February 20th 2009
From Activa Alicante Via Abusos No.
The DGT has purchased some 800 mobile radar Picasso patrol cars. These are models Citroen C3, C4 and C5. So take a look when you see a car with a deformed left back door : It houses a radar.
The Civil Guard radar is amending its schedule and will fine drivers who travel over 133 km / h. on motorways. To date the radar kicks in at 141 km / h.
DGT has sent a new table of fines to all groups of the Guardia Civil. This directs those responsible for radars to adjust their measurements.
Driving at a speed between 133 and 152 km / h on a motorway does not involve deduction of points from your license, but is considered a serious offence and is punishable by fines ranging between 100 and 120 euros, depending on the type of vehicle. The highest amount is planned for those who exceed the weight of 3500 pounds or carry more than nine passengers.
Points will be lost when speeding on motorways above 153 km / h. and on urban roads where the limit is 50 km / h, points shall be deducted from 71 km / h.
You stand to lose 6 points if you speed over 199 km/h on a motorway, or 91 km / h. on roads limited to 50 km / h
It should be remembered that for vehicles over 3,500 kg. or carrying more than 9 passengers, the fine is higher for the same offences.
You can download a copy of the full law (in Castellano) here
In The following table of speed limits and their corresponding penalties (fines and deduction of points), the figures in green correspond to these vehicles.