Proposal - Park n Ride


Nombre y apellidos: (First name and surname): John Price

Correo electrónico: (e-mail address) : moc.liamtoh|nhoj-yecirp#moc.liamtoh|nhoj-yecirp

Telf: (telephone number) :

INFORMACIÓN MÍNIMA DE LA PROPUESTA: (Basic information about the proposal)
Denominación, Ubicación, Breve descripción de la propuesta: (Name, location, brief description) :

Park and Ride service during the summer months

Due to the intense problems in the months of June, July and August in particular to do with traffic volumes and not enough car parking spaces in town, how about the Town Hall using some of its empty spaces on the outer limits to provide a Park and Ride service, either free or at a nominal Euro 1-2 charge to cover expenses.
There could be drop off points in each of the 3 areas of Xabia.

Port: - By the fish auction building (Lonja) or the car park opposite or the one alongside it
Old Town - The new bus station - Avda Palmela
Arenal - Parking Avda Tamarits

1.- ACTIVIDADES Y PROGRAMAS - social reach of your proposal
Type "Yes" next to any categories which apply - or delete the ones which don't !

1.-Infancia (infants?) Si

2.-Mujeres (women?) Si

3.-Juventud (young people?) Si

4.-Majores (elderly?) Si

5.- Inmigrantes (immigrants?) Si

6.- Parados (unemployed?) Si

7.-Discapacitados físicos/o psíquicos (disabled?) Si

8.- Otros: (others?) - Turistas

2.- INVERSIONES Y MANTENIMIENTO New works - or maintenance and improvements on existing facilities.
Type "Yes" next to the category which applies - or delete the one which doesn't !

1.- Inversión u obra nueva: (New works ?)
2.- De mejora o mantenimiento: (Improvements?)

3.- Número aproximado de beneficiarios: (How people many benefit (approx)) 10,000

4.- ANEXA DOCUMENTACIÓN? SI / NO / ¿Cuál? (Are you sending supporting documents Y /N / Which ?)
(Send documents as attachments, or paste links here)

FECHA (Date)

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