Download the Questionnaire and answers from FIVE of the political parties from here: Note: this is in Castellano
The questionnaires were delivered in digital format via email by gro.aibaxja|12lacola#gro.aibaxja|12lacola. It was not envisaged that the political representatives will give the answers in person. Rules were: Agenda21 will post the completed questionnaires on their web media, and will inform the participants and the press. All questionnaires submitted within the stipulated time will be posted immediately in alphabetical order. The deadline is April 27 at 22:00. Questionnaires received after the deadline will not be posted.
(Deadline later extended to May 5th, then the PP questionnaire came 11 hours late, but was accepted with the proviso that it would be headed with a note stating that the document had been received late, but the Agenda21 foro had agreed to publish it with the others so that the widest range of political opinions was made known.)
1. What principles and methods of governance or "good governance" will the Town Hall implement? What concrete and realistic measures will you take to improve the perception, legitimacy and representativeness of local politics ?
We shall elaborate a strategic plan to modernize administration procedures and a new model for municipal government to include a management plan for the next years based on participatory budgeting applying a consensus format, to integrate the various cultures and nationalities that reside in the municipality. Citizens will be able to decide directly on a part of the municipal budget, based on private sector management practices, guided by cost/benefit analysis leading to an improvement in the democratic process.
We shall evaluate local administration in its entirety, centralizing in one building administrative processes to improve efficiency, but servicing the public will not necessarily be in the same place. Pubic enquiries and assistance will be possible in the Puerto and the Arenal. Some aspects of local administration do work perfectly well in different places, so could in the Old town or elsewhere.
We advocate Open Government; one that is open to the public as well as to other administrations and involved organizations through use of the Web for administration.
We shall encourage a closer contact between the individual and town hall staff so that individual’s issues can be attended to. We shall streamline procedures so that business permits can evolve in all key urban areas. All queries will be dealt with in a stipulated manner and time frame, irrespective of the matter under consideration
2. What, in your opinion, is the function and purpose of the Local Agenda 21, as an element of local governance? What specific measures are envisaged to strengthen, enhance and achieve that role?
We shall inject fresh impulse to Agenda 21, allocating a totally independent budget from that of the local government team. It will operate independently and will be represented on the PERMANENT CONSULTATIVE COMMISSION.
We shall specify the means to allow continual citizens interaction in the administration decision-making process. For that purpose, A PERMANENT CONSULTATIVE COMMISSION will be created, whose decisions will be binding on the administration, composed of individuals as well as representatives of local associations and collectives.
All its conclusions that affect the administration will be published in easily accessible means of communication to enable their effect and eventual impact to be followed.
3. Do you consider it necessary to develop a Strategic Town Plan? What fundamental aspects should it contain
XD will produce a strategic Plan involving all social and collective groups in Xabia. The Strategic Plan will be based on the development of a future model of the town in which to live, work and enjoy (objective Xabia 2025).
This plan will ensure compatibility with the concepts of quality of life, sustainability and economic and social progress and will respect the environment.
We shall create and integrate efficient means that guarantee citizen participation and transparency. The plan will follow a model of low density, making rational use of the available land.
Means will be established within the strategic plan and the Town Plan (PGOU) whereby the additional values, generated from future development, are shared.
4. Municipal environmental management: Can it be improved ? In which ways? What new bye-laws do you think should be approved during the next term?
Within La Plana there are two shooting ranges that for many are incompatible with the Natural Park. Alternatives need to be found by means of public consensus. Clear signposts are needed to indicate to tourists and visitors those footpaths that lead to points of interest, for example up to the windmills from ‘Ausias March’ as well as to the Cabo Prim from the Arenal
5. What basic principles, in administrative, social, economic and environmental areas, underly the model that your party proposes for Jávea town, and why?
1.A town model based on low density, making optimal and rational use of the land.
2.Establishing mechanisms within the Strategic Plan and the town Plan, whereby development profits are shared.
3.Integrating the key urban centres within the concept of a single town
4. Resolving the issue of public transport.
5, Encouraging the creation, improvement and grouping of commercial centres equipped with parking areas
6. Concentrate busness activity in an industrial estate managed and developed by the Town hall
6. In what way can the General Town Plan (PGOU) promote this model?. What will you do about it?.
All local players, the keys to local development, the local administration and all under the social roof will construct a Strategic Plan simultaneously with the Town Plan(PGOU), key documents to create a town for the future with a time line for the next 15 years (Xabia 2025) , as to how we have shall the streets, homes, public buildings, infrastructure, businesses and jobs, where and how we wish these to be built, where we do not want them and what we wish to maintain and protect.
7.In your opinion, what will be the main economic engines of Jávea over the next 10 years? What will you do to further them?
To achieve a harmonized tourist development for Javea/Xabia that is competitive, sustainable, economic and social, while respecting the environment and construction requirements. Tourism attractions need to be diversified across the year to complement and avoid overcrowding those in existence. To conserve, make known and to value the natural resources in addition to those that sustain or will sustain tourist activities.
8. What concrete, realistic and sustainable measures do you think the Town Council should take to improve the current employment situation in Jávea in the short to medium term?
We will devise an Emergency Plan to create employment, especially for our youth, via a Special Employment Advice Board that combines businesses, educators, town hall staff and politicians. The activities of this Board will be followed up, as well as serving to create the Strategic Plan in the short and medium term to diversify the economic model and to make the public more aware.
We shall push for collaboration between local businesses and the Town Hall, realizing the largest possible Contract between local businesses in the provision of wealth, work and services.
We shall incentivise the creation of businesses and jobs with subsidies and assistance from the Town Hall. At the same time we shall contract with professionals to seek for European subsidies aimed at economic regeneration. We shall work together with local business associations and hospitality to create agreements to generate job opportunities and generate new local business.
In the medium term.. We shall provide incentives for public/private sector initiatives. We shall exploit the AFYC, the local Town Hall function to improve services, advantages and assistance for local businesses. We shall promote the concept of concentrating new local business in an industrial estate developed and managed by the Town Hall, providing incentives and benefits to local businesses that remain in this municipality, so increasing local jobs. We shall create a New Agenda for Economic Development with multiple aspects: training jobs, business evaluation, information and direction, training workshops, to look for agreements with Associations, to set up meetings, special days and fairs, vocational training for youth etc.
In the long Term:….
We shall establish a new business ‘nursery’ to aid new businesses about to start. We shall establish a Hospitality and Tourism centre for training workers and business operators. The Strategic Plan will aim to attract New Technology Businesses offering start up benefits and all types of concessions to assist them
9. Do you consider the urban model which has been pursued thus far to be sustainable? What problems has it entailed? What proposals do you have?
We do not see the solution in a continuation of the excessive allocation of land and the enormous cost of infrastructure maintenance for the Town Hall. For Xabia Democrática, we believe in a town model based on high quality individual housing. We believe that high-density residential areas are not compatible with those aimed at lower quality. We need to foresee other complimentary economic alternatives to building that will assist extending the tourist season. The rational use of land has to be optimized.
We need to go beyond the over exploitation of land resources to seek viable alternatives to that type of building work in line with current and future demand, such as collective homes, hospitality establishments, restaurants and others..
10. As regards agriculture as an economic sector and manager of the landscape. What future do you foresee? What assessment do you make of this sector. What effective and viable proposals are planned?
Until now, agriculture has suffered from ‘mature individual fragmentation’. Some forms of cooperation need to be encouraged between adjoining plots of land to reanimated the sector and make it more viable, and to promote’ bio foods’ and their exploitation.
11. In the current social, economic and environmental situation, what infrastructures, in order of priority, do you consider necessary to generate value to the town?
ESSENTIAL to include the continuation of an independent Agenda 21 within the Permanent Consultation Board ( see reply to Q.2). This Board will have as an objective the integration and inclusion of social, economic, environmental and cultural matters.
To improve communications with and access to Xàbia. The main infrastructure requirement is for a Transport Interchange Centre to ease short and medium distance movements between local municipalities, trains and airports. At the same time it can provide bicycles for hire and the starting point for public transport.
To assist the disabled, by removing impediments to their restricted mobility. Improvements to and decentralization of the Correos Service. Refurbishment and reuse of the Central Cinema. Covered Swimming Pool. Athletics track
12.What specific measures for energy saving and encouraging clean energy do you see at Town Hall and domestic levels.
The continuation and development of the Agenda 21 initiative of last October 2010, handing this to commercial backing for further extension and more efficient application to potential users, whether as individuals or businesses
13. What specific measures will be taken to improve integrated waste management? Reduction, reuse, recycling, elimination of uncontrolled dumping and dealing with the issue of the summer population.
A more effective use of multi-lingual publicity at the Puntos Verdes and on the CEPSA fleet of vehicles
14. What concrete steps will be taken for the integrated management of water?. Taste, control of leaks, reducing consumption, use for agricultural purposes.
The most important is the tertiary treatment of wastewater so that it can be reused for agriculture with the provision to increase this facility as and when extensions to the collection network warrant it. Amjasa and Aguages should publish each quarter the % volume of water loss through their pipe network as a means to indicate the progress they are making to reduce it.
15. What is your position on a proposed expansion of the port? What specific measures would you take to defend your position? What implications does this position have on sustainability?
We do not believe in a proposal to increase to size of the existing Puerto. On the other hand, we believe that the Puerto should be adjusted to cope with specific needs, investing in the maintenance and improvements to current facilities. Any project that affects the Puerto should be promoted by the public and comply withl regulations for the environment and sustainability. We shall produce an integrated plan for remodeling the urban part of the port and its coastal area in consensus with those who live there. A coordinated plan would need to combine public and business interests so that all would benefit.
16.In the current social, economic and multicultural situation, do you consider it necessary to promote interpersonal networks between citizens? How would you promote them?
Promotion of social networks goes hand in hand with free public access to the Internet, whether y WIFI if legally permited, or by means of public terminals in libraries, tourist offices etc..The Town Hall Should provide the resources andsencourage the public to use them, providing the necessary training and controls to ensure avoidance of such risks as may affect children or adolescents
17 Are you willing to establish effective mechanisms of accountability in the planning and implementation of actions that are undertaken, or fail to be undertaken by the municipal administration?
Xàbia Democrática wiill push for a radical move to transparency in the activity of the local government, keeping citizens informed at all times as to how taxes are being spent. At the same time, it will make available all information in the Town Hall of a public nature. From the Administration side, it will promote collaboration with the private sector and its citizens, so that all may benefit from new methods and technologies.
18. What steps will you take to clean up the Town Hall coffers and diversify sources of income? How will you reduce the municipal debt?
We shall ascribe a value to the assets and heritage of the Town Hall to allow the creation of public/private sector businesses that will generate income and contribute to the general well being. We shall work together with business and hospitality associations of Xabia to create agreements fo promote the local economy and job creation. Austerity and control of public expenditure, especially in that spent on private staff and by the politicians themselves.
We shall ensure transparency in requiring and awarding of contracts. The processing of building licenses, events and openings and others will be available to the public by publicizing them through municipal papers and the web.
We shall hold to account qualifications of the professionals and businesses that are responsible for preparing and undertaking public projects. We shall work to obtain subsidies from Community, national and European sources to help finance local projects in Xabia.
19. What proposals do you have for the modernisation and improved efficiency of municipal administration?
We shall push for management of the Administration through efficient and real time electonic systems that comply with current legal requirements, especially those that impinge on security. We shall improve efficiency in administration and the introduction of related specific programmes that permit citizens to follow their progress through the required procedures. We shall establish controls so that the procedures are completed within the designated time frame, holding responsible those that fail to comply.
20. What proposal do you have for sustainable mobility ?
To resolve the issues of public transport, evaluating the current situation and preparing for the future. Public Transport in Xàbia needs to fulfill social requirements and to be viable as a service for all, especially for those that need it most; the elderly and youth. We shall look for solutions to this issue that have already been adopted in other towns. Continuous public transport needs to link the three key urban centres. An independent survey will establish latent demand for public transport within the municipality to assist the search for solutions that conform with local needs.
Establish bicycle lanes by consensus. Initiate the deployment of bicycles for hire Improve connections with trains and airports Transform unused parts of the municipal car parks by encouraging their further use by the issue of subsidized daily tickets for those that make use of public transport.
Awaiting more responses !