The Javea Town Hall to put to tender the maintenance of parks and gardens divided into five lots
The self-employed persons and businesses interested in applying for these contracts must sign up at the Town Hall register
Javea. Monday, 28th May 2012.
The Javea Town Hall has divided the parks and gardens not maintained by the local parks brigade into five lots in order to put their maintenance contracts to tender. Due to the monetary value of the contracts, the Local Council is able to award these contracts through the negotiated bidding process, that is by inviting several companies in the municipality and then choosing the lowest bidder. To this end, the 15-day application period for businesses or self-employed persons interestered in bidding for these contracts is now open. The applications must submitted by Friday, 8th June in the municipal register (in the public service offices in the Portal del Clot, Avda. Amanecer 2). The application must also include a CV listing the relevant experience in parks and gardening maintenance, as well as a written oath affirming no existing circumstances impeding a government contract.
The five contracts that will soon be put to tenders have a one-year duration (with the possiblity of extending to two years all but the two contracts over 45,000 euros) and include: landscaping (interior and exterior) of the new Municipal and old Municipal Cemetery (24,820.55 euros), parque Montaner, parque Reina Doña Sofía, parque Avenida Palmela and parque de la Plaça de Xàtiva (51,896.84 euros), the hackberry and robinias garden on both sides of the Avenida del Puerto, both sides of the Avenue, the roundabout and landscaped areas at the intersection of the Port and Ausias March avenues, the central and side pavements of Avenida Ausias March to the Río Gorgos bridge and hedges of the roundabout, Parque Plaza Montserrat Caballé and the pine forest park in the Port (18,803.20 euros), Avenida Augusta from the Rio Gorgos bridge to the canal de la Fontana, central promenade, gardens and pavements of the calle Milan, the Calle Venecia park, the Mercadona supermarket park on Augusta Avenue, the park on the calle Genoa between the calle Cagliari and calle Vecenza and, woodland and gardens of the streets perpendicular to Avenida Augusta, tree wells and green area of calle Parma (45,127.68 euros), Cansalades forest Park, Pou dels Albanells forest park, Rafalet and Cap Martí forest parks. (30,085.12 euros).