Claim by PortalMas that it was banned from Xàbia's public buildings. Note: The newsapaper should never have been distributed from municipal buildings in the first place
Feb 6th 2011

Translation of Article (left)
The Distribution of PortalMás in Municipal Buildings is Banned.
Someone seems to be interested in preventing Xàbia residents from reading Portalmás. The distribution of the last issue in the middle of January suffered something other than just a mishap. The people responsible for distributing newspapers in the town were informed that the mayor Eduardo Monfort had expressly ordered the banning of our edition no. 64 from all municipal buildings and offices to prevent it reaching our readers, restricting by these means the freedom of information.
Maybe the politicians do not agree with what is published in our pages, but we restrict ourselves to reporting subjects, which we believe to be of interest to our readers, covering local and regional news. Although we do recognise that in many cases what we publish is not of interest to the governments of some town halls.
Portalmás is therefore temporarily carrying its function in Xàbia only via our website, in order to keep our readers in Xàbia and the rest of the region informed of the values, which led to the creation of our paper and the plurality of its content without any dependence on any party or political ideology. And as is the case with Xàbia without any type of economic cooperation agreement which could provoke censorship of the content. If you are able to read this edition, it is because we are continuing our efforts to keep you informed. Just connect to www.portalmá and you can enjoy all the local and regional news and much more.