Port Petition

The Civic Platform calls for signatures against the expansion of the port

November 7th 2008
Residents of the Port and members of the Civic Platform in Defense of the Territory and the Coast of Xàbia will set up petition tables over the next few Sundays, from 11.00am until 2.00pm, on the promenade at the Port collect signatures against the expansion of the port.
In its campaign to collect items to support petitions to the European Parliament, 4600 people have already shown their desire to prevent "the aggression on the environment and landscape which the expansion of Xàbia port may incur”
The Civic Platform believes that the macro project proposed by Conselleria is due more to private interests and that of a few people, rather than the needs of most citizens, and believes it is "the height of nonsense" that the provincial government has budgeted millions of euros for a private project that "the vast majority of people do not want", while "what the Xàbia people actually want, the covered municipal swimming pool, the auditorium, repairing the Barranquet of Freginal and upgrading the schools in in Xàbia and removing temporary school rooms. There is not one Euro for the last point."
Also, this group of citizens expresses disagreement with the statements of the president of the Fishermen's Association, Moses Erades , who said that the Conselleria´s investment in the port would be profitable for everyone.
Erades believes that the fishing sector is very weak compared to the power of boating, and that if we do not accept the proposed port, the pressure for moorings will eventually be at the expense of the fishermen.
From Xabia al Dia- La Plataforma Cívica pide firmas contra la ampliación del puerto

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