..
Second edition of the Festival de Mar de Xàbia - May 31st - June 2nd
May 22nd
The Business and Merchants Association of Aduanas del Mar (ACEAM) has unveiled details of the second edition of the Festival de Mar de Xàbia which will place over the first weekend of June, kicking off the summer season with three days of nautical entertainment. Starting on Friday 31st May, the festival will be centred on the promenade which borders the Playa del la Grava, a new site that allows more room for some 30 exhibitors who will participating in the nautical fair. There will also be statues created by local artist Toni Marí and an exhibition dedicated to the Reserva Marina del Cap de Sant Antoni, the important marine reserve which envelopes the tip of Cabo de Sant Antoni which dominates the port area. For full story see Javeamigos
Town Hall sets up commission on home evictions
May 19th
The Town Hall has set up a specail commission to act as a go between in the eventuality of people being evicted from their homes as a result of their being unable to pay the morgage or rent. The Social Services Department is already providing support for families trapped in this situation, but it is hoped that the comission can help to mediate so that compromises can be reached and incidents such as a demonstration in front of a banking institution a month ago, resulting from an impending eviction will not re-occur. From XAD: Xàbia constitue...
Xàbia Town Hall to create 30 temporary jobs
May 19th
The Town hall is to create 30 short term seasonal job placements. Each will last three months as from June and focus on the most needy (i.e. those Javea residents who have no benefits or income ). There will be two groups of 15 people which will form brigades to support the Environmnet brigade, being involved in the maintenance, management and fire prevention in green spaces such as Tossal Gros, Granadella and the Montgó. The €175,000 required will come from a credit modification authorised last week, including €50,000 set aside for the Mayor's salary whcih mayor Chulvi renounced at the begiining of his term of office. From XAD: El Ayuntamiento ofertará....
Spain signs up to EU plan to combat youth unemployment
May 15th
The proposal is based on the use of a six-billion-euro fund set up in February as part of the European budget to obtain up to 60 billion in soft loans to be awarded to companies who hire people under the age of 25. The plan is to run between 2014 and 2020 and will be officially presented after the Berggruen Institute conference later this month, involving intellectuals, economic and political leaders from across the globe. For full story see: El Pais in English
Xàbia leads in reduction in the unemployed
May 16th
At the end of April, Xàbia led regional listings in the reduction of unemployed with 36 people coming off the register, leaving a total of 2065 without work. In the Marina Alta as a whole there were 16,661 unemployed, a fall of 87 since March. As for sectors at the regional level more jobs were created in construction (67); 48 in the service sector (hotel trade); 11 in industry but there were increases of the number of unemployed in agriculture (including fishing) and the group without previous employment (+34). From XAD Xàbia lidera.....
Your home is not a hotel
May 6th
Responding to what it calls "unfair competition," the government has decided to exclude thousands of properties in holiday areas from the Urban Rental Law (LAU), which until now has allowed property owners to let apartments and houses on a short-term basis. According to a report by savings bank La Caixa, last year there were more than 1.1 billion overnight stays in Spain. Of that figure, 764 million were in unregulated premises. Regional governments and some local councils have been trying for years to limit the number of private rentals, with little success, as the figures show. Now the government has taken up the mantle. For full story see: El Pais in English
Evidence for crisis hitting the Old Town
May 16th
According to data collected by the La Caixa economic yearbook, at the beginning of the crisis in 2007, (which was accentuated in Jávea by the effects of the redevelopment of the Old Town) there were a total of 912 'retail business'. The figure rises to 914 in 2008, and since that year there has been a downward spiral to 611 in 2011, the last year analyzed when 655 businesses were taken into account. In addition there are 70 activities considered to be wholesale. This document states that there are 706 industrial activities, of which 627 are directly related to construction. Classification by other sectors notes that there are 79 companies engaged in industry, 35 in manufacturing, 29 in metal processing; 10 in the extraction and chemical transformation and derivatives and 5 to the energy and water. From XAD: Xàbia ha perdido.... Full La Caixa economic report on : La Caixa - anuario económico.
Intensive English language courses including residence with Jávea British families
May 16th
The Open University - UNED has presented a course for langauge students which includes staying with British and German families in Javea and Denia. Its director, Raquel Martí, has identified this program as "really innovative" because besides the teaching hours there is an added immersion in the language and culture of the country being studied. through living for 12 days with a family whose native language Being learnt. These courses, target the over 18 are scheduled from 1 to 12 July (in Javea they will be focusd on English ) and will include six hours a day of intensive class (a total of 64 hours) and the practice of conversation with host families. For more see Javeamigos
Fifty percent of second-generation immigrants say they feel Spanish
May 11th
Spain "is no longer a country of immigrants," says Alejandro Portes, co-author of a report on integration among second-generation immigrants. In a study carried out by the Ortega y Gasset University Institute and Princeton University, a comparison between the same target group in 2008 and 2012 shows a 20 percent increase in the number of second-generation children who feel Spanish - from 30 percent to 50 percent. For full story see El Pais in English
Changes in the Coastal law will ensure jobs
May 11th
Proposed changes to the "Ley de Costas" will ensure a total of 9000 jobs and 429 businesses, mainly beach restaurants bars and hotels. The Government plans to extend the period of concessionary use for properties built on coastal land, the forecast being 75 years depending on their use. The Ministray of the Environment has 6 months in whioch to draw up the new rules. For now, the extnension of the concession until 2018 will prevent the demolition of 3,000 homes in the region, home to 12,000 residents. The new rules will "protect the rights of owners and provide greater legal certainty for many activities." The new law will also allow coastal hotels to modernise. From Las Provincias: La nueva ley....
Loan money re-directed to finish off Frechinal project
May 14th
Xàbia has a low interest (0.5%) €5.6 million loan for the furbishment of the new (unused) Portal del Clot municipal building and the canalisation of the Barranco de Frechinal. It was to have been split 50:50 between the two projects. However the Freginal project has used up its 2.5 million quota with some works still outstanding. The town hall has agreed to direct an extra €319,000 to enable the asphalting of calle Malta, other improvemnts in the whole of the Freginal area, and a perimeter wall around the football field. From XAD: La comisión...
Talk on Energy efficiency certification
May 7th
Next Tuesday, May 14, there will be a briefing on regulatory changes affecting the certification of energy efficiency of buildings. The talk will be at the Casa de Cultura at 18.00 hrs and will involve the notary Juan Luis Millet, the skilled artisan Juan Vicente Catala and Councillor Oscar Anton. The legislative change will take effect on June 1 and will force owners who want to sell or rent their properties for more than four months to deliver a formal certificate of energy efficiency to buyers or renters. It is information of interest to developers and homeowners(landlords)who rent as this label must be included in any offer, promotion and advertising, to sell or lease the building(s). The certificate, in addition to the energy rating of the building, should include objective information on the energy characteristics of buildings, and in the case of existing buildings, the document of recommendations for improving or maximizing optimal levels of energy efficiency of the building or part thereof, so that you can assess and compare the energy efficiency of buildings in order to encourage the promotion of energy-efficient buildings and energy saving investments. From Press Release
Town Hall receives Pou del Moro development
May 7th
The Town Hall has authorized receipt of the of the partial plan development " Pou del Moro I" (the area where McDonalds, Consum and a residential annex are sited). This project had been in limbo because part of the project works were still pending. The Council has taken over the single-family housing in Pujols, Puigmolins, Benigànim, Calablanca and Portitxol streets, but also unblocked the Pou del Moro I partial plan, affecting more a hundred houses which though inhabited for years had no right to receive municipal services such as street lighting and maintenance. The victims in the conflict between the Town Hall and the developer were the householders, who had bought in good faith. The Council therefore decided to separate the project into two, taking over the area which is physically completed and assuming responsibility for maintenance and services. Alfahuir and Benimasot streets were also taken over. These were in very poor condition and have now been resurfaced. These roads could not be included in the general asphalting plan because they are too narrow for the machines. So a separate project was carried out amounting to 13,000 euros funded directly by the Town Hall. Fom XAD: El Ayuntamiento....
Divers to clean up Granadella bay
May 2nd
The Cabo la Nao Dive Centre has organised Sunday May 5th for cleaning the seabed of Granadella bay, one of the favorite beaches for swimmers and scuba divers.
Those interested in participating in this free event should contact the dive centre to reserve a bottle and be at the beach at 10 am Sunday. There will be a waste collection of plastics, cans, wires, etc. which will be documentead afterwards. After the activity, the dive center will award diplomas to participants as a souvenir. This initiative is under the initiaive of Project Aware, a nonprofit foundation that organizes activities related to the protection of the oceans. From XAD: El Centro de Buceo...
New Civic Centre in Jávea Park
May 2nd
Javea Town Council has opened a multipurpose space called "Espai Civic Punt" in Jávea Park, which has many immigrant residents. This venue will host activities to strengthen the social fabric and promote the participation of residents. The project was carried out with a grant of 67,500 euros from the European Integration Fund. The objective is to combat truancy, drug abuse and social exclusion and avoid creating ghettos. The new social focal point is on the ground floor of Avenida del Pla number 35 and is staffed by a social worker and an educator. From XAD: El Ayuntamiento...
New bye laws on use of roads and public spaces comes into force
May 1st
On May 1st the new bye law regulating the use of roads and public spaces in Xàbia, came into force. This ordinance relates to all types of occupation of public areas such as markets, construction, containers, performances etc, as well as the occupation of public spaces with tables and chairs belonging to bars and restaurants. There have been complaints from some affected businesses, so the Town hall has issued an explanatory note. See: Bye law on occupation of public spaces
New "Campo" police squad fights fruit thefts
May 1st
A new regional police squad called El Grupo de Seguridad en el Ámbito Rural (SAR) has been formed to combat the wave of thefts in rural agricultural areas. In nine days they have intercepted 21 tons of fruit of suspicious provenance. The agents combed 64 municipalities throughout the region, and increased surveillance in warehouses, cooperatives and retail outlets. In a related incident the Guardia Civil intercepted 822 kilos of oranges which had been stolen from an orchard near Carcaixent. The alleged theives were four Romainians. From Las Provincias: Nueva Policía... (Eds Note: It's not just fruit that theives are targeting - a story last week described an how an orange orchard had been chopped down by theives who took away €20,000 worth of firewood. Farmers are having a hard time from nature too with reports of hail damage to summer fruits and a plague of rabbits)
Jávea Cancer Care in groundbreaking funding agreement with private Valencia University.
May 1st
The Marina Alta is a region that has for decades been the home to many foreign-born citizens and they have gradually integrated into the daily life of our region. Furthermore, some of these foreigners have started projects that benefit not only the residents but also all the neighbours. This is the case of Jávea Cancer Care, an association that aims to help cancer patients throughout the region and the province. This entity has taken a step forward and yesterday signed an agreement with the University CEU-Cardenal Herrera-Valencia for the creation (and funding) of the ECMOR Chair (English Chair for Modern Oncology Research). At first they had sought an agreement with the Catholic University of Valencia, but this did not quite jell. And after the negative result and "disillusionment with failure" they crossed the road the oldest of the two private universities of Valencia. So in collaboration with the academic institution and many contributions of donors they have able to raise the money to start this project in the premises of Denia hospital. The agreement will allow the CEU-UCH to take over the technological resources of the new Laboratory of Pharmacotherapy and personalisation of Oncology (FPOlab) located in the Hospital de Dénia, for developing a personalized medicine program in the fight against cancer. Cancer Care Javea made a contribution of 260,000 euros to finance activities under this Chair until 2017. From Las Provincias: Jávea Cancer care...
People fear a Cyprus-style grab: Expat exodus from Spain
May 1st
The asset declaration controversy has reached the Daily Mail - specifically its "This is Money" section: "New Spanish tax laws affecting an estimated 200,000 British expats, have sparked panic, prompting some to leave the country or hand in their residence cards at town halls before today's deadline, fearing a Cyprus-style money grab. Opponents, including Spanish politicians, have branded the new asset declaration law discriminatory, and fear an exodus of EU residents from the fragile economies of the coastal towns." for full story see: Expats head home.... (Eds note: Signatures on the on-line petition reached 805 by April 30th)
Making a living will in Spain
May 1st
Anyone of legal age can make a living will or model one after existing documents drafted by regional governments, dignified death advocate groups such as Derecho a Morir Dignamente (the Right to die with dignity), or even the Catholic Church. The document is then either entrusted to a notary and signed before three witnesses with no ties to the will taker - all three must keep a copy - or else handed to the appropriate registrar's office in the regional government. Since a few weeks ago, and for the first time ever, all regional records are connected to the National Living Will Register. If the need should arise, doctors can consult a patient's living will regardless of where it was drawn up and officialized. For full story see: El Pais in English