Strategic plan 2011

From Press Release

Javea. Monday 13 February 2012.

Town Hall website publishes findings from first phase of Strategic Plan consultations

The Municipal Council continues to welcome public participation

The Town Hall of Javea has concluded the first phase of the drafting of the Strategic Plan. Mayor José Chulvi explained that the conclusions of the five forums held last November and December under the direction of consultant Antonio Martinez are now available for public viewing. The documents that have been drafted reflect the views of residents on various aspects of the municipality: culture, land use and environment, social welfare, tourism and innovation, economy and trade. They outline the first proposals for the improvement of the town of Javea and those interested can consult them online at the municipal website by clicking here:

Chulvi stressed that the plan is something dynamic and alive and is therefore open to new suggestions which can still be submitted via the municipal website. As he reminded everyone, the Town Hall has given its utmost priority to the participation of the public in the drafting of the Strategic Plan, which, together with the work of the advisory councils and the Agenda 21 forum, looks to the citizens to “decide the future of their town”.

In addition, the Mayor informed that they are keeping to schedule for this priority project, which has the support of the political groups on the council. The Mayor further informed that the second round of meetings, aimed at defining the Revitalization Plan, would take place in March and would be ready by June. This plan will only include economically and socially viable ideas.

Chulvi has taken the opportunity to thank the public response to the sectoral forums and the willingness to work together shown by all the departments and political groups. Deputy Mayor Oscar Anton added that these guidelines that will shape the future of Javea have been developed by people with experience in all sectors who, despite having different opinions, have become involved in a common project for the benefit of the whole municipality

From Press Release

Saturday 17th September 2011

Town Hall wants to have a plan for social and economic revitalisation by June 2012

First meeting on Strategic Plan on 30th September

The mayor of Jávea, José Chulvi, and councillor Oscár Ánton, have outlined the first actions to enable to Plan Estratégico, the strategic plan that will collate actions and directives to be followed by the municipality so that it can achieve its economic and social objectives.

Chulvi announced that the first open meeting will take place on Friday 30th September at 8pm at the Casa de Cultura at which the economict Antonio Martínez (director of strategic planning at Elche) will give a lecture entitled “Xàbia y su futuro. Las oportunidades de futuro sostenible”. (“Jàvea and its future. The opportunities for a sustainable future.”)

The mayor also revealed that the first thing that will be prepared is a plan of economic and social revitalisation that should be completed by June 2012. This will take into account all previous work done in this area, such as that regarding Tourism and Urban Development. They will conside examples of other municipalities, and there will be five sectoral forums of innovation which will focus of tourism, economic stimulus, education and culture, social well-being and planning & the environment.

The Executive Board emphasised that the involvement of the citizens of Jávea is paramount, such as those who belong to associations, those involved in the Agenda 21, and everyone who has ideas. “We realise that now is the time to participate and to make proposals,” said the mayor. In addition, the Executive is to prepare a motion to request the support of all the political parties of Jávea, since the strategic planning policy would be something that would be incorporated “in every election programme and we hope that it will be a meeting point for all the Corporation,” said the mayor.

Both Chulvi and Ánton, who will share the responsibilities for the project, have decided to give it full priority. They have clarified that, although the Plan Estratégico will be a document of planning and sequencing, this would not mean that the government team would not do anything while it is being drafted. In fact, in addition to incorporating into the plan actions which have already been made or are underway, they will implement those that are achievable. In addition, agreed strategies also will be incorporated into the General Town Plan.

In addition to this announcement, the Executive Board held its weekly meeting and authorised 12 licences for minor works, two building permits and an order requiring a landlord to clean up their plot or face expenses after the Ayuntamiento had cleaned the plot themselves.

Source: Press Release - and Xàbia al Dia El Ayuntamiento pone ...

Note: Antonio Martinez addressed Jávea back in 2008.
For a detailed report on his talk, (and preview of the 2011 talk maybe!) see: The challenge for the future of Xàbia
For information on Joint motion and November programme see: Strategic Plan 2011 - 2

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