Statement by Mayor Chulvi on his facebook page Jan 14th
Xàbia Town Hall reports that building a hotel on the site of the Cap de Sant Antoni lighthouse clashes with five planning regulations.
The council is preparing urban, environmental and safety reports to substantiate the rejection of this project
Xàbia Town Hall is preparing technical reports to substantiate the objections against a private project to convert the Cap de Sant Antoni lighthouse into a hotel. As stated the urban planning considerations "are key" and sufficient to justify a full rejection of this project which is backed by the Port of Alicante. According to the key points made by the municipal technical department, this project clashes with five regulations: the law on Spatial Planning, Urbanism and Landscape (LOTUP) of Valencia, the General Plan of Xàbia (Plan), the Management Plan of the Montgo Natural Resources (PORN), the Use and Management Plan of Montgo Nature Park (PRUG) and the Ports and Merchant Marine Act itself.
However, our Environment and Services, the Local Police and Amjasa have prepared reports to support the municipal rejection. Yesterday, these findings were presented to the spokespersons of all the local political parties, who supported unanimously the stance by the town. This will be formally discussed at a plenary session to be held next week and will be forwarded to Puerto de Alicante within the deadline for submitting objections.
I have also taken additional steps to demonstrate local opposition to this project. I will meet in Madrid with President of the State Ports’ Authority and have also asked the Montgo Governing Board for a meeting to address the situation and propose the usage of this building as an Interpretation Center for the Cap de Sant Antoni Marine Reserve, a usage which does meet social and public interest justifying the conversion of the building of the lighthouse for alternative purposes.
Among the issues highlighted in the technical reports are that the property is located in a Nature Park and is designated as a non-urban development zone,and is protected under ecological and landscape regulations, which do not permit a hotel development.
Furthermore, the "Casa del Faro" of cap of Sant Antoni is classified as non-developable land within the area of 100 meters measured from the inner edge of the seashore, which prevents the authorisation of new buildings or increasing the size of the existing buildings as proposed in the hotel project (which would create an upper floor of 191 meters).
Another consideration against the plan is that their is no provision for the removal of waste water, especially important in a nature park, next to a marine reserve and adjacent to an area of micro-flora.
With regard to safety, Amjasa reports that the hydrant near the building does not have enough pressure to be effective, and the local police point out the difficulties in evacuating people from this area should a fire occur, such as the one in September.
Environmental Centre
Finally, the Town Hall technicians emphasize that "the exceptional concessions allowing lighthouses to have their disused buildings used for other purposes can only be justified by its social function and the public interest, which is not the case in the proposal submitted to open a 6-room hotel, a restaurant-cafe bar and a function room in what is currently the garage.
Considering that the Montgo Natural Park and Cap de Sant Antoni Marine Reserve have no facilities within the frequently visited park, the Town will propose that the building houses a centre for the Marine part of the Nature Park.
Statement by Mayor Chulvi on his facebook page Jan 23rd
Xàbia Town Council unanimously approves the proposals to prevent the conversion of the Cap de Sant Antoni Lighthouse into a hotel.
The council has issued orders to stop the works at this emblematic building and has referred the case to the Ministry.
Xàbia. Friday, January 23, 2015.
The Town Council yesterday discussed the conversion project to make the Cap de Sant Antoni Lighthouse into a hotel.
The Council agreed unanimously to submit proposals to stop this privatisation project, an objection mainly based on urban planning reports. It was also proposed to the Ministry of Development the transfer or assignment of the building and plot of the Lighthouse for usage as an Interpretation Centre for the Cap Sant Antoni Marine Reserve.
During the plenary session, José Chulvi, explained that he has submitted the entire file to the Ministry of Land, which is responsible for the Montgo Natural Park where the lighthouse is located, so that they are aware of the project and to join with us in the objections.
The Mayor also issued a mayoral resolution demanding the immediate suspension of unlicensed works that are taking place in the building adjacent to the lighthouse, which is the property of the Post and Telegraph Authority. In this order, the developer is required within the time limit of two months, to apply for an appropriate municipal works licence which adheres strictly to the local laws and ordinances; if not, the Town will undertake demolition works at the expense and responsibility of the developer and shall ban indefinitely the proposed project.
In this resolution the offender was instructed to allow the Municipal Technical Services access to the building so that they can assess the work actually carried out so far in the building.