Notes on Socio Cultural Workshop - November 28th 2005
Sociocultural round table act 11 Heritage IV
1. Present: Toni Espinós (Vice), Jorge Serrano (President), Isabel Martí, George Thomas, Maggie Morgan, Josep Castelló, Ximo Bolufer, Pepa Guardiola, Loli Garci'a, Reme Berenguer and Guiomar Ramirez-Montesinos (Secretary).
2. A summary of the conclusions reached by the several round table groups to date was discussed, with the aim of presenting them at the next meeting of table coordinators on the 19th December. Toni Espinós proposed an improvement to the general conclusions, to be presented in the next few days.
3. The aim of the Cultural Heritage is to create an administrative body to serve as a bridge between the citizens and the Town Council. This would allow more freedom when organizing events, by reducing bureaucratic processes and simplifying the communication channels. Pepa Guardiola said she had studied some possible bodies (Patronage/Trust, Foundation and Consell), and undertook to bring documentation on these for the next meeting of the table, to improve the proposal.
4. A specific administrative body for each general area is proposed, namely, Sport and Youth, Social and Cultural - Education.
5. It is proposed that the Conservatory is integrated in the new Patronage (or Foundation) of Culture. The present patronage of Music and Dance is an integral part of the previous one.
6. Where cultural buildings are concerned, the planned construction of the Conservatory was mentioned, and it was proposed that the table should study a plan of works to make sure that they are adapted to the needs of the users. Toni Espinós was asked to provide a plan of the Conservatory, with the purpose of considering this subject at the next meeting.
7. Landscape Heritage. It was proposed to initiate the classification of Historical Landscapes (Saladar, the C18 Rebaldi terraces, Cansalades, Granadella), which would allow their protection. The intention is to conserve wherever possible.
8. Josep Castelló proposed an addition to the previous meeting on the Heritage of archives, in which he would specify the requirements for a municipal historical archive (local, civil employee, etc.) and its characteristics.
9. The next meeting of the round table will be Monday 30th January at 20:15 (to allow time for those coming from work) in the Casa de Cultura, and it will consider the previously mentioned subjects (Conservatory and administrative responsibilities).
10. The next meetings of the groups are:
a. Social: 18th January *, "Economically underprivileged" (very appropriate for the dates)
b. Cultura: to be specified *
c. Education*
d. Sports: 13th December, "Women in Sport"*
20:30h * All in the Casa de Cultura