General Registry hours extended
Chulví's mayoral salary to go towards Strategic Plan Project
October 29th
A comprehensive plenary council meeting on Thursday saw the 21 councillors unanimously approve all 20 points on the Agenda. These included a commitment to draft the Strategic Plan and an extension of the opening hours of the General Register, to accomodate people who work in the mornings. They also agreed to create a number of bodies to work on the strategic plan, including a dedicated technical office with its own staff and resources. The money which had been saved because mayor Chulví chose not to take up his Town Hall salary will go towards resources for the Strategic Plan. From XAD: El pleno amplia...For more see: Strategic Plan 2011 - 2
Agenda 21 to elect representatives for Strategic Plan committees
October 28th
Xàbia's Agenda21 forum will hold a meeting on Wednesday 2nd November at the 8.00pm in the Municipal library (top floor) to elect representatives to sit on consultative Committees for development of the Strategic Town Plan. They will need five representatives, one each for: Tourism; Economic development, Land and the Environment, Social welfare, Education and Culture. (From Press release)
New Web portal for Jávea builders
October 28th
The Xàbia Association of Small Manufacturers, Promoters and Allied Industries (APCPIA) has launched its own Internet portal, which will bring together all local professionals in the sector. The website aims not only serve as a directory of professional services, but also as a platform for internal communication to enable information such as training and support to be shared. Builders are asked to create content to provide more information and pictures about their company, . This would both enrich the site and serve as advertising. The website is also accessible through the links and (in Valenciano). The Association remarked: "we want to be a reference page for foreign customers looking for a Xàbia professional." From XAD: Los constructores....
New lift maintenance contract saves over €18,000
October 28th
A new contract for the maintenance of lifts in public buildings and colleges will save more than half the previous contract price. The service contract has been awarded to ThyssenKrupp Elevator Ltd. for € 11,370.48 per year (including VAT), allowing the Town hall to save € 18,629.52. This money will be used to meet payments due to suppliers and companies. From XAD: Una neuva contrata...
Nueva Jávea Councillors quit the Party
October 28th
The two Nueva Jávea Councillors, Juan Planelles and Paco Catalá have left the party and moved to the non-aligned grouping of councillors known as the "Grupo Mixto". They retain their seats in the Council, but their resignation for the party means that Nueva Jávea now has no representation in the Town Hall. There has apparently been internal wrangling and power struggling within the party, and the two Councillors were ticked off when they voted for Chulví at the investiture of the Mayor, not their own party leader as was customary. The councillors say they are not interested in party politics, but just want to do what is best for Jávea. The present administration seems to be doing a good job, and deserves to be supported while they perform well. From XAD: Planelles y Catalá...
Arenal renovation project to start in December
October 28th
Mayor Chulvi and his deputy Anton visited the Valencia Department of infrastructure to find out what had happened to the project to renovate the Arenal. This project is part of the regional government's "Plan Confianza" stimulus plan. They discovered that the project went out to tender on Wednesday, and the contracting committee is expected to meet in December and award the contract immediately. The project is scheduled to last 4 months, and will therefore be competed before the summer season. The Town Hall will give the Valencia Government their full cooperation and lend a plot of land for the storage of materials (from Press Release)
IBI rates to be reduced
October 27th
The Finance Committee has unanimously agreed to reduce IBI by lowering the rate from 0.657% to 0.617%. The reduction in the tax rate will depend on the date on which the IBI payments began on the property. In overall numbers, 24,599 homeowners will pay less in 2012 than in 2011 and 12,546 will see an increase in their bill as a result of the progressive implementation of the 2005 valuation. However, this rise will be much lower than the one applied in previous years. In terms of revenue, the Town Hall coffers will receive 1.2 million fewer euros with this reduction. They expect to compensate this loss in revenue with the IBI collected from swimming pools, barbecues and other constructions that had not been paying, as well as from new houses. With these measures they expect to raise 579,000 euros more this year. From Press Release.
u3A given talk about the General Plan
October 27th
Councillor for Urban Development Pere Sapena brifed members of the u3A on the process of revising the Town Plan. When asked at what stage they were at, Sapena recalled that in June 2008, the previous government approved the Consultation Document with eight votes in favour, which was then sent to the Conselleria for drafting of the Reference Document. According to the information offered by the Consultants IDOM, which keeps track of the file in the Consell, the Reference Document is already completed and will be sent to the Town Hall shortly. From Press Release.
Possible Gota Fría this weekend
October 26th pm
The Met office has already issued a yellow alert for heavy rainfall on Friday. Local meterologist Toni Bolufer has warned that all the predictions seem to indicate that from midnight on Friday we could be in a Gota Fria, with a possible 100mm (4 inches) or rain. The landscape we have makes it very difficult to be precise, and as seen on countless occasions, rainfall can vary greatly within a few kilometers because of the retention effect of the mountains. According to Las Provincias, the situation is that a new rain bearing Atlantic front will move down the Iberian peninsula and will arrive, weakened, in Valencia on Thursday. But the problem comes with the cold air behind the front which could get pushed up to high altitude over the Med. This phenomenon is called DANA (High altitude isolated depression) or popularly, a Gota Fria. From XAD: MeteoXàbia.... and AEMET website
Amjasa to apply cost saving measures
Desalination plant to run on off peak electricity
October 26th
AMJASA's costs can be boiled down to the desalination plant, investment and the purchase of water. The new board is working on different plans of action to save in each of these areas and hope for a year-end saving of 140 to 150 thousand euros, nothing that this summer they sold a lot of water.
The municipal company has arranged a new schedule for the functioning of the desalination plant. The plant, run by Accioná, will double the number of reverse osmosis racks used, but will function only at night using off peak electricity, thus creating cheaper water. The schedule will be tested for 15 days to see how effective this is. If viable it will be applied during the winter. Amjasa will rely principally on water from wells which it owns (from Ocaive near Pedreguer) and supplement this with desalinated water (previously the main source was desalinated water, supplemented by well water). There will also be cost saving changes to service contracts and the maintenance brigade (Note: 40% of the water supply is lost before it reaches water meters). A new website is to be developed which will act as a customer portal. From Press Release and XAD. AMJASA quiere...For more details of this and other measures see: Amjasa Cost saving measures
Free municipal parking for residents affected by redevelopment works
October 26th
Residents whose "vado permanente" dropped curb access to home parking has been affected by works in the Olive Tree roundabout area can have free parking in the municipal underground car parks until the works are over. 43 households and 84 cars are affected. From Press Release.
Almeria company wins asphalt contract
24th October
Padelsa Infrastructure a company based in Almeria, has been awarded the contract to asphalt 86 roads financed by the regional Plan Confianza grant. Padelsa submitted a bid of €1.68 million, 15.89% less than the estimated tender value of €2 million and just at the limit of what the Jávea Department of Infrastructure considers as "abnormally low". The works, whose start date is unknown, covers 8 areas of the town and will include complete resurfacing in some places. That the works have been awarded to Padelsa does not mean that this company will necessarily carry them out. The Arenal underground containers contract was awarded by Valencia to Becsa, but was finally executed by the local company Santacreu. This tender was contested by 30 compainies, many of them major players, such as ECISA, Intersa Becsa and Ortiz. For details of the strees to be resurfaced see: Plan Confianza asphalt project
Ensuring cross party support for the Strategic Plan
24th October
Preliminary meetings with all political groups will result in a joint motion at the next plenary Council meeting. This motion will seal a common commitment to a Strategic Plan for the town. According to municipal adviser, Antonio Martinez, such a show of unity has not been possible in other municipalities because of political rivalries. Next month, the five advisory forums: tourism, economic development, education and culture, social welfare, planning and the environment, will start their meetings and put forward their ideas. The proposals will be analyzed to verify their feasibility and will then be included in an initial draft of the stimulus document that will be completed with the findings of a second round of meetings held in January. The Town Hall has commissioned a web page through which everyone will soon be able to interact with the Strategic Plan. There they will be able to both make proposals and keep track of the entire process. From Press Release for full details see: Strategic Plan 2011 - 2
Unpredicted and unstable weather 
24th October
Friday's torrential rain was not foreseen by the Spanish Met Office, whose website continued to show a low risk of rain and amount of rainfall in the region even while the rain was bucketing down. An estimated 100mm fell in Jávea areas such as Ribes and Barranqueres, while Camí Cabanes registered 78mm and the Old Town 37mm. Flash floods killed two Brits at the mercadillo in Finestrat. See: North western Spain is suffering strong winds and heavy rainfall, but the Comunidad Valenciana appears to be on the fringes of this…for now. From Hasta 117l/m2 ....
16,000 Valencian families in foreclosure proceedings
23 October
Up until 2007, people could get 40 year mortgages which in many cases consumed 50% of their income, and in some cases they were loaned more than 100% of the appraised value of the property, rather than the 80% required by law. Activists are pressing for a three year moratorium on mortgage payments to avoid evictions . The "Plataforma Stop Desahucios" - (Stop Evictions group) is also pressinmg for a change in the morgage law, which is based in the 19th Century, and still applied in the 21st. From Las Provincias: La Soga de los desahucios
Culture Department offers a series of jazz concerts featuring women
The first puppet show of the season scheduled for Saturday 22nd October
20 October
Starting this week, Javea’s Department of Culture is offering a series of three jazz concerts featuring women entitled “Women, Music and Love”. Singer Pía Tedesco will open the concert series with her cabaret show on Friday evening (21st October). On Thursday 24th November there will be a performance by Carmen Nikol, an innovative singer who is renowned for using the “vocalese” technique. The series ends on Friday 2nd December with Celia Mur, a flamenco, classical and modern vocalist. All the concerts will be held at the Casa de Cultura in the Plaza del Baix at 8:00pm. The first puppet show of the season will take place on Saturday, 22nd October between 5:00pm and 6:30pm at the Casa de Cultura. Edu Borja’s show, called “Gerontoshow”, features puppets playing the roles of various residents of an old folk’s home. From Press Release.
Town Hall offers training opportunities to Mujeres Emprendedoras
Javea Women in Business and CREAMA organize five courses
19 October
The Jávea Department of Economic Development in conjunction with CREAMA (the ‘Consortium for Economic and Business Recovery Activity in the Marina Alta’), has signed a cooperation agreement with the association Javea Women in Business (Mujeres Emprendedoras de Jávea, or MEJ) to offer five business training courses. The first of these courses, which began this week, is entitled “Business Strategy and Business Plan”. This course was fully booked, as is the second course “Market Analysis and Advertising”, which begins on Wednesday 26th October. The remaining courses are “Product and Pricing Policy” (November 2nd to December 7th), “Legal Forms of Business and Distribution Policy” (November 9th to December 14th) and “Grant Procurement” (November 16th to December 21st). From Press Release. For more details see: Javea Women in Business Courses
Xàbia rewarded with over €67,000 euros for recycling paper
October 20th
The town coffers will receive €67,847 from Ecoembes as payment for the paper, cardboard and other packaging deposited in the recycling bins in the municipality. This amount is in addition to the €55, 511 euros received for the January to April period. From Press Release
Royal British Legion launches Poppy Appeal in Javea
October 18th
Jávea Mayor Jose Chulvi, Councillor for Foreign Residents Relations, Oscar Antón, and Councillor Doris Courcelles met with volunteers from The Royal British Legion, a charity that provides social and emotional support to those who have served or who are currently serving in the British Armed Forces, and their dependants. The non-profit association, which celebrates its 90th anniversary this year, has dozens of branches throughout Spain that between them collect more than 100,000 euros per year. This year’s campaign was launched in Javea, with the collaboration of the painter Ana Saura, who has donated one of her paintings to the cause. (From Press Release)
Valencian Brain Drain
October 16th
Over the last five years, 350,000 residents of the Communidad Valenciana have gone abroad to work, the majority being between 25 and 35 years of age, qualified in the fields of engineering, architecture and IT. Each year, some 200 to 300 medical staff move from Valencia to Germany or the UK, this year the number looks to exceed 400. Contracts in the UK are four times longer than in Spain, enabling the employee to set up home and find employment for a spouse. Also the salary is twice what they would earn in Spain. Skilled people are looking for work in the major European economies and increasingly in Scandinavia and in new markets such as Algeria, Hungary and latin America. From Las Provincias: La Comunitat vuelve a emigrar.
Benitatxell looks at using the Xàbia Day Care Centre
October 16th
Benitatxell is looking at the possibility of enabling its residents to use the Xàbia Day care Centre run by the nuns of Santa María de Betània. The centre has 25 private places, and 25 places supported by social services. There are 12 helpers and clients stay from 8.00am until 8.00pm Mondays to Fridays. Transport to and from home is provided. If some arrangement is made, this would be the second service to be shared between residents of Xàbia and Benitatxell, the first being use of the Benitatxell covered swimming pool. From Las Provincias: Benitatxell....
Fewer trips to Cape Verde Islands
October 16th
It makes no sense to spend €3,600 to check up on and administer an aid project worth €35,000, so the Town Hall has decided to reduce trips to visit Xàbia's Aid project in Cap Verde to one trip a legislature and look into the possibility of having the grant aid works certified and photographed by an engineer. From XAD: Xàbia irá menos....
Agriculture Committee Starts up again
October 16th
Xàbia's Agricultural Committee has got going again after a hiatus of several months and discussed a preview of urgent matters: Firstly, a census of farmers, so that those who were actively farming could be considered for exemption from IBI on their farmland. Unused farming plots should be obliged to be kept clean to avoid the presence of wild boar, rabbits etc which could damage nearby crops. The farmers pressed for completion of the irrigation water recycling system from the sewerage works, they also proposed the programming of a course of organic farming, which could be organised to create a land bank to grow local produce for personal consumption and sale. The Agriculture Committee is chaired by the Councillor for Agriculture: Juan Luis Cardona, and consists of representatives of all political parties and various local and regional farming associations. Henceforth, it will meet every month: From XAD: Los agricultores piden.... and Press Release: Agriculture Committee
Table of Contents
Fireworks displays to be tendered for
Oct 13th
Each year €186,000 euros go up in smoke in Jávea's fiesta fireworks. For example: The Fogueres has four days of waking up fireworks; on San Juan, there is the mascletà (day time symphony of explosions) and the musical fireworks display at night. The Moors and Christians have a fireworks display at the end, and two days of waking up bangers. The Fiesta of Our Lady of Loreto includes two days of being woken up, a mascletà and aquatic fireworks display. In addition to all these shows there are rockets and firecrackers which are let off at other festivals. The maximum contract price for a display without tender is €12,000, but year after year the town has been paying bills far in excess of this amount. The Jávea Department of Finance has therefore decided to tot up all the gunpowder Jávea pays for each year, and based on the number of kilos used, have a public tender among the 30 Valencian companies in this sector, guaranteeing the winner a workload and prompt payment and thereby save a few euros without reducing the quality of the shows. From Las Provincias: Xàbia sacrá....
Table of Contents
Census of municipal businesses
Oct 13th
Jávea's Department of Economic Development, through the Agency for the Promotion of Business Innovation (AFIC), will update the census of over 400 commercial establishments in the municipality next week. According to information provided by the Department headed by Councillor Juan Luis Cardona, the aim of the exercise is to update information about retail establishments in order to maintain more effective communication with them. It will also serve to update the business directory hosted in the Ayuntamiento website, as well as in the local portal of AFIC. To do the job efficiently and reliably, they will visit all the Jávea businesses with the help of a student intern from the Administration Course taught by the vocational training college in IES No.1 in Javea. The intern will visit the establishments during business hours to fill out a short form with information about the business and its owners. The Town Hall asks for the collaboration of the local business community. From Press Release.
Jávea Bike routes brochure to be ready for Tourism Fair
Oct 12th
A new brochure describing ten cycling routes in the Jávea municipality will be prepared ready for the FITUR tourism fair (the biggest in Spain) in Madrid in late January. The brochure is based on routes drawn up by Guiomar Ramírez-Montesinos, (editor of Xàbia al Día on-line magazine) about 5 years ago. Each numbered route will be marked with colour coded signposts and the brochure will include a fold out map. From XAD: Turismo prepara...
Hunting Season begins
Oct 12th
Approximately 79,000 hunters begin the hunting season today for small and large game and waterfowl in the Comunidad Valenciana. The season runs until until December 6, except for hunting partridge and hare, which ends on November 6. According to the Department of Environment, hunting is permitted in the "common areas" in the Region (old unoccupied land) to everyone who has a hunting license. There are 19,000 hunters in Castellón, 40,000 in Valencia and 15,300 in Alicante. from more see: Hunting Rules
Drive a Dune Buggy !
Oct 10th
The town hall’s Department of Sports has organised a dune buggy exhibition of for Sunday 16th October so interested residents and visitors can try out this extreme sports. The initiative is a way to honour Javea driver Rui Cabaço and his co-pilot Juanjo Llidó, who were recently proclaimed champions with Team PGO Racing in the “buggy” class of the Panafrica Rally Raid, a test of navigation for motor vehicles through the desert of Morocco. Those interested have until next Wednesday 12th October to sign up for the experience by giving their name and DNI/NIE at the Palau d’Esports Xàbia in Avenida del Furs in the Port. Registration is FREE but the time restrictions limit the number of participants. The organisers have stressed that those who experience heart problems or difficulties with back or neck pain should not apply. For full details see Dune Buggy Ride
Iberia and Repsol launch Spain's first biofuel flight
Oct 4th
Iberia and Repsol this week made the first flight in Spain powered by biofuel, using a mix that included 25 percent derived from camelina, an oleaginous plant cultivated in the United States and processed in Mexico. The plane's journey between Madrid and Barcelona consumed 2,600 kilos of the biodiesel, and saw a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 1.5 tons compared to regular jet fuel. For full story see El Pais in English Iberia and Repsol.....
Tapas Tasting inthe Old Town 2011
Two stalls in the covered market to be put out for tender.
Oct 6th
The Town Hall is to invite tenders for two vacant stalls in the covered market. Stallholders can sell any of the products approved for sale in the municipal area: food (meat, prepared foods, wines and spirits, delicatessen, dietetics, dried fruits and nuts, cakes and pastries, fresh fish, sausages, pickles, poultry, eggs and game) as well as have businesses such as chemists, perfumery, florist, ice cream parlour and coffee bar. The minimum bid is € 1,855.96 and the highest bidder will win. Successful stall holders will be obliged to pay the usual town hall tax of about €400 per month, depending uopon the size of the stall. From XAD: El Ayuntamiento...
30 bags of rubbish collected from Cala de la Sardinera
Oct 5th
The "Xàbia Viva "Association and volunteers collected 30 bags of rubbish from the secluded "Cala de la Sardinera" (near Cap Prim) on a clean up day organised for last Saturday. Stormy weather prevented the participation of SCUBA divers. Objects included a fibre glass water tank, a cooler, wheels, glass bottles and metal. From Las Provincias: Xàbia Viva..... (Ed's note: It is a pity that such clean ups do not happen every couple of weeks during the tourist season)
Port library delayed until 2012
Town hall refuses extra payments to contractor
October 5th
The new Library and Social Centre in the Port was supposed to have been finished by the beginning of this month, but completion will be delayed until the first quarter of 2012. The contractor, Ecisa, had downed tools and demanded extra payments for the works; a practice well known in Xàbia for other works and different companies. However, the Town Hall stood firm and refused to agree to increased payments. (Note: payment is by the Valencia government. The Town Hall's role is to certify the works). ECISA also asked to be able to use cheaper materials (denied).The tender had been won by Ecisa for €750,000, while the pre-tender estimated cost had been €1.3 million. This project, and the installation of underground rubbish containers in the Arenal are the two "Plan Confiaza" - (regional stimulus grant projects) to have been carried out. Nothing is known of the other two: i.e. the renovation of the Arenal promenade and road asphalting. Ecisa will be penalised for the delayed works, however they are still sitting pretty since they are owed €1.3 million by the Town Hall for revised payments for works in the Old Town. From Las Provincias: Xàbia abrirá..... and XAD: Las obras del centro.....
Spain, key nation if fisheries are to be sustainable
October 5th
If European fisheries are to be put on a sustainable footing, Spain is the key nation. That's partly because it operates by far the bloc's largest fleet, and partly because it traditionally leads the process of political lobbying designed to ensure that authorities prioritise fishermen (at least, the big industrial companies that organise the lobbying) above fish in their hierarchy of friendship. According to an iwatch analysis, Spanish fishing has been subsidised to the tune of 5.8bn euros ($7.8bn, £5bn) since 2000. (Nearly 6 billion in subsidies....
An industry that favours big industrialised fleets with a powerful lobby over small-scale, artisanal operations is inherently less sustainable from an ecological point of view, because fishermen who do not have the capacity to move somewhere else when stocks are depleted are more likely to look after their fishing grounds. It's also much worse socially. Globally, artisanal fishing snares less than half the world's total catch, yet provides 90% of the jobs. So a switch from large-scale industrialised fleets to small-scale localised effort would create employment, as well as increasing the chances of creating a more sustainable industry - which in turn means more profits down the line. For complete article see BBC news: Spain's fishy practices cast shadow on seas
Discounts for Jávea Residents in Benitatxell Swimming Pool
Oct 4th
The Town Hall has negotiated Jávea Residents' use of the Benitatxell covered municipal swimming pool at discounted prices. i.e. €2 per visit (normally €2.70); Monthly ticket €15 (€20) and €70 season ticket (€90). These are the rates enjoyed by Benitatxell residents. To receive the discount rates, Jávea residents must visit the Public Attention Office (Portal del Clot) to get a paper proving they are on the padrón, which they should show at the swimming pool. Jávea has set aside €12,000 to subsidise the tickets. They are also organising swimming classes for 5 to 12 year olds, and therapeutic swimming for people with health or rehabilitation problems.To join these activities enquire at the Jávea Sports Hall or phone 96 579 2000. From Press Release.
Two competitions to promote multiculturalism
Oct 3rd 2011
The Town Hall and Red Cross are organising two competitions to promote multiculturalism . The first is an essay competition in two groups for school kids between 8 and 12 years old, and between 13 and 16. There will be a €150 prize for the winner of each group provided by the Alicante Government. Last year there were 60 participants. The second is a photographic competition for those over 17. Theme: Multiculturalism. Photos (one from each contestant) should be submitted to the Red Cross by Friday October 28th at 2.00pm. Winners will receive giffts from the Old Town ansd see their photos published. Winners announced on November 10th. From Press Release.
Two new sectoral Committees Approved
Another step towards a strategic Plan
Oct 1st 2011
The Town Council has approved amended statutes of the revived Tourism Committee, which will give it more flexibility. It also agreed to create two new committees "Trade and Economic Development" and "Urbanism", whose name includes "Environment", at the request of the Bloc-Centristes. The Urbanism and Environment Committee will be chaired by Councillor, Pere Sapena, and will have a representative from each municipal group. It will also have representatives of residents' associations, merchants, builders, developers, maintenance services, the Local Agenda 21, service firms (hotels, restaurants, leisure) and technical groups (architects, engineers , surveyors).
The statutes allow other invited groups to attend meetings (with voice but no vote) depending on what is being addressed in the session: e.g. agricultural associations, fishing, retirees, housewives, cultural, administrative, Jávea Neighbourhood Forum , Xàbia Viva, Xàbia Idea, etc.
Committee meetings will be public and attendees will have the opportunity to speak at the end. Among the Committee's listed functions are: to stimulate the participation of individuals, groups and entities in the field of urban development; to promote associations and provide support and assistance; to gather information, research and analyse; to debate and disseminate; to develop and propose reports on urban development in Xàbia and, through the Committee's activities, ensure direct citizen participation.
From XAD: El Pleno aprueba....
Gorgos riverbed cleaned and banks get a face-lift
Oct 1st
The Town Hall has cleaned the riverbed near the mouth of the Gorgos in the Port, removing large eucalyptus trees and stands of bamboo-like grasses to prevent this vegetation clogging the water course in the event of heavy flooding. They have also tidied up the area, repairing tiles and installing wooden railings to improve its general appearance, and to transform the riverbed into a space which is attractive for tourists, residents, cyclists and pedestrians. A new a footpath has been created connecting the end of the calle Manuel Bordes Valls (next to the Guardia Civil in the Port) to the Avda Mediterraneo. See red line on map below:
From XAD: Medio Ambiente....