1. José Francisco Chulvi Español
2. Empar Bolufer Castelló
3. Antonio Miragall Espasa
4. Doris Courcelles
5. Cesc Camprubí Martell
6. Francisco Torres Marí
7. Montserrat Villaverde Retamero
8. Arturo Rey Aguado
9. Mª Francisca Mata Sapena
10. George Joseph Thomas
11. Pilar González Pérez
12. Josefa Gisbert Villaplana
13. Rosa Mª Segarra Diego
14. Gema Prats Junquera
15. Joaquin Armell Benavent
16. Javier Bonet García
17. Josefa Guardiola Chorro
18. José Serrat Múñoz
19. Miguel A. Roselló Bisquert
20. Nina Davies
21. María Rosa Miñana Ferrer
Hermien de Dreu
Mª Carmen Contreras Miñana
Jaime Mas Cruañes
Press release
The General assembly of the Xàbia PSOE unanimously approves the list of election candidates submitted by José Chulvi.
The Socialists present a renewed candidature list to achieve “a political change"
José Chulvi was tonight declared by a unanimous vote of the local party members as the PSPV-PSOE candidate for Mayor of Xàbia. The Xábia socialists have chosen as its specific policy to make the change demanded by the local population. "From today we must continue to convey the message that change is possible, that with hard work, humility, seriousness and responsibility, we can give to the citizens of our town the alternative government they are demanding."
The candidature list of the PSPV-PSOE in the town is made up mostly of people who have not participated in the front line of local political life, but who have always been in sympathy with the socialists’ concerns, and their desire to work for the betterment of Xàbia. The first two positions are occupied by José Chulvi and Amparo Bolufer who are the only ones continuing from the previous candidature list. The number three is Antonio Miragall an executive from the tourism industry. In fourth place Doris Courcelles who has abandoned the Bloc party. In fifth place Cesc Camprubí who has a degree in Public Administration and Management and in sixth place Paco Torres an industrial engineer. Two people, who for the first time are presented as candidates, Montse Villaverde, a social worker and Arturo Rey who has long been associated with the restaurant trade, occupy seventh and eighth positions respectively.
Chulvi has opted for the defense of POLITICS in capital letters, and of our people, emphasizing his support for our citizens, and convinced that he is ready for the challenges of governing the town. At the same time, he criticized a Town Hall which is "stuck in the past”, and is very far from providing an administration “which serves the interests of its citizens”.
"It is not the time for making great promises, nor a time for large public works, it is time for the people, who should feel a part of a project sustained by public participation and transparency", proclaimed the socialist candidate after his election to head the list.
In addition to thanking Rafael Bas for his dedication over the past eight years, Chulvi stressed that the PSOE are presenting “a renewed candidacy, with many new faces, which is enthusiastic and ready". This highlights the great deal of work done in recent months through the Forum for Change and establishing a serious and rigorous opposition so that "the people can open their eyes and see us as a real alternative government."
The Assembly of the Xábia PSOE also decided to propose for nomination to Les Corts in Valencia:
Ana Barceló Chico.
Secretary General of the Province of Alicante and Mayoress of Sax.
José Francisco Chulvi Español.
Secretary General of the local Xàbia PSOE and Municipal spokesman.
Mustafa Rosa Avila.
Secretary for Equality of the Provincial Executive and member of Local Executive of Denia.