Ring Road repairs 2012


Repair of ring roads in Javea to begin next Monday

Works department to begin smoothing the sharp kerbs

Javea. Monday 30th January 2012.

Javea Town Hall's Department of Works has announced that repair work on the ring roads around the Old Town will begin next week. As explained previously, the company responsible for the original renovation work is to replace cobbles which have lifted and waste-paper bins which have gone rusty. The work to be carried out falls under the original warranty and therefore will not involve any expenditure to the municipal coffers.

The repair work, which begins on Monday 6th February, will be split into several phases: the first phase will affect San Joaquin to Ronda Colon (with a detour for cars along Calle De La Fuente) and the lower section of Avenida Principe de Asturias (from the intersection with Buen Aire to the Placeta del Convent, though cars may also detour trhough the Plaza de la Constitución). This work is estimated to take approximately 10 days to complete and the Town Hall wants to apologize in advance for any inconvenience that it may cause.

The second phase is scheduled for the week of 16th to 26th February and will involve the Ronda Sur (from Ronda Colon to Portal del Clot) and Calle Doctur Borrull from the Placeta del Convent to Calle San Vicente. The third phase will be executed from 26th February to 7th March and will affect Ronda Sur (from Portal del Clot to Avenida de Alicante) whilst the last phase, from 7th to 17th March, will affect the Ronda Norte (from Avenida Alicante, Plaza Marina Alta to the first section of Príncipe de Asturias to Calle Buen Aire).

Paco Torres, councillor responsible for Works, added that the repair work will allow the sharp kerbs of these streets to be smoothed down, a measure that has been demanded by neighbourhood and business associations to reduce damage to car tyres as well as serious injury to pedestrians who may fall. These works have been commissioned to a local company at a cost of 0.70 Euros per metre, with an estimated total cost of less than 2,000 Euros.

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