Participatory Budget Ideas 2014
Projects voted for in the 2014 Participatory budget
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2013 Participatory Budget projects
- Central Cinema, 87 points. € 200,000
- Windmill, 44 points. € 20,000
- Rehabilitation of the “Surco”, 35 points. € 30,000
- Replacement and maintenance of playground equipment, 23 points. € 60,000
- Lighting windmills on La Plana, 19 points. € 20,000
- Completing development of the intermediate segments of Augusta Avenue, 19 points. € 60,000
- Consolidation of Granadella Castle, 18 points. € 15,000
- Conversion of the site of the old barracks of the Guardia Civil into an outdoor public area, 13 points. € 15,000
- Repair sidewalks in Avenida del Puerto, 12 points. € 100,000
- Installing an awning for the Mesquides football field 10 points. € 7000
For full report see: Budget 2013 - and Participatory budget
Titles / summaries of ideas for projects for the 2014 Participatory budgets received by this Wiki
For discussion about these topics and more see:!forum/agenda21xabia
- Proposal- Traffic calming - Benitatxell Road Traffic calming measures on the Carreteria Benitatxell - Introducir medidas para frenar el tráfico en la carretera de Benitatxell - Gisela Mountford
- Proposal - Park n Ride - Park n' Ride in the summer months - Servicio "Park and Ride" durante los meses de verano John Price
- Proposal - bus stop in convent square Bus stop in the Plaza del Convento - Parada de autobús en la Placeta del Convento - Val Rampton
- Proposal - Adopt a Roundabout Ensure the Roundabouts are clean and tidy - e.g. arrange for Garden Centres to Adopt a roundabout in return for publicity - Mantenga las rotondas principales de Xàbia limpia y ordenada mediante el arrendamiento de su gestión a centros de jardinería.- "Adoptar una rotonda" - Hilary and Ian Kilpatrick and Chris B-J
- Proposal - Windmill conversion Refurbish one of the La Plana windmills to working condition - Para convertir uno de los molinos de viento en La Plana en un " museo viviente" - Clive Read SHORTLISTED - VOTED 7th
- Proposal - Sub post offices Sub-post offices in the Port and Arenal - Establecer oficinas de correos en el Puerto y el Arenal - Gaby Ferency
- Proposal - Observation Pier in the Port Small pier jutting out from la Grava beach at the port and to the north side of the rocks by the restaurants - Muelle de observación cerca del Puerto - Colin Bagnall
- Proposal - Jellyfish nets: Nets to keep jellyfish away from the beaches - Redes para impedir las medusas lejos de las playas - Joan Easter and Tony Cabban SHORTLISTED - VOTED TIED 4th
- Proposal - Condensed Parking along Montanyar Make Montanyar I free of parked cars (for 50%) to improve coastline vista and environment - Aparcamiento condensada junto Montanyar - Ina van der Laan-Geerdes
- Proposal - Motorcycle parking next to Zebra crossings Make parking spaces just before zebra crossings to be for motorcycles only so as to improve visibility of pedestrians - Haga plazas de aparcamiento justo antes de los pasos de cebra a ser sólo para las motocicletas . Esto mejorará la visibilidad de los peatones - Keith Jones
- Proposal - Literary Festival Collaborative literary festival - Festival literario Alma Dorndorf
- Clean up Jávea Campaign - campaña de limpieza en todo Javea - Hélène Védrenne
- Pedestrian way from old town to Port and Arenal - camino de paseo para peatones del pueblo hasta el puerto y el Arenal - Hélène Védrenne
- Pedestrian way at end of Camí de la Fontana to Muntañar 1 and Calle Florencia - Hélène Védrenne
- Start up a Botanic garden - Initiacion de un jardin Botánico - Hélène Védrenne
- Map of archeological sites of Jávea, Arenal and Muntanyar - foot bridge over end of Canal de la Fontana- protection of Roman remains there. - edicion de un mapa de los sitios archeologicos de Javea, Arenal y Muntañal BEING FOLLOWED UP BY Amics del Museu de Xàbia- puente de punta Parador a la punta del Arena. Declarar zona protegida de alta importancia historica. Hélène Védrenne
- Trees at bus stations - arboles en la estacion de autobuses ..Hélène Védrenne
Second tranche of proposals:
- Proposal - Internet access Provision of Wi-Fi Internet access in all municipal buildings used for public meetings - Provisión de acceso a Internet Wi-Fi en todos los edificios municipales utilizados para las reuniones públicas - Elaine Wareham
- Proposal - Repair, renovate and improve Calle Florencia Repair, renovate and improve Calle Florencia, and the southern end of Avenida Augusta - Reparar, renovar y mejorar Calle Florencia y el extremo sur de la Avenida Augusta - Mike Wardle
- Proposal - Museum signposting Improvement to the signposting of the Soler Blasco Museum in Xabia - Mejora de la señalización del Museo Soler Blasco , Xàbia - Nina Davies
- Proposal - Bicycle stands Provide more bicycle stands in key tourist and shopping areas, ensuring they can accommodate fat mountain bike tyres and children's bikes -
Proporcionar más aparcamientos de bicicletas en los centros turísticos clave y las zonas comerciales, asegurando que puede acomodar los neumáticos gruesos de las bicicletas de montaña y bicicletas para niños . Chris B-Jones
- Proposal - Fishing in the Port Designation of an area in the Port for the disabled and pensioners to carry out recreational fishing - Designación de un espacio en el Puerto donde las personas con discapacidad y los pensionistas pueden hacer pesca deportiva. Len Nobbs Proposal rejected - Not the competence of the Town hall for details see proposal file.