Over 30s courses 2011


Culture Department Accepting Proposals for Courses Aimed at People Over 30

Javea. Wednesday, 10 August 2011.

The Department of Culture of Javea is now collecting proposals for activities to help design their catalogue of courses and workshops aimed at people over 30 that The Town Hall will offer during the 2011-2012 academic year. The department is looking for professionals willing to teach the classes and subjects that may be of interest to citizens.
The deadline for submitting ideas is Friday September 2. Applications can be submitted at the Casa de Cultura (Plaça de Baix number 6) from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm or by email: gro.aibaxja|arutluc#gro.aibaxja|arutluc. A curriculum should be submitted, with an activity report, a photocopy of the DNI (NIE or Passport), as well as the technical requirements and materials necessary to carry out the classes. You must specify the detailed content of the workshop, the number of class hours required and maximum students. The Department of Culture explains that the selection process will take into account professional experience, academic background, level of interest in the course and time availability.
On September 5 the Town Hall will publish the list of selected proposals on its official website (www.ajxabia.org) and posted on the bulletin board of the Casa de Cultura. However, the Town Hall reserves the right to cancel or modify the schedule if the minimum pre-registration number is not reached.
Last year, 400 residents enrolled in more than twenty workshops ranging from photography to handicrafts, drama, world dances, ethnic cuisines and wines. The Councillor for Culture, Empar Bolufer, said that the courses are being re-launched, “because of the success of last year,” and added that she hoped they would be as popular this time around.

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