Spain "not cycling safe"
Sept 30th
"It's a cultural thing." The answer is always the same among professional and amateur cyclists every time a rider is killed on the road. The death of Víctor Cabedo, 23, a cyclist for the Euskaltel team, after he was hit by a car last Wednesday in Castellón province, has again given rise to arguments for better road safety. For full story in English see: El Pais in English
Theory of Spain’s political class
Sept 30th
In 2013, César Molinas will publish ¿Qué hacer con España? (or, What to do with Spain?). This text is an excerpt from one of the chapters, in which he analyzes some of the causes at the root of the country's current problems. For a very interesting analysis, in English - from a Spanish point of view see: El Pais in English...
Ruins of Granadella lookout shelter finally removed

Sept 30th
Picture: Shelter as it was with its roof on
The roof of a lookout shelter on the top of the Granadella cliffs blew off during violent storms some four years ago, and since then its remains have been left strewn about. However, thanks to the voluntary work of members of the "Centro Excursionista Xàbia" and the loan of a van, the place has been tidied up. The Diputación de Alicante was supposed to have repaired the shelter, but seeing this was unlikeley, the Town Hall obtained permission from Alicante to remove the remains of the wooden structure. From XAD:El CEX...
Valencia: the ghost city that’s become a symbol of Spain’s spending woes
Sept 30th
Valencia's extravagant spending over the past few years epitomises all that has gone wrong with Spain. A look at Valencia's "white elephants" from the Daily Telegraph
Activities to celebrate the 9th October revolve around 400th anniversary
Sept 30th
The programming for this year's 9th October celebrations revolve around the commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Xàbia receiving the the title of "Villa". There will be lectures, tours and publications that delve into that paeriod and the consequences of Xàbia becoming an independent town. Of particular note to non Spanish speakers is the traditional "October 9th" concert in San Bartolomé at 10.00pm on Friday October 5th and traditional dancing in the Calle Mayor from 8.30pm on October 9th. from XAD: El 400 anniversario...
Town hall renovates the cross of the Popul Ermita
Sept 30th
The cross of the Popul Ermita has received a facelift - now being placed higher up on a new plinth surrounded by a rockery. The cross was documented as early as 1662, although it has been moved from its original location which was said to be near the Ermita of San Bertomeu, now known as the Popul. The renovation of these historic items could lead to the creation of tourist routes visiting various shrines and crosses of the region. From XAD: El Ayuntamiento...
Opposition to replacing the cross on Montgó summit

Picture: Montgó summit with its cross in 1993
Sept 30th
Once upon a time- not too long ago - the summit of the Montgó was marked with a black wooden cross, set up by Xàbia's Centro Excursionista. It was destroyed by vandals during the 1990's. Recently, the idea of replacing the cross has been quietly mooted, but this has met with pre-emptive opposition from the "Compromis per Xàbia" political party (..the party to which several ex "Bloc" councillors belong). The main argument is that Compromís believes that "the placement of religious symbols belongs to a period which has already been passed and we now live in a multifaith society and culture." They have threatened to complain to the Montgó Natural Park if anyone proceeds with this proposal. From XAD: Compromis...
Spanish hotels to get energy-efficiency revamp
Sept 28th
Spanish hoteliers can now give their buildings an energy-efficient revamp with the help of an online tool calculating their needs, costs and investment returns. The online tool was developed by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation and is co-funded with the help of the European Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI), a body which is responsible for action in the fields of energy, entrepreneurship and innovation on behalf of the European Commission. For story in English see: Euractiv
Orange alert for storms and rain for Friday 28th September
Town hall uses new Pre- Emergency procedures
Sept 27th
The Xàbia Town Hall has issued an Orange pre-emergency alert for storms and heavy rain for Friday September 28th. With this new system, Orange level warning bulletins have been emailed to the entire education system and over 65 recipients e.g. municipal departments, the sports hall, conservatory, health services, law enforcement professionals and volunteers, utilities, communications services and members of the Corporation. Also companies responsible for school transport, campsites, the Club Nautico and other potentially affected establishments have been warned. The town then activates a pre-emergency protocol: monitoring the situation, implementation of security measures and checking barrancos and the Gorgos river, where they have set markers to monitor the rise in water levels. At all times they'll be in contact with 112 and other municipalities in the area. From Press Release and XAD: Xàbia aplicará.... Ed's note: Actual alerts (in Spanish) can be downloaded as PDF files from If there is an alert, a link "Aviso Especial" will be present near the top of the page.
Meeting in English to clarify IBI situation
Sept 26th
Press Release
Xàbia Town Hall is convening a meeting for Xàbia’s citizens to clarify the situation resulting from the cancellation of the catastro property valuations. The meeting will be held in the Casa de Cultura on Tuesday afternoon October 2nd at 18.00. Xàbia Town Council wishes to invite all property owners in the municipality to a special briefing, during which it will be explained to them the situation faced by the municipality after the cancellation of the 2005 catastro property valuations. There will also be an explanation on how to claim a rebate for part of the IBI property taxes for the years 2006-2011, following the decision of the Supreme Court to declare invalid the property valuations of 2005.
Citizens will be informed of the different ways in which they can claim for the overpayment of taxes, and how the Town Hall will assist them in this process. There will be an opportunity to ask questions. The meeting will be held this coming Tuesday, October 2, in the Casa de Cultura. At 18.00 hours the meeting will be held in English for our foreign residents, and repeated in Spanish at 20.00 hours for the general population. At the meeting will be the Mayor, José Chulvi, and Councillor for Finance, Oscar Anton, together with tax specialists from the Town Hall. Through this meeting, the government team will provide as much information on the situation that triggered the cancellation of the catastro property valuations in force since 2005, and its effects for both the municipal finances and for taxpayers. Attendance is open to all and no registration is required.
End Quote
Forms to Claim overpaid IBI from October 8th
Sept 26th
From the 8th of October an application form will be available from the Town Hall website and the Public Attention Office (Avda Amanacer) for all property owners who wish to claim overpaid IBI (2006-2011) from the General Directorate of the Cadastre. Relevant information (in Spanish) can be found on Town Hall website. From Press Release.
First Xàbia Triathlon debuts in October
Workshop on 28th and 29th September
Xàbia's first ever triathlon competition will take place on Saturday 13th October. This has the support of the Valencian Federation and aims to become an established event attracting the participation of major figures in the sport. Starting at the Arenal, participants will swim 750 metres and then cycle 20 kilometres and finally run for five kilometres. One of the main innovations for the test in Jávea will be a first race at 4pm which will be open for all registered participants. This will serve as a qualifying competition for the elite race which will take place at 6.30pm. As a lead up to the event there will be a special workshop on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th September for those who wish to learn more about the sport and its technical aspects, such as nutrition. These workshops will take place from 7.30pm at the Casa Primicias On Friday evening and then Saturday will see a group training session. For full story in English see: Tri courtesy of Javea Amigos.
Paulownia Trees - a profitable alternative to citrus
Sept 23rd
"Paulownia" is the fastest-growing hardwood tree - It can grow up to six metres in 18 months, and after cutting, sprouts between three and six times. It is therefore a good crop in areas where orange fields are being abandoned, having low production costs. They started growing the tree in La Ribera about 5 years ago, and now there are 20 hectares. From Levante... For previous mention of this crop in relation a changes in agriculture see: XAD (in English) : Time for an Agricultural Revolution?
Persimmon seedlings - an export success story
Sept 23rd
The "La Ribera" region of Valencia province is not only a major producer of persimmons (caqui), but also exports more than 600,000 seedlings to other regions of Spain, and overseas. Each year, more regions have taken up growing caqui. Large ares of Andalusia are planted with the "Rojo Brilliante" variety. Granada has recently started, while expansion is occurring in Lleida, Extremadura, Murcia and Zaragoza. Overseas there are plantations in Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, Itlñay and Portugal with pilot plantations in Senegal. Although 10-15% of the La Ribera seedling production stays in the area, the rest goes on sale. From Levante: La Ribera exporta...
Valencia: A Spanish city without medicine
Sept 23rd
A BBC take on the medicine crisis in Valencia (Paul Mason - News night) See: BBC news
Xàbia Mountain Bike Race on Sunday 23rd September
Sept 21st
The 35 km Xàbia mountain bike race, postponed from last Spring will take place on Sunday 23rd September. The route takes in Granadella, and includes feeding and drinking stations. It has a cumulative ascent of 750 metres. Everyone interested in competing for a trophy - or just receiving a commemorative T shirt ,should sign up via Fee: €16. PS a maximum of four hours is allowed to complete the race! From XAD:La II Marcha...
Exchange services through Xàbia's "Time Bank"
Sept 21st
A non- profit association called "Banco de Tiempo Libre" (BLT) has been set up (with the support of the Town Hall) to promote the exchange of services between residents. The Bank of Free Time uses money, but "an hour of your time." Uising special books of tickets participants can benefit from all kinds of services, ranging from hairdressing to care for the elderly, massage, computer science and math classes, collecting children from school, home repairs, cooking and sewing, to name a few that have already been are already offered. The only requirement is to return the service with providing help yourself. The maximum balance in the Time Bank is 10 hours of services enjoyed (and then they must be repaid). Everyone can join the Time bank. Come to enroll in the Association on the First Floor of the Centro Social on Mondays and Thursdays from 10.00am til 2.00pm and on Wednesdays from 4.00pm to 6.00pm. A Blog site about the association is under construction: From XAD: Xàbia estrena...
Ibi Bills to be sent out starting in October
Sept 21st
The Town Hall has finally received the corrected list of property values (based on 1994) and will be sending out bills to householders starting in October. The IBI payment period will be October 1st to 5 December with direct debit payments being made on December 5th. (The first list received from the Madrid authorities a couple of weeks ago contained errors totalling a shortfall of €900,000). People wishing to make claims against overpayment of IBI for 2006 - 2011 should (at their own risk) claim from the Director General of the Land Registry, though if you have to go to court, the Town Hall will offer its facilities in support. There are some 38,000 properties in Jávea which have the right to make these claims. The necessary forms can be downloaded from the municipal website or collected from the Public Attention Office on Avda Amanacer. Claim period ends April 2013. From XAD: Xàbia reclam...
Tapas Tasting weekend in the Old Town
Sept 19th
The 6th Xàbia Tapas Tasting festival will take place in the Plaza de la Constitución (above the main underground car park) on the weekend of 29th and 30th September. There will be tapas from 25 bars and restaurants as well as shade, chairs and tables to seat 1000 people. As before each tapa will cost €1.25. In the meantime shops in the Old Town will be distributing 10,000 scratch cards to clients - 500 of these will win a free tapa. For full list of participating businesses and the things they will be offering see XAD: Vuelve el Tapeo...
Moves to legalise "parany" bird trapping
Sept 19th
The Councillor for the Environment, Isabel Bonig yesterday submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Environment to amend the Hunting Act in the Region so that hunting with 'parany' is referred to 'as a traditional form, including the possibility to be considered as hunting without death, exceptional authorisation." According to the councillor, the environment ministry pledged to "evaluate the proposal" and respond "as soon as possible." From Las Provincias: Piden tipificar... Ed's note: this type of indiscriminate bird trapping is currently illegal and has strong oppostion both locally El Parany , and internationally. (Paranys in Valencia
Table of Contents
ADAHMA helps children with ADHD in Xàbia
Sept 19th
The Marina Alta Association for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADAHMA) was formed by parents of children with this disorder. For a year now its technical specialists has been working in coordination with educators in the Xàbia Department of Social Services to treat cases of children with ADHD. If a teacher feels that a student has attention problems in class, they can be referred to this municipal department, and treated in Xàbia with no need to move elsewhere for care. Parents have been able to learn more about ADHD and about other parents in the same situation. From XAD: ADAHMA ayuda...
Coastal Cleanup
The Xàbia Viva Association is organising a day to appreciate and clean up the sea floor on Sunday 23 September, in partnership with Kayak Costablanca and Restaurante Sur.
The day will be divided into two parts. First experts will hepl explain the natural and historic value of the Granadella cove. Then there will be a kayak trip to enjoy places such as Ancots, Morro del Pi, Santa Úrsula, El Caló, El Pedris, Sol de Barranc, La Cova del Llop Marí and la cala de la Granadella, collecting any rubbish which can be gound. If interested in participating contact moc.liamg|avivaibax#moc.liamg|avivaibax. From XAD: Xàbia Viva propone....
The Country Beckons Spaniards as Jobs in Cities Grow Scarce
Sept 13th
There is a movement within Spain that has swelled to such proportions that some sociologists have dubbed it “rurbanismo,” a term invented to describe the reverse migration from city to country that has stemmed a generations-old trend that has long been the usual pattern in most advanced industrial economies.
The movement has steadily built, but it has been accelerated by Spain’s economic crisis, breathing new life and entrepreneurship into some nearly abandoned areas. “Rurbanismo started before the crisis, once the Internet took off and made it possible to work anywhere, but what the crisis is doing is making the model more attractive,”
For full article see: New York Times
Suspected arsonist starts Montgó fires
Sept 12th
On Monday night there were two attempts to light fires on the Montgo.The first was reported shortly after 11pm at Cape de San Antoni, close to the recreational area on La Plana. Civil defense volunteer firefighters quickly extinguished the flames. This fire originated in the woods next to the road leading to the lookout and lighthouse. Soon after, another fire started along the road to Jesus Pobre. According to the radio the alleged arsonist apparently drove a white SUV and a neighbour gave the alarm. The flames were put out after 30 mins. The occurrence of two fires within 8km of each other, beside the road, clearly indicates arson. From Diarioinformatico....
Young Entrepreneur opens Youth Hostel in Old Town
Sept 11th
Young Jávea entrepreneur, Eduardo Diego, just graduated as an architect, has decided to convert the house of his grandfather into a youth hostel. Eduardo has traveled extensively in Europe taking advantage of the youth hostel Interail. When he returned and began to think about his future he saw that opportunities were scarce, unless he you took the initiative himself. So with the help of his grandfather who has an old house in the Avenida Principe de Asturias, he decided to start his own company, using their skills and knowledge to create the Jávea Youth Hostel. His idea also offers holiday packages including diverse cultural, educational, sports, festivals etc.
There will be several rooms with bunks for 4 and 8 people, plus communal bathrooms, two living rooms and a kitchen for guest use. Although the philosophy of these urban hostels is that people share a room with possible strangers, this is precisely and make new friends. It is also be possible for a family to rent a room. Prices are low-cost, 15 € per person in low season and € 20 in high season. The hostel will open over the next few months. From XAD:Un joven....
New, juicy "Blood Oranges" on the way
Sept 11th
A British research laboratory has developed a GM seedling citrus fruit bringing together the best of "Valencia late" and varieties of blood orange. The experiment, which has already generated some plantlets, now continues in the laboratories of the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones (IVIA). The goal: to achieve a juicy orange which is rich in anthocyanins, antioxidant substances which are considered useful in preventing strokes, diabetes and obesity. The problem with existing blood oranges is that they need cold to produce the red colour, it is hoped that the new variety can be stimulated to produce the pigment when grown in the warm orange growing areas of Valencia. From Levante..
Spain: Tomato production 20% larger than expected
Sept 11th
The Councillor of Agriculture, Rural Development, Environment and Energy, José Antonio Echávarri, highlighted the good prospects for tomato production in Extremadura, as it may well surpass the contracted volumes by 20 to 30%. This statement was made after his visit to the premises of Cooperative Pronat, in Don Benito, Badajoz, where they employ 250 workers during the campaign and are mainly dedicated to the processing of fresh tomatoes into various types of concentrate. The beginning of the harvest has been delayed by ten days due to weather conditions, but the production will surpass by 1.23 million tonnes the volumes that had been contracted. From Fresh Plaza
€50,000 up in smoke
Sept 10th
Xàbia Town Hall spent no less that €50,213 on fireworks for the three major local celebrations this year.(Fogueres Sant Joan, the Moors and Christians and Loreto). Saturday night's "castillo pirotéchico" on the harbour wall cost a whopping € 38,415. Of which €6,667 was 21% VAT. from Diario Informatico...
Xàbia formally calls on regional government to rehabilitate crumbling schools
Sept 10th
Xàbia's Mayor and Councillor for education have formally asked the Department of Education to address the plight faced by two state schools in the municipality resulting from the continued delay in rehabilitation. They refered particularly to the state of the Vicente Tena and Graüll school , which have been waiting for repairs since 2000. Vicente Tena is guyed at the top corners to secure it, and has one of its offices (the director's office, just below a toilet module) braced with iron. Other schools in the district which were built around the same time, e.g. Pego, Benissa and Gata de Gorgos, have already been fully rehabilitated. from XAD: El Ayuntamiento....
Festival of the Sea in Xàbia Port
Sept 6th
The Xàbia Port business association is organising Xàbia's first Sea Festival. This will take place over three days from Friday 14 to Sunday 16 September, and will be full of leisure activities, sea sports, dining and shopping related to the sea - boats, nautical equipment and second hand equipment. The centre point of the activities will be Avenida Jaume I, although there will be goings on elsewhere such as the Grava beach, the promenade, and Club Nautico. Amiong the activities will be a regatta for radio controlled model boats, tastings, music , and a canoe tournament. For more see: Facebook.
Festival of short films at the Arnauda Riurau
Sept 6th
A festival of short films will be held in the riurau in the Montaner park (just above the Thursday Market place) on Thursday 13th and Friday 14th September featuring both professional works as well as work by final year students at the Madrid school of Cinema and Audiovisual arts (ECAM). There will be two sessions each night between 9.00pm and 11.00pm with a break for refreshment at a bar which will be provided. There will also be entertainment from a theatre group. From XAD: El riurau..
All is not gloom for some in the crisis
Sept 5th
The crisis has not made a dent in all career paths. Some professionals continue to be in great demand and their salaries could be described as more than reasonable. They all have the kind of training that is considered the bare minimum these days - a university degree, languages (English is a given, anything beyond that is a plus), knowledge of basic information technology ranging from Microsoft Office programs to the internet and online social networks, an international background gained through work abroad, and versatility. Availability for domestic and international travel is looked upon favorably, either for specific projects lasting anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, or for a stay of several years. For Full story (in English) see: El Pais in English
South Europe cities 'face 50 days above 35 degrees'
Sept 5th
The European Environment Agency (EEA) on Tuesday unveiled an interactive map indicating the heatwave risk for European cities six decades from now on the basis of likely global warming trends. Southern Spain, parts of southern France, Italy, Greece, Serbia and western Turkey are most exposed. These regions are likely to notch up more than 50 days in the year when day temperatures will be greater than 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit) and nighttime temperatures will not dip below 20 C (68 F). For full story and link to interactive map at: Phys. Org news
How we can eat our landscapes
Sept 5th
What should a community do with its unused land? Plant food, of course. With energy and humor, Pam Warhurst tells at the TEDSalon the story of how she and a growing team of volunteers came together to turn plots of unused land into communal vegetable gardens, and to change the narrative of food in their community. Pam Warhurst cofounded Incredible Edible, an initiative in Todmorden, England dedicated to growing food locally by planting on unused land throughout the community . For the 20 minute talk see: How we can eat our landscapes
Fees up for using Municipal Sports facilities
Sept 5th
The Town Council has approved an increase in fees for sports services which are not offered by clubs. This is to optimise the use of the Sports Hall in the Port and turn it into a viable service. Users of municipal sports services in schools will pay 70 € a year (up from 30) (23.34 € per quarter, ie, 7.33 € per month). A price which remains economical, despite a 113.5% increase. The price includes sports equipment and is still subsidised. Courts, tracks and rooms will be rented as a whole, rather than per person, making them more economical for groups. The result of this decision is that the Palau d'Esports will be more available to host sports clubs requiring specific units for exercise, such as rhythmic gymnastics, which until now used the facilities of the IES. The "third age" keep fit sessions keep their 50% subsidy. The increases also include the VAT hike from 8% to 21% From XAD: Deportes ajusta....
Summer Tourism 2012 similar to last year
Sept 5th
Figures released by the Xàbia Tourism department are similar to last year, though visitors are spending less. There appear to have been more French and fewer Brit visitors, with 50% of August tourists being from Spain. For details see: Summer Tourism figures 2012
Third Swimming race across the Bay
Sept 3rd
The Xàbia Club Nautico and Town Hall is organising the third "III Travesía de Natación de Xàbia" (swimming race across the bay) on Sunday September 16. Participants can choose to swim either 4.500m or 400m. The longer swim will start from Cala Blanca at 8:30 am and end at the Grava beach in the Port. The 400m race will start and end at La Grava. There will be support vessels and swimmers will be within the line of buoys. Entries and contest rules are available on
From XAD: III travesia...
Town Hall invites bids for supply of library furniture
Sept 3rd
The Xàbia Town Hall has invited bids of the provision of furniture for the newly built library and social center in the Port (next to the Health Centre). Closing date Friday 7 September. The open tender is must not exceed € 154,742, and takes into account the creditworthiness of the company, AENOR quality certification and a delivery time not to exceed 45 days. The contract is for all furniture fitting out the building as a library and social center, and therefore includes tables, chairs, desks and shelves without any edges that can cause damage to users. The conditions of the tender are available from the City Council website
Granadella voted the best beach in Spain
Sept 3rd
According to an on-line poll conducted by the Media company Antena 3 , Granadella was the favorite among web-surfers with 40,361 votes. Second was la Carnota of A Coruña with 37,166 votes, followed by Tarifa-Bologna (Cadiz) with 20,908 votes. The Antena 3 TV crew were spotted down on the beach at the beginning of September, probably to make a news clip. From XAD: La Granadella ....