Table of Contents
Nueva Javea proposes an ambitious plan for the Arenal
September 30th
The basis of this plan is a radical increase in pedestrian zones from the current 13,000m2 to 31,000m2 by getting rid of the parking zones between the shops and bars on the Arenal front line. Click here for more in English and a diagram. Click here for information (in Castellano) from Nueva Javea . You can download a detailed PDF diagram from the Nueva Javea site by clicking on the link entitled: "Plano proyecto de futuro Arenal propuesto por NJ"
EU investigates Valencian developments approved without positive water supply assessment
129 development plans in the Comunidad Valenciana are under investigation by the EU for having been approved without having had a positive report from the Hydrographic department, or worse, having had a negative report. Some such projects in the Marina Alta are: Orba (three plans), Pego Golf, Sanet y Negrals, Benitataxell, Benimeli and Benissa Source: El Mundo ..Porxinos, el Plan...
Click here for a big map showing project locations
330 Students enrol for language classes in the Xàbia Official Language School
30th September
The language most in demand is English (235 students enrolled for basic and intermediate levels) The next most popular language was German (73) and French (27)
The Town Hall is promoting Jávea as being a suitable place for the permanent quarters of the Official School of Languages so that students don't have to go to Benidorm for further studies. The Conselleria has already chosen Dénia for this purpose, but it is hoped that the school could be shared between both towns, since both have a similar demographic profile.
(From Press Release)
Jávea confers its October 9th Honours
September 26th
Jávea Town hall has unanimously chosen three winners of the 2008 “Premis 9 d’Octubre Vila de Xàbia” Presentations will be made on October 9th (Valencia's National holiday). The Awards recognize individuals or groups whose actions, attitudes and deeds were aimed at improving our society with the defense of civic values and solidarity.
Click here for details about the winners in English
A rain delay for Tapas tasting treats !
September 26th
The Tapas Tasting marathon originally planned for this weekend has been postponed until 4th and 5th October due to forecast heavy rain.
The programme is as follows: Starts at 12 noon on Saturday 4th with traditional musicians and a band providing music for tapas eaters until 4.00pm. The evening session starts at 6.00pm with jazz, flamenco and dances. Sunday tapas will be from 12noon until 4.00pm
Rateable values to be sorted at last?
September 26th
The catastrophic “Catastrazo” about the catastral (rateable values) which brought down Jávea's last administration in 2005 may now at last be sorted out. The property valuation carried at that time was full of mistakes and hiked rates such an horrendous amount (three times in some cases) that there was a public outcry. The exercise was declared null and void in Madrid, but left a ball of legal tangles, so much so that no-one knew what to charge for the rates . The Mayor and Jose Chulvi have met in Madrid with the new director of property values, who seems to be sympathetic to Jávea/Xàbia's plight. Xàbia has therefore been declared an “exceptional case” which means that a new revaluation of property can be made even though the requisite five years has not yet passed. Good news for property owners is that property values are now more realistic than during the boom of 2005. Xabia press release and Xabia al Día
Caught between a granite block and a cobblestone
Church Square to be paved with Granite to save EU grant
Time is running out and the Works in the Old Town must be completed by the end of the year in order to secure a 3 million Euro EU grant. Paving the Church square using traditional cobblestones needs more time, but the EU has refused extension of the grant period (this would have been the sixth extension). The company currently doing the rest of the Works (Inters) needs a minimum of two and a half months from the signing of any amended contract since the signature is essential for them to guarantee payment for the granite they have bought for the Church square. So the Mayor has decided to revert to the original plan – allow Inters to complete the works with granite paving which will look similar to that in the Plaza de Baix.
(Xabia Press release September 24th and Xàbia a Día ) Click here for some pictures
Arenal still at the mercy of the rains, despite the new drainage works.
September 24th
Construction of pipelines at the Arenal which are supposed to drain rainwater to the sea have not been completed in time to face the first “Gota Fría “ rains of winter. In particular the infrastructure lacks the wiring needed to operate pumps designed to lift water out to the sea. Thus, the rain recorded on Monday night caused the flooding of the Amanecer promenade and the Local Police had to block off one of the traffic lanes.
The rainfall, which ranged from 5 litres/m2 in the Port, to 11 in the Old Town and nearly 20 in the Arenal also caused problems in a campsite, an accumulation of water on the Avenida de la Fontana and electrical problems in the town. In addition, yesterday morning they had to use submersible pumps to transfer water into the sewage network. From: Las Provincias - Lluvia llega...
New Green Recycling Point at La Plana
September 24th
The Environmental department of the Jávea Town Hall has set up a new Green Recycling Point for rubbish recycling in the Plana of San Jerónimo (the residential area of the Montgó natural Park). About 500 residents will benefit from this facility. A measure of of rubbish recycled in Jávea has increased by 3 points over last year. La Plana also benefits with the installation of over 100 post boxes to centralise the distribution of mail. Click here for more in English and a picture. From
La Plana de Xàbia...
Jávea to sell surplus water from its desalination plant
September 23rd
The Valencian Government is to invest 12 million Euros in pipelines to transfer water from Jávea's desalination plant to Teulada and Benissa in years of water shortage. Details of the negotiations are yet to be finalised but there will be no expansion of the existing plant, Amjasa will have to approve the tariffs and the water will be sold to others only if the water supply is assured in Jávea.
Source Las Provincias - Teulada y Benissa recibiran....
Saving the Tortoises
September 24th
A team of veterinary surgeons, whose speciality is marine turtles have carried out revolutionary surgery on two turtles who had problems with flotation. They had been discovered in the sea off the Valencian Community and were disorientated after being struck by the propeller of a private speedboat, and were taken to the specialist installations of the Oceanografic to recover from their ordeal. After their recovery it was discovered that they had problems with their lungs that prevented then from floating, whilst one of them had intestinal problems due to eating plastic garbage it found in the sea. As a result a brief operation was carried out on them both and they are now back in the Oceanografic where they will continue to be under observation, as the marine museum has established a 90% success rate when caring for injured sea turtles
(From Valencia Life)
The 'Bird' is a Building
The bird in question, AVE, is the spanish name for their high speed train network. Over the last weekend, somewhat lost in the welter of financial news, were further announcements about funds being assigned to enable contracts to be awarded to just about complete the track to link up with Alicante from La Encina and its continuation towards Elche, Orihuela and Murcia. On the way to Alicante's El Altet airport, one may notice on either side of the motorway around Alicante the construction of the supports that will take the line into Alicante itself.The concept is due 'eventually' to extend as far as Cartagena. Meanwhile, the target still remains for the line between Madrid and Valencia to open at the end of 2010. It was not so long ago that dates such as this seemed an age away.Time flies. and let's hope this 'Bird' does the same.
While on the transport theme, it is worth noting that the new terminal under construction at El Altet is not due to open until 2011. In the meantime the road link from the motorway to the airport will be converted into a dual carriageway.
Another plea for funding has also come from Valencia, requesting that the N332 should be a dual carriageway through the Community…….
NB:Wiki will try to keep you posted of any delays
Tell us about Jávea's Accident Black Spots
Javea has streets and roads which are dangerous to both pedestrians and vehicles (cycles and motor vehicles), as a result of a lack of safety measures, signs or excessive speeding.
The Forum of A21 wants to contribute to improving this situation by identifying places that people consider unsafe. The list will be passed to the Councillor for Public Safety for review and correction. (Remember that there are roads in the Municipality which are the responsibility of the Diputación de Alicante or the Generalitat and the Town Hall cannot directly do anything about these.)
Do you know somewhere dangerous for pedestrians, bicycles or motor vehicles on the streets or roads in Javea? If so, send the information to Agenda21. Click here for instructions on how to do it in English.
We are plotting some of these Black Spots on a Google Map. Click here to view
Car Boot Sale in aid of Jávea International Festival
September 20th
On Sunday 28th September, the Cultural Association of the International Festival of Xàbia will be organising a Car Boot Sale in the area of Mesquida (near the Carretera del Pla) from 11.00am to 5.00pm. Bar service will be supplied by the Argentina group.Anyone who wishes to set up a stall to get rid of junk from their loft (non-professional stall-holders only !) will have to pay 10 Euros (one Euro if a child). Contact the Association via their web site: or call Dominique on 96-647-1138.
From Las Provincias ...La Asociacion cultural...
Jávea, first in recycling used cooking oil
September 19th
In a pioneering move, Javea is installing 16 containers for the disposal of used cooking oil. The aims are to prevent drains clogging and water pollution and to recycle the oil as biodiesel. The containers will be found in the market area of the Old Town, in the Port (tentatively Avenida Jaime I), in the Arenal (opposite the tourist Office) and at Green Zones throughout the municipality. Please store your used oil in plastic bottles, cap them tightly and put these into the containers. The company involved, is Reciclajes Cuenca S. L. Javea is the first municipality in the Marina Alta to have this service. From: Xabia instala 16 contenedores...
Agenda21 begins its new season with the Councillors of Transport and Heritage
September 18th
After one and a half months of summer recess, the Forum of the A21 Xàbia met yesterday to start a new session. The points of the Local Action Plan relating to transport, Heritage and Public Safety were revised. Councillors Juan Ortolá and Rafa Bas explained the status of their projects which consisted of plans for local bus routes, Low Cost Housing and Road safety. Click here for more details (in English)
Cliff in Jávea Port in danger of Collapse
September 18th
The technical department has inspected the man-made cliff on the Caleta side of the Port and found that it is in danger of erosion and collapse, and therefore unsafe (which is very worrying for people who have houses on top). The cliff is the result of excavations made to build the fishing port facilities and the Yacht Club some 51 years ago. The town hall acknowledges that remedial works need to be done, but no-one is sure who should be responsible: The Valencian Government, The Costas or the Town Hall. There will be another report. Meantime residents are hoping that this Autumn's rains are less spectacular than last year.
From Las Provincias - Xàbia reconoce...
Econews – Natural Parks and Biofuels
Some snippets from El Mundo print Edition
September 17th
The Comunidad Valenciana is second to Andalucia in the number of Natural Parks it has (23 as compared to 24). However it is far behind in the area of land given to Natural Parks. Andalucia's parks cover some 1,502,940 hectares, while those in the Comunidad Valenciana comprise only 182,366 hectares. Regions with more land given to natural parks than Valencia are Castilla la Mancha, Castilla y Leon, Cataluña and Asturias.
The Valencia General Hospital recycles more that two tons of cooking oil for conversion to biofuels per year. This is not only oil recovered from the kitchens, but also oil retrieved from washing up more than 2000 plates per day.
Tourists triple the population of Xàbia this summer
September 16th
Data from water consumption, garbage collection and occupation estimate the number of visitors to have been 58,853 .
Click here for a translation of the Las Provincias article.
Water Audit in Javea
September 13th
The Madrid company, Professional Water and Partners will be conducting an audit of the Javea water company AMJASA over the next three weeks. The cost of the audit will be 56,000 Euros. AMJASA was set up in 1971, but has never been audited before. It employs between 40 and 50 personnel.
The Mayor explained that one of the purposes is to restructure the organizational structure of the company, with the goal of optimizing resources and services.
The third rack of the desalination plant has been in operation during periods of high consumption, but still has unused capacity. Water consumption and rubbish collection figures indicate that there were more people in Xabia this year than last year.Las Provincias - El consistorio encarga....
Port news – Rockfalls and Rubbish
11th September
The cliffs of the Caleta zone of the Port are to be inspected to ensure that they are sufficiently reinforced and that there is no risk of landslide in the event of heavy rains this Autumn. Las Provincias - El consistorio...
Meanwhile residents and tourists who live in the Port have complained about the large amount of rubbish which has accumulated on the Port basin during the summer.
Las Provincias - Denuncian la acumu....
Transition Towns – an interesting concept
Sept 2008
An article in the Guardian highlights “Transition Towns” initiative in which members of communities get together to answer the Big Question: “"for all those aspects of life that this community needs in order to sustain itself and thrive, how do we significantly increase resilience (to mitigate the effects of Peak Oil) and drastically reduce carbon emissions (to mitigate the effects of Climate Change)?" For their English Wiki Click here
and for a version in Spanish take a look here (thanks to Nina Davies for the lead)
Tapas Tasting Treats
10th September
The Association of traders in Javea Old Town is organising another Tapas Tasting marathon on 27th and 28th September. Everyone is invited to bar crawl and each bar and restaurant will serve their speciality tapas ranging in price between 1 and 2 Euros. There will also be desserts, wines and various musical and children's attractions. They hope to exceed the 20,000 tapas they served last year.
Las Provincias - Las II jornada de Tapas...
All aboard for desalination plants!
9th September
It is planned that there will be desalinated water for 1.5 million people in the Comunidad Valenciana. Eight desalination plants are proposed in the Comunidad Valenciana : Torrevieja, Mutxamel-Campello, Denia, Sagunto, Moncofa, Guardamar and Cabanes-Oropesa. All will be operational by 2011
Las Provincias - Agua desilnazada...
Among the desalination projects scattered along the Alicante coast, only that of Xàbia is municipally owned. The Environment Ministry has attempted several times to persuade the Council to hand over ownership order to expand facilities and supply more municipalities in the area. But without success.
Las Provincias
(See Comment below)
Intense Gota Fria Predicted ?
9th September
The Mediterranean has been so warm this summer some meterologists are predicting an intense Gota Fria (Cold Drop – end of summer rains) sometime in October. But no-one knows where the rain will fall or when, or what the trigger might be….and perhaps it won't be so bad after all…
Las Provincias - Un otoño con gota Fria...
Flood Calendar for Charity
Sept 7th
Jávea's Civil Protection is organising an exhibition of photos of last October's floods at the Soler Blasco Museum until 15th September. The best 12 pictures will be selected to make a calendar for next year, the proceeds to go to the NGO, “4x4 Ayuda Directa”. This is a locally formed charity which is involved with supporting development in Africa, particularly in Mauritania.
Source: Las Provincias
Protección Civil...
See comment below
Stinking Storm Drains at the Arenal
September 6th
The source of foul smells in the Arenal over the summer season has now been identified as rotting seaweed in the new storm drains. (The drain opens near Scallops in the Arenal sea front) The smell has been so bad, that restaurant customers have been known to get up and leave. The drain has a minimal slope which favours intrusions and stagnant water. In addition its underwater mouth is open, which allows algae and other flotsam to enter during choppy weather. Despite complaints over the past 6 weeks , the Jávea Councillor for the Environment is unable to do anything and a solution will not be found until the Councillor for Works and the technician responsible return from holiday and talk to the Contractor, Hormigones Martinez. Source Las Provincias Las algas se pudren....
Councils to tighten belts
Sept 5th
Mayors and Councillors of the Comunidad Valenciana say that they will takes steps to reduce spending during the economic crisis to give an example of austerity. Most have put in motion plans to cut salaries, public spending and budgets. The Xabia Town hall is said to be freezing the salaries of councillors and council appointed employees (Las Provincias, Sept 5th)
Alcaldes y concejales....
Free screening for Glaucoma in Jávea next week (beginning Sept 8th)
Sept 5th
The Javea town hall with the Jorge Alió Foundation will be carrying out free eye tests to screen for increased eye pressure and incipient glaucoma. Tests in a mobile clinic will take place in the Old Town on 10th and 11th at the Plaza de la Constitución, while people who are older than 65 should go to the Centro Social. On Friday 12th the clinic will move to the Port (Avenida Jaime I y Casa del Pescador) Las Provincias
Proxima semana...
Summer Tourism rescued by Benidorm and Increase in foreign tourists
September 3rd 2008
Most of the foreigners coming to the tourism capital of the Costa Blanca are from the UK, (88%). Their numbers increased by some 1.2% and there were also more Belgian and Dutch visitors. El Altet Airport saw the number of visitors increase by 7% this summer as compared to last. Source: El Mundo Print Edition September 3rd (perhaps the horrible summer weather in Northern Europe had something to do with it!)
Renewable energy spurred on in Spain
September 1st 2008
General Motors plans to turn the roof of its Figueruelas (Zaragoza) factory into the largest solar plant in the world with production capacity of 10mW. The solar park will cover a surface area of 183,000 square meters on the roof, the equivalent of 42 football fields. The 84,848 solar panels needed are being installed at average rate of 2,000 per day. Source: Environmental
Jávea looks for local builders to re-pave the Church square
September 2nd 2008
Local builders have 7 days to tender for the job of repaving the Jávea Church square using traditional materials. The company currently doing the works admits its workforce in Jávea is not capable of doing this type of paving, nor can it get the materials. They have agreed to subcontract the 1200m of paving to a local company. Several builders are expected to tender (giving price, time scale and paving sample) since with the building crisis they have workmen available. Local builders would also be expected to put maximum effort into this Jávea project and at the same time free the resources of the contractor to complete the rest of the works on time. From Las Provinicias: Xàbia busca contractores....
Climate Change Threatens Spain's Wine Industry
Spain's winemakers are worried about the future of their industry as climate change threatens the quality of their wine. Click here to see video clip from the BBC News website. Click here for links to more on-line Video Clips relating to development in Spain