October 9th Awards 2008

26th September 2008
The Town hall has unanimously chosen winners of the 2008 “Premis 9 d’Octubre Vila de Xàbia” Presentations will be made on October 9th (Valencia's National holiday).

The award for “Civic Values” is to be given to the brothers Vicent and Pere Molina Ivars for their contribution in organising the Fogueres de San Joan, “in an altruistic manner, with modesty and anonymity” They have also worked voluntarily to create an audiovisual archive of the fiestas of Jávea.

The “Solidarity" award was given to the Marina Alta Association of Disabled people (Asociación de Personas con Discapacidad de la Marina Alta, (ADIMA)) for its struggle in defense of the rights of disabled people, the normalisation of and improvement in the quality of their lives and that of their families, and at the same time educating people about the special needs of this group.

Dr. Luis Santos will also be awarded the "the 9 October d'Solidarity" in recognition of his dedication as a pediatrician in improving the living conditions of children, not only through his professional role, but also by promoting programmes of collaboration and aid for the Third World.

In Xàbia, the granting of such awards dates back to 1996 when the Town Hall agreed to establish them in an attempt to recognize those individuals or groups whose actions, attitudes and deeds were aimed at improving our society with the defense of civic values and solidarity.
(From Xàbia press release 26th September)

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