//This is an English version of the document approved by the Citizen's forum of Xàbia's Agenda21 on June 3rd 2008. //
For the original version see Comunicado A21 Puerto
Faced with the proposal submitted by Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport entitled "The comprehensive re-organisation of Xàbia Port and its surroundings," the Local Agenda 21 of Xàbia met in extraordinary session to decide the on matter on May 13, 2008.
The meeting's agenda was as follows:
- Proposal "The comprehensive reorganisation of Xàbia Port and its surroundings." A brief showing of the Generalitat's proposal.
- Summary of previous agreements of the A21L forum about the matter.
- Stances of the participants for and against the proposal.
- A21 forum's concluding position regarding the proposal.
As recalled in the meeting, the A21L of Xàbia had already ruled negatively on the previous two projects proposing expansion and restructuring of Xàbia Port.
Following the presentation of this third proposal, earlier agreements of the Local Agenda 21 were commented upon.
These agreements covered both the earlier proposals and aspects tangential to the current one, and are available on the Web at: www.ajxabia.com/descargas.php?apa_id=96&idi=e
To summarise, these agreements were:
- Conservation of the coastal strip.
- Preservation of environmental quality.
- Improving Port access, with the aim of facilitating and reconditioning access to Xàbia. Port area according to different needs-
- Classification of Caleta del Puerto as an area of special protection.
- Projected model of the town: balanced and based on an effort to conserve current environmental and land assets.
- Protection of the marine coastline as a whole, with the objectives of establishing protective measures necessary for the coast and to catalogue these valuable natural areas.
Referring specifically to the earlier proposed expansion of the Port, it was noted that at a plenary session of the Forum relating to the revision of the General Town Plan, it had been remarked that: "On the express wish of the meeting on March 14, 2007, it was noted that the proposed expansion of the port was only raised by one group, and only supported by one participant. "
After this detailed account of the previous agreements of the A21L, the floor was opened for discussion. Most participants spoke against the redevelopment proposed by the Ministry, and this was reflected in the vote of a show of hands.
Annex I: Minutes of the extraordinary session 13/05/2008.
Annex II: Proceedings of the agreements reached within the A21L of Xàbia (ppt 13/05/08)