Town hall organises a talk on Mobile phones and Health
Are mobile phone antennas really dangerous? This and other questions will be answered on Wednesday June 10th at 17h in the Casa de Cultura in a talk entitled "Mobile Phones: quality of life and expectations of consumers."
The Councillor for Citizen Participation and Urban Development, Pepa Chorro, has been concerned for some months by the controversy raised by the mobile phone masts. Many people are convinced that the electromagnetic waves they emit are harmful to health. Faced with complaints from residents that there have been several cases of cancer in the area near the road from Denia, and that this coincided with the location of wireless antennas, the councillor instructed the Health Centre to review the data and monitor cancer cases in the population. The result was that the number of cancer cases in this area was not higher than in the rest of the municipality.
The Councillor has also asked the provincial headquarters charged with the inspection of Telecommunications antennae for information on the 24 masts recorded in Xàbia, and whether the installations comply with the rules. Still, Choro does not take the problem lightly, and has continued to seek information on the effects of microwaves on humans.
For this reason, and to inform the public, the Town Hall has organized a talk on mobile phones, backed by the Consumers Union and the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, with the collaboration of the Spanish Association Against Cancer. The speakers will be two experts in the field, Javier Gonzálvez, Telecommunications Engineer from the Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, and Francisco Vargas Marcos, biomedical STI Advisor. They will will answer questions from the public after a series of explanations.
The aim of this talk is to analyze the impact of mobile phones on health, revealing how mobile phones work and their emission levels, and to know the health safeguards and recommendations. The intention is to gather all the information possible, and together with the contribution of citizens' concerns, develop an ordinance regulating the placement of wireless antennas, which will be integrated into the General Town Plan which is being drafted.
Adapted from XAD: El ayuntamiento organizar....
For an analysis of the Phone Mast syndrome see: