Petition Press Release

This is an English language version of the Press release made by the Civic platform for the defense of the land and Coast of Xabia, November 2008

Residents of Xàbia/ Jávea Port and members of the Plataforma Cívica en Defensa del Territori i del Litoral de Xàbia (Civic Platform in defense of the land and coastline of Xàbia) have collected more than 4600 signatures supporting separate petitions which have been sent to the Petitions Committee of the European Parliament. These have been sent by the Mayor of Xàbia on the one hand, and by the aforementioned Civic Platform on the other.
The petitions ask the European Parliament to mediate the mechanisms necessary to prevent the environmental and scenic aggression expected through the expansion of Xàbia Port.
Over the next few Sundays (weather permitting) tables will be set up on the promenade in the Port (near the Grava Beach) to collect more signatures in support of these petitions, with the object of sending them to Brussels.
The Petitions reject the expansion of Xàbia Port, which if carried out would have irreversible, devastating and irrecoverable effects, for which no monetary indemnity could compensate. There would be damage to the Grava and Tango beaches. The latter is in the Marine Reserve of the Cabo de San Antonio, listed as a European Union “Site of Community Importance” ( Lugar de Interés Comunitario, LIC) ; an EU protected zone. This and the surrounding areas are part of the Montgó Natural Park. As far as the urban centre of the Port is concerned there would be a deterioration in coastal landscape. In a token attempt towards sustainable development the project will create many parking spaces, but the Port does not have space for more traffic and we will end up with congestion creating a blockade on the road to the Port. This will be a problem without solution because the port access roads border the EU protected Montgó Natural Park. This, and the port together with its traditional houses and promenade are emblematic and essential for the quality of life of those who live in Xàbia/Jávea, and those who visit.
The height of nonsense is the existence of a draft budget of the Generalitat Valenciana for 2009, also for 2010 and 2011, which includes the provision of millions of euros for the renovation and expansion of the Port, which the vast majority of the people of Xàbia do not want. And what about the things the people of Xàbia do want? ….The municipal swimming pool; the auditorium; repairing the Barranquet of Freginal; upgrading the schools in Xàbia and getting rid of pre-fabricated classrooms? … for these things there is not a euro.
The Plataforma Civica asserts that it does not share the statements made to the media by the Chairman of Xàbia fishermen's Association, who said: "It would be very sad that … because the local government has no desire to negotiate an investment of that stature which will be profitable for all…". The word “investment” refers to the Generalitat's budget to enlarge the port. Gentlemen!this investment which the Chairman said "would be profitable for all", would, as everyone knows, be profitable and a good deal for only four sharp operators. The things which are really more profitable for all, are the real needs of Xàbia, which are, among others (and there are many others) those needs referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Also, the Town Hall's records show that votes against the expansion of the Port have occurred in eight plenary meetings. Most of these were carried with unanimous agreement and on other occasions with absolute, overwhelming majorities… and remember, the Town Council democratically represents the people of Xàbia. The people have come together several times with demonstrations of more than 5,000 people against Port Expansion and have filed and collected thousands of signatures and allegations against expansion in a timely manner.

Sr. Chairman of the Fisherman's Association and above all, Sr. Councillor for Infrastructure, for once, respect the decision of the Town of Xàbia, which has so often been expressed democratically.

Stop trying to impose something that has been demonstrated over and over again, to be something that the people do not want.

Signed: Plataforma Cívica en Defensa del Territori i del Litoral de Xàbia
CIF: G-53388294

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