Participatory budget proposals 2014 (This exercise has not been repeated)

Everyone living in Jávea is invited to submit proposals for capital expenditure projects to be funded by the Citizen's participatory budget in 2014.
This is a portion of the town's budget (some €500,000) which has been earmarked for projects proposed by the people. Projects will be evaluated and voted upon at public meetings come the autumn. All proposals must be submitted by September 30th 2013.


1. The projects should identify which social groups will make use of/benefit from the activities and programmes.

2. All projects must be categorised as being new capital investment, or services, or being the repair, maintenance or modification of existing facilities.

3. The proposals must also be technically and legally feasible, and come under the remit of the Town Hall's responsibility (some roads for example are the responsibility of the Alicante Government - but don't worry about this - the infeasible ones will be weeded out!)

Please click on the image of the form below to enlarge it, then print it, complete it, and post it in one of the special boxes installed for that purpose in any of the tourist offices, (Arenal, Old Town and Port), or Citizen's attention office above the Clot underground Car Park, or the Civic Centre in Jávea Park. Printed copies of these forms are also available at those offices.

Note: In sections 1 "Actividades y programas" and 2 "Inversiones y mantenimiento" mark the headings which apply (see guidelines above)

Alternatively, use the headings on this form as a template for an e-mail (copy and paste the text on the right hand side of this page into your e-mail programme) and send your proposal as an e-mail to: moc.aibaxja|anadaduic.noicapicitrap#moc.aibaxja|anadaduic.noicapicitrap
Or, if you prefer mail it to: moc.liamg|2161jbsirhc#moc.liamg|2161jbsirhc (English member of the Participatory budget steering committee)


Use the form on the left or..Copy and Paste the following text into an e-mail, edit it to add your proposal, then send it !

Form for the submission of proposals for the Xàbia Participatory Budget 2014


Nombre y apellidos: (First name and surname):

Correo electrónico: (e-mail address) :

Telf: (telephone number) :

INFORMACIÓN MÍNIMA DE LA PROPUESTA: (Basic information about the proposal)
Denominación, Ubicación, Breve descripción de la propuesta: (Name, location, brief description) :
…your proposal here !………

1.- ACTIVIDADES Y PROGRAMAS - social reach of your proposal
Type "Yes" next to any categories which apply - or delete the ones which don't !

1.-Infancia (infants?)

2.-Mujeres (women?)

3.-Juventud (young people?)

4.-Majores (elderly?)

5.- Inmigrantes (immigrants?)

6.- Parados (unemployed?)

7.-Discapacitados físicos/o psíquicos (disabled?)

8.- Otros: (others?)

2.- INVERSIONES Y MANTENIMIENTO New works - or maintenance and improvements on existing facilities.
Type "Yes" next to the category which applies - or delete the one which doesn't !

1.- Inversión u obra nueva: (New works ?)
2.- De mejora o mantenimiento: (Improvements?)

3.- Número aproximado de beneficiarios: (How people many benefit (approx))

4.- ANEXA DOCUMENTACIÓN? SI / NO / ¿Cuál? (Are you sending supporting documents Y /N / Which ?)
(Send documents as attachments, or paste links here)

FECHA (Date)

Mail to:
Plaça de Baix, 6 96 579 05 00 Ext. 1205
or moc.liamg|2161jbsirhc#moc.liamg|2161jbsirhc (Steering Committee)

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